Wrench flatschart

Anyone else getting reallll sick of struggling with the thousand different proprietary methods of doing something as simple as removing an endcap? At the very least, include the damn tool I need.

I don’t care about your aesthetics and marketing, I just want to use the damn thing. We already have a good system for this shit. Put wrench flats on it.


Wrench flatssize chart

A community of hobbyists interested in NFA items, history, and news. We seek to expand general understanding of the laws collectively referred to as the National Firearms Act and their implications for gun owners and citizens of today. Silencer, SBR, SBS, DD, AOW, and MG posts are all welcome here. Content suggesting non-compliance or discouraging NFA ownership will not be tolerated.

For instance, I love my CGS silencers, but I’m sooo damn sick of having to risk scraping the shit out of them as I wrestle off an impossible-to-grab endcap, or struggle with a weird muzzle device, or even just remove a silencer that has a bit too much carbon buildup.