6302rs bearingcross reference

6302RS Sealed Ball Bearing, the 6302RS inner diameter is 15mm, 6302RS outer diameter is 42mm and the 6302RS width is 13mm,6302RS Bearing is made of Chrome Steel, 6302RS bearing has 2 Rubber Seals to protect the bearing from dust or any possible contamination, 6302RS bearing is pre-lubricated with grease.

Jeannie has worked for over 20 years on issues of the environment, environmental justice, indigenous and immigrants’ rights, labor, peace, and social justice.  From 1996-2001, she worked for the Farmworker Association of Florida as the Lake Apopka Project Coordinator, addressing the issues of job loss, displacement, and health problems of the farmworkers who worked on the farmlands on Lake Apopka prior to the closing of the farms in 1998. From 2007 until the present, she has been the coordinator of the pesticide health and safety program of the organization, which includes annually training over 500 farmworkers in Florida on their rights and protections in the workplace and how to protect themselves and their families from pesticide exposure. She is also engaged in local, state, national, and international coalitions and collaborations related to farmworker rights and health and safety, pesticide reduction, sustainable agriculture, and food sovereignty.

She is currently co-coordinator of the Lake Apopka Farmworker Memorial Quilt Project whose purpose is to raise awareness about the impacts of pesticides on the former farmworkers on Lake Apopka.