I probably would not be using WLG for a motor bearing, for that I’d make sure Id make sure I’m using a grease that has motor bearings listed among its applications. The Moly 274 grease I like does mention electric motors in its technical data sheet, as do many even generic greases, but I might even still look for something especially targeted towards motor bearing applications.

Toyotaalternator bearing replacement

I packed in white lithium grease into a large motor bearing (58mm), they’re SKF and didnt have much grease in them. I filled it 90% full, its pretty hard to move, and has no free spin at all. Not like it free spun before i put the grease in, but i can feel the resistance from the grease. The stock crap bearing has decent free spin

Alternator bearingnoise

Don’t want to buy a new alternator?Consider installing a remanufactured alternator with a warranty. It’s a reliable and cost-effective alternative if you’re tight on budget.

If it fails, it can disrupt the car’s electric system, leading to electrical power shortages that compromise driving safety. A faulty bearing can also damage the alternator, serpentine belt, and other components run by it, resulting in costly repairs.

This small yet crucial component supports the alternator’s rotor shaft and allows the rotor to spin with minimal resistance.

As for overpacking itself, I’m sure excess grease will work its way out pretty quickly so I don’t think that will do any harm for the bearing, but excess grease being flung around your motor is probably not good. Will attract dust and junk for sure.

Alternator bearingPuller

Alternator bearing replacementcost

Most industrial facilities have bearings that rotate faster than normal processing equipment. When it comes to lubricating these pieces of equipment, not all lubricants behave the same way. …

Note: If the alternator housing and electrical systems are severely damaged, the mechanic will usually suggest replacing the bad alternator. That’s because the labor cost for replacing a bad bearing is roughly the same as, or close to, the costs of replacing the entire alternator for certain car makes.


Our certified mobile mechanics come to your home or office to complete your repair. We make the process easy from start to finish by offering upfront pricing, online booking, after-hours support, and a full warranty.

But the few times I’ve tried to service motor bearings ( not in Esk8, just in general ) they seemed a lot more picky about it, and about everything else.

Alternator bearings typically last between 100,000 and 150,000 kilometers, depending on your driving habits and environmental conditions. However, their lifespan can shorten due to:

I used the same grease in my motors, but with a dab or two of red’s speed grease mixed in to it. That way it had the same thick consistency as the grease I removed (thick) but had less rolling resistance than just the WL grease alone.

Wondering if you should replace the bearing or the entire alternator?Consult reliable professionals like AutoNation Mobile Service for expert advice. We’re a mobile auto repair solution offering online booking and a 12-month, 12,000-mile warranty on car repair services. Contact us for top-notch automotive services done right from your driveway.

Boschalternator bearing replacement

I originally packed it full but ended up removing some/ it came out on its own while testing the bearing. It has been several months since replacing the grease in all of my motor bearings and I haven’t had any issues with them.

The cost of alternator bearing replacement varies based on the car model and labor rates at your local repair shops. Some additional factors include:
