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Angleddiv shape CSS
We also used CSS clip-path on blocks with background images. Unlike the hero image above, the height of this block is variable across breakpoints. In order to maintain the correct angle (not too steep) across viewports, pixel values had to be used for any x coordinates.
Slanted background CSS CodePen
To implement another angled edge on the top of the element, it’s as easy as adding another pseudo element with :before, changing its point of rotation to the top right corner, and rotating it 1.5 degrees.
And there you have it! Easy generated content angled edges with a simple but powerful SASS mixin. If you found this helpful or have another technique for skewing edges, let me know in the comments below.
This technique has great browser support, and because of the background: inherit declaration, it works very well with inline background colors (think admin assigned colors).
Angledbackground CSS
Elements with angled horizontal edges can create a unique visual flow while progressing through a page. Though not commonly seen on the web, we decided to use the treatment on the new website for The National Trust for Historic Preservation. We applied angled edges to several elements in different ways: some were applied to the bottom edge of a large full width images, while others were applied to the top and/or bottom edge of blocks with solid color backgrounds.
For more flexibility, we created a clever SASS mixin that allowed us to add angled edges to the top or bottom or both edges of a block, as well as reversing the rotation points.
The second option is to use skewed generated content. This technique works great on blocks with solid color backgrounds.
Nobody likes popups, so we waited until now to recommend our newsletter, featuring thoughts, opinions, and tools for building a better digital world. Read the current issue.
CSS transforms are commonly used to achieve angled edges by skewing a parent element and then unskewing a child element, but this technique is limited to parallel edges. What if you need to apply the effect in different ways – only to one edge, to both top and bottom edges but with reversed angles, or to an image element? Fortunately, there are a few other options.
CSS slanted bottom border
This adds a pseudo element at the bottom of the block, changes its point of rotation to the bottom right corner, and rotates it -1.5 degrees, simulating the effect of an angled edge.
E a s i l y a d d a n g l e d e d g e s t o e l e m e n t s w i t h C S S M a s k s a n d T r a n s f o r m s .
The only downside to CSS based clip-paths is browser support. As of this writing, they’re only supported in Webkit. Firefox supports them, but only when using url.