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Slewing rings are slow turning rotating rings that contain bearings. Due to their flexibility and high load capacity, slewing ring bearings can be used in various areas and integrated into machines and devices for greater reliability and efficiency. Slewing rings are often found in applications which include:

Here at RS, we have a great range of linear motion products such as linear guides and linear slides including slewing rings. Our range offers flanged ungeared or flanged slewing rings with internal or external gearing.

Rolling bearing technology like these slewing rings feature an inner and outer ring of which one of them would usually have a gear enabling power transmission. The design and construction of the inter and outer rings lets the bearings achieve high rigidity, great accuracy and smooth rotation making them suitable for various applications where high rotational speed is required.

Slewing rings are rotational rolling-element bearings that typically support heavy but slow-turning or slowly-oscillating loads in combination (axial, radial and moment loads), often a horizontal platform such as a conventional crane, a swing yarder, or the wind-facing platform of a horizontal-axis (yaw) windmill.