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How hard is it to change timing beltreddit
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Timing beltreplacement cost
Can I replacetiming beltmyself
This article was co-authored by Jay Safford. Jay Safford is an Automotive Consultant and Project Manager. He is Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), NAFA Fleet Management Association, Ford, and L1 Certified. He has over 15 years of automotive repair experience and has served as an Automotive Instructor at the Lincoln Technical Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 86% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 670,079 times.
Timing beltwarning signs
Generally timing belt problems present themselves with no warning. There is no squeak that lets you know it is time. If your car ran fine and then the motor stopped suddenly with a clunk and won't restart, it is likely your timing belt. The timing on the engine must be set exactly, or the valves and the pistons may collide, resulting in very expensive engine repairs. If your timing belt is broken, then make sure valve damage was not done before proceeding with the belt replacement. The service manual for your vehicle will let you know if your timing belt will or will not damage the valves.
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Before you change a timing belt, go to an auto parts store and ask a clerk there what parts you need. Buy the belt, gaskets, and gasket adhesive that they suggest. Then, unplug the battery and remove anything that is blocking the timing cable. Next, use a wrench to line up the timing mark with the 0° mark and remove the bolts holding the timing cover in place. Refer to the user manual to see how to get the timing belt off and replace it. Scroll down for tips from our Mechanic reviewer on how inspect the timing mechanism for damage. Did this summary help you?YesNo