Bearings - bearing scooter wheel
Made from quality mica by a leading US manufacturer. All washers are .015 thick and comes in bags of a 3/4" stack. Mica tubes are made of layered mica and can either be machined or unwrapