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A rear wheel bearing replacement is a rare service, but an important one. The cost depends on the type of car you have. Get a guaranteed quote today!
Bearing Balls are the components in ball bearings that enable optimum performance while minimizing rotational friction.
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Do you get the oil up to temp (say 200 degF) before loading the engine at WOT? Not sure on those engines specifically, but with the dry-sumped race engines I work on, 5-10 psi at idle with 220 deg oil is typical. Needs to be 30psi at 4000 RPM though.
in short I'd be very surprised if this was your fault, particularly given the RB engine's propensity for lubrication problems. Did the engine have a restrictor in the oil feed to the head or an external drain back from the head? Without these, sustained high rpm operation can literally pump all the oil into the head.
Not sure if this is the correct place or tuning section but, I have had two rb26 motors on my dyno which were built somewhere else and have been driven to the dyno that both spun main bearings. My conundrum is if its my fault or just my luck. One happened last year and one this passed week. Not sure what could be causing it. Is there a reason why main bearing go? The last motor ran fine with no knocks but the low pressure at idle after 3 pulls made me worried so we took it off the dyno. Oem calls for 22psi at idle and I saw 12 psi so I got concerned, took the filter apart and its covered in copper shavings, yet motor didn't knock and cold start was at 74 psi. Taking the motor apart now. But I want to avoid it again. I just would like to know what can cause a main bearing failure. Thanks
I’ve got a Mazda Protege5. I had the wheel bearings replaced right of the box shortly after I bought the car new in 2004. They went bad again in July 2011 and now they seem to be going bad again. That same familiar sound. Seems strange to me. I’m not hearing anyone else talk about regularly having their wheel bearings go bad.
Back when I was a kid in the 50’s, a car lasted about 100k miles, and it was not unusual to have to replace at least the front wheel bearings once in the life of the car.
Large size tapered roller bearings (ULTAGE metric series, OD≧φ270mm) deliver ... Studied conditions. Bearing size30316Uφ80×φ170×42.5. Load102kN.
Engine bearing failureAnalysis Guide
Back in the day, with RWD cars, the front bearings were open tapered roller type, you could remove them, clean them and re-pack them. This was part of a front brake job…Kept clean and lubricated, they would last the life of the car…Todays cars use sealed straight rollers that perhaps have a little more trouble absorbing side loads than the old tapered roller design…And they can’t be cleaned and re-packed…As with ANY bearing, once the seal fails, the bearing is not far behind…
The roads aren’t too bad. I live in the city of Chicago. Some roads are a little rough though overall they’re fine. I don’t know about the warranty on the wheel bearings. I’ll check with the mechanic. My guess is they don’t have a long warranty given that the mechanic I used did the bearings twice.
The first thing I would be checking is the crank straightness as RB's are pretty bad for bent cranks, that will take out mains pretty quick.
The previous shops tune wasn't bad at WOT but its OFF idle throttle and cold drivability sucked. Plus they tuned the High Z injectors with OEM resistor box still attached.
Enginemainbearing failuresymptoms
Infortunately my mechanic isn’t too comfortable talking about his procedures, i.e. being questioned. In the past, he’s said that this just happens wtih some cars and then he hands me the bill. About $175 labor + $50-60 per axle.
Bearing failureAnalysis CHART
In my opinion a bearing issue is seldom tuning related. A spun bearing is either the result of insufficient crush on the bearing shells (unlikely), or a severely damaged bearing that has resulted in so much of the bearing being worn away and so much heat being generated that the shells spin in the housing. Neither of these are easy to generate via the tune. It is possible to damage a big end bearing through too much timing which creates knock, however in my experience this will almost always show up on the piston crown before you see it in the bearing shell.
Today’s cars use double row “tapered ball bearings”, which are just ball bearings in tapered casings. They do it to reduce rolling resistance. Here’s an example.
Engine bearingwear chart
I actually misspoke in my initial post. The dealer replaced the bearings right out of the box. These lasted from 2004-2009. The same mechanic replaced the bearings in 8/09, 7/11, and now they’re going bad again. I hear the same familiar sound.
I’ve had a couple of wheel bearings go bad over the years. Yet, given the number of cars I’ve had and all the miles driven bad wheel bearings is a rare event. Your experience is either a bad design or someone is using cheap parts.
