Ball Bearings: Types, Applications, Design and Benefits - define ball bearing
The metal case and spring material used in the oil seal should be selected based on the substance to be sealed.Table 6 shows how to select the metal case and spring materials.
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If these criteria are met, damage of the machine can be reduced, the time needed to replace the oil seals when performing repairs can be shortened, and the machine can be used for a longer period of time.
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If you have any technical questions regarding oil seals, or opinions/thoughts on these "Bearing Trivia" pages, please feel free to contact us using the following form:
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When the total eccentricity is excessive, the sealing edge of the seal lip cannot accommodate shaft motions and leakage may occur.Total eccentricity is the sum of shaft runout and the housing-bore eccentricity.Total eccentricity, shaft runout and housing-bore eccentricity are generally expressed in TIR (Total Indicator Reading).
For details on shaft and housing design, please see the following:Examples of allowable total eccentricity for oil seals
Oil seal performance is affected by not only the type and material of the selected oil seal, but also a variety of other factors, such as operating conditions, total eccentricity, rotational speed, the substance to be sealed, and lubrication conditions.Figure 9 shows items relating to oil seal characteristics.
When selecting the oil seal that is right for your machine, it is important that the oil seal be appropriate for the requirements of the usage environment and that it be easily acquired for replacement.In this month's column, "How to select the right oil seal," we conveyed the following points:1) Oil seal shape and material should be selected based on the housing, substance to be sealed, pressure, rotational speed, total eccentricity, and air-side conditions.2) Oil seals can show good sealing performance in combination with properly designed shafts and housings.3) Oil seal performance is affected by not only the type and material of the selected oil seal, but also a variety of other factors, such as operating conditions, total eccentricity, rotational speed, the substance to be sealed, and lubrication conditions. For this reason, diligent care is required in oil seal selection.
Oil seals come in a wide range of types, and they also have various sizes.When selecting the right oil seal for your machine from among these many varied types of oil seals, the following two criteria are very important.
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Notes*1 ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials*2 For more details on fluid compatibility, please see the following:
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The rubber material used in the oil seal should be selected based on the operational temperature and substance to be sealed.Table 5 lists the major rubber materials along with their operational temperature ranges.Note that it is necessary to check the compatibility with fluids.<N.B.>Extreme pressure additives are compounds added to the lubricant. They are activated by heat and chemically react against rubber, which deteriorates rubber properties. For this reason, it is necessary to check for compatibility with rubber materials.
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Oil seals come in various shapes to fit the machines and substances to be sealed.For this reason, when designing a machine, it is important to select the oil seal that is right for that machine.
That's where this column comes in. We will explain the key points for selecting the oil seal that is right for your machine.
<Seal selection example>Based on the above flowcharts, the oil seal type that meets the requirements shown in Table 3 would be the type code MHSA or HMSA shown in Table 4.
The allowable total eccentricity is the maximum total eccentricity at which the sealing edge can accommodate shaft rotation and retain adequate sealing performance. The oil seal's allowable total eccentricity is affected by the design of the oil seal, the accuracy of the shaft, and the operating conditions.
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Valve Stem Oil Seals · 16 Metal Body Viton Valve Seals for 03-08 5.7L HEMI and 6.1L HEMI · 1 Black Viton Valve Seal for .425" Guide Size, 5/16" Valve Stem.
In order for the sealing property of the oil seal you selected to really shine, attention needs to be paid to how it is handled.In the event of seal failure, it is necessary to take effective countermeasures.
However, when you actually select the oil seal to use, the most important factors are past success history and points of improvement, so it is not necessary to follow this order to the letter.
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