Are You Driving with Bad Wheel Bearings? - Fox Run Auto Inc. - can i drive with bad wheel bearings
This searches for proximity to CTA and Metra stations; in Chicago it also looks for proximity to select bus route corridors.
Surrounding Places is designed to work for Properties and Places in Illinois and coverage outside of Illinois is very limited.
Chicago Cityscape makes neighborhood, property, and construction development data accessible to all. We serve non-profit organizations, construction service providers, zoning attorneys, brokers & property professionals, cannabis entrepreneurs, and all residents of Chicago and Cook County. Learn what solutions are best for you.
To filter by acreage, multiple the number of acres you want by 43,560 and enter the result. For example, enter "87,120" to mean 2 acres. Square feet are used because most lots in Chicago are 3,125 s.f. making that number a good reference point for searches.
Show a map of all the Places that overlap 62204, including ZIP codes, Census tracts, train stations, legislative districts, and TIF districts (this may take a moment since 62204 has a large area).
Incentives Checker determines if any of 40 financial and development incentives might apply to every Property Report and Place Report in Illinois.
In case it's important, my car is a 2008 auto Suzuki Swift. A couple of days ago I spun out in the rain on a roundabout (my tyres are bad, I wasn't speeding or being reckless) and I went up a gutter backwards. My cousins BF who is a mechanic said it sounds like the rear driver side wheel bearing is damaged. The car makes a not nice sounding growl from that sides tyre that's the worst from like 40km-70km but turns into more of a vibration than a sound at 80+ Unfortunately I can't afford a replacement anytime soon as I only just replaced my engine which was, internally, in horrible condition when I bought the car and seized completely after replacing the rocker cover gasket. (it has literally been nothing but a nightmare, I bought it for 6k AUD and have put in more than 5 in repairs) How long could I get away with driving it if it's at all safe to do so? I generally only drive to work which is less than 10km away but I need to travel around 50km tommorow but I really don't know if it's safe to do so. My cousins BF seems to think it should be alright but he is merely going off a description of the issue over the phone. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) areas (2021)Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) pilot area (expired)Amtrak (state-supported line)Business organizationCTA lineCTA rail stationCTA rail station (isochrone)Census BlockCensus Block (2010)Census Block GroupCensus TractCensus Tract (2010)Chicago ADU pilot areaChicago Cannabis DistrictChicago ERSB DistrictChicago ERSB SubdistrictChicago LandmarkChicago Landmark DistrictChicago Planned Development (PD)Chicago Police BeatChicago Police DistrictChicago Primary BoulevardChicago TOD Bus Corridor (2019)Chicago TOD Bus Corridor (2022)Chicago WardChicago Ward (2011 map)Chicago Ward (historical)Chicago Zoning Overlay DistrictChicago home equity assurance districtsChicago neighborhoodChicago public schoolChicago school attendance boundaryChicago township neighborhoodClosed CPS school buildingCommunity AreaCommunity plansCongressional DistrictCongressional District (2012)Cook County Board of Review (2011)Cook County Board of Review (2021)Cook County Commissioner DistrictCook County Commissioner District (pre-2022)Cook County Judicial Subcircuits (2024)Cook County Judicial Subcircuits (current)Council DistrictCustom PlaceDesignated Pedestrian Street (Chicago)Downtown NOB submarketDuPage County BoardElection PrecinctElection Precinct (pre-2022)Enterprise ZoneEvanston Historic DistrictExpanded Mental Health Services DistrictFormer Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) developmentsINVEST South/WestINVEST South/West priority corridorIllinois Adult Use Cannabis RegionIllinois Appellate Court (2011)Illinois Appellate Court (2021)Illinois EMS RegionIllinois Medical Cannabis DistrictIllinois State House Rep.Illinois State House Rep. (2011)Illinois State Police districtIllinois State SenateIllinois State Senate (2011)Illinois community college districtIllinois port districtIncentive areaIndiana Transit Development DistrictIndustrial CorridorIndustrial Growth ZoneIntermodal yardLow Affordability CommunityMWRD WatershedMcCormick Place-Navy Pier taxing districtMetra lineMetra rail stationMetra rail station (isochrone)Micro Market Recovery Program (MMRP)Micro Market Recovery Program (MMRP) (inactive, pre-2017)Municipal AnnexMunicipalityNational Park Service SiteNational Register of Historic PlacesNeighborhood organizationPersonal PlacePlanned Manufacturing District (PMD)Planned Manufacturing District (PMD) - SubareaPlanning Region (Chicago)Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA)RiverRiver Edge Redevelopment Zone (RERZ)SBIF Target CorridorSouth Shore Line rail stationSouth Shore Line routeSpecial Service Area (SSA)Special Service Area (SSA) (Evanston)Special Service Area (SSA) (past boundary)TIF DistrictTownshipTransit TIFZIP Code
62204 spans 3 municipalities (first 10 shown in order of most to least overlap; at least five percent is inside the Place): > Washington Park, IL (44.5%), East St. Louis, IL (36.4%), Caseyville, IL (8.9%)
Knowledge Base: Learn about the different ways to use Incentives Checker, in Property Report, Place Report, and Property Finder.
reveal additional filters - Options inside include showing hidden parcels, building age, proximity to nearby amenities, and overlapping Place Reports
Not all business types are shown by default! Click on the layer chooser and turn on "Growing facilities" to show cultivation centers and craft growers.
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To speed loading, Property Finder, by default, selects all properties that overlap this Place. Check the box below to select only properties that are majority within this Place (takes longer).