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Engine bearingreplacement cost
-----You don;t say how many miles you have on the car, but wheel bearings going bad within two years of driving suggests either an installation problem or poor bearings. Without seeing how they were installed (did the guy on the press force them in by using the inner race?) it’s impossible to guess.
I don't have a oil temp gauge in the car, but the car had a tune in it, I had to erase it as it was locked. I did two pulls on old tune and shut her down. had an appointment took her off the dyno. Put her back on, erased the tune, started from scratch, did all the steady state and then started to do wot wastegate pulls, so I would say the oil was up to temp.
5 types of failed crankshaft bearings
I just recently replaced my front bearings. I was downright miffed when I discovered that they were using ball bearings for reduced rolling resistance. Darned CAFE requirements.
Probably too much bearing clearance, but it could have been an improperly cleaned block (or crank) that clogged an oil gallery feeding the bearing, or a bad line bore, bent crank.
Engine bearing failuresound
2017426 — What are the symptoms of a one way bearing failure? I have noticed in high range , as I rev just above idle (1500 ish rpm) , I get a whistling ...
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Bearing failure IMO, is dependent more on vehicle use with th influence of poor design. I wonder how well the bearings are sealed ? Check with the dealer on recalls.
Nissan calls for 22psi at idle and when I saw 10-12psi I knew something was off. The engine was rebuilt a year ago but some other shop. The customer came to us to do flex fuel and retune a hesitation.
I had to replace a left front wheel bearing on a 2004 PT Cruiser at only 40,000 miles. By browsing PT forums I found out that in high salt areas they were discharging static or other elecrtricty to ground through the left front tire and it was causing arcing inside the bearing.
Connecting rodbearing failurecauses
In the most recent one, have you actually confirmed it is a failed main as your comment "taking the motor apart now" makes it sound like like it is not confirmed yet?
Multiply 5 and 100 to get 500. x\times 12000=500. Divide both sides by 12000. x=\frac{500}{12000}. Reduce the fraction \frac{500}{12000} to lowest terms by ...
Sep 8, 2020 — UPDATE: It was the old tires making the noise. I have a hum that starts at about 42 mph, so I figured it to be a bad wheel bearing.
In the interest of full disclosure, I did have about 180,000+ miles on the originals. I guess I can’t complain too loudly.
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Aug 30, 2023 — SCP-6386-A is believed to be a powerful reality bender and/or thaumaturgist. Some data suggests that SCP-6386-A may be a non-physical and/or ...
I had to replace a left front wheel bearing on a 2006 Chevrolet Uplander at about 65,000 miles and a left front wheel bearing on a 2003 Toyota 4Runner at 72,000 miles. In all my previous vehicles, I never had to replace a wheel bearing. I do remember repacking the front wheel bearings on my rear wheel drive cars that were made back in the 1940s through the 1970s. The rear axle wheel bearings were lubricated by the 90 weight oil in the differential and rear axle. My only explanation for having to replace the wheel bearings in my more modern cars is that sometimes parts just wear out prematurely.
SF35DEC RHP 35mm 4 Bolt Flanged Bearing (Eccentric Locking Collar Insert) (RHP SF 4 Bolt Flanged ) at BearingBoys - �38.75 exc VAT. A: 31.4mm, B: 51.18mm, ...
Your experience is unusual. Something about that car is not right. Do the bearings look like they have been unusually hot, such that the grease was destroyed?
About 85K. not sure about the installation process, that is did he force them using the inner race. I’m pretty sure it’s the front . Since it’s happen quite often with this car, I’ve gotten accustomed to the presence / location of the sound.
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You don;t say how many miles you have on the car, but wheel bearings going bad within two years of driving suggests either an installation problem or poor bearings. Without seeing how they were installed (did the guy on the press force them in by using the inner race?) it’s impossible to guess.
The mechanic has shown me the bearings. It looks like the grease is almost gone and you can see rust starting to develop. Does this mean they’re running too hot? Or could there be an issue with sealing?
These days, when you hear about someone replacing any wheel bearing, the car probably has 200k or better on it. I replaced all four wheel bearings on my '91 Volvo by the time it hit 250k miles.
Of the 8 cars I’ve owned over the years, I’ve only had to replace 3 front wheel bearings. If driven on smooth roads, bearings can last the life of the car. It’s something yoiu just don’t worry about anymore. Owner’s manuals seldom mention bearing service anymore.