Ball Bearing | National Museum of American History - what is ball bearing
In 2022, the top exporters of Ball Bearings were China ($7.18B), Germany ($5.05B), Japan ($4.49B), United States ($2.44B), and France ($1.6B).
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This visualization shows the countries that have an important ratio of their trade related to Ball Bearings. It is possible to select the main countries that export or import Ball Bearings in the world, or by continent, as well as select the measure of interest.
In 2022, the world most traded Ball Bearings, disaggragated by their HS6 level were Bearings, ball ($15.1B), Bearings, tapered roller, including assemblies ($5.3B), Bearing parts, nes ($5.1B), Bearings, cylindrical roller, nes ($3.3B), and Bearings, spherical roller ($2.21B)
In 2022, the countries that had a largest trade value in imports than in exports of Ball Bearings were United States ($1.23B), Mexico ($1.06B), Brazil ($799M), Belgium ($504M), and Russia ($494M).
Exports In 2022 the top exporters of Ball Bearings were China ($7.18B), Germany ($5.05B), Japan ($4.49B), United States ($2.44B), and France ($1.6B).
In 2022, the countries that had a largest trade value in exports than in imports of Ball Bearings were China ($3.84B), Japan ($3.72B), Romania ($748M), Germany ($524M), and Slovakia ($415M).
This map shows which countries export or import more of Ball Bearings. Each country is colored based on the difference in exports and imports of Ball Bearings during 2022.
Ball Bearings are a part of Machinery, mechanical appliances, & parts. They include Bearings, ball, Bearings, tapered roller, including assemblies, Bearing parts, nes, Bearings, cylindrical roller, nes, Bearings, spherical roller, Bearings, ball or roller, nes, including combinations, Balls, needles and rollers for bearings, and Bearings, needle roller.
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In 2022, the top importers of Ball Bearings were Germany ($4.52B), United States ($3.67B), China ($3.34B), France ($1.49B), and Italy ($1.44B).
608Bearingdimensions in inches
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In 2022, market concentration measured using Shannon Entropy, was 4.24. This means that most of the exports of Ball Bearings are explained by 18 countries.
The Complexity-Relatedness diagram compares the risk and the strategic value of a product's potential export opportunities. Relatedness is predictive of the probability that a country increases its exports in a product. Complexity, is associated with higher levels of income, economic growth potential, lower income inequality, and lower emissions.
608ZZ Bearingprice
The following visualization shows the relatedness of Ball Bearings to countries. Higher relatedness values indicate greater knowledge, which predicts a greater probability of exporting that product in the future.
608ZZ Bearingnear me
Ball Bearings’s highest export potential is India. With an export gap of $59.8M. Ball Bearings’s highest import potential is China with an import gap of $75.3M.
Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Ball Bearings. In 2022, Ball Bearings were the world's 126th most traded product, with a total trade of $35.5B. Between 2021 and 2022 the exports of Ball Bearings grew by 0.021%, from $35.5B to $35.5B. Trade in Ball Bearings represent 0.15% of total world trade.
Imports In 2022 the top importers of Ball Bearings were Germany ($4.52B), United States ($3.67B), China ($3.34B), France ($1.49B), and Italy ($1.44B).
* Trade values are converted to USD using each month's exchange rate. For December 2023 data, the exchange rate from December 30, 2023 is used.
Description Ball or roller bearings are used in the production of other goods. They can be made from a variety of materials, including steel, bronze, and plastic.
Between 2021 and 2022, the exports of Ball Bearings grew the fastest in China ($372M), United States ($292M), India ($152M), Malaysia ($130M), and Kazakhstan ($65.7M).
Between 2021 and 2022, the fastest growing importers of Ball Bearings were United States ($180M), Turkey ($156M), Brazil ($82.4M), Canada ($79.4M), and Indonesia ($68.5M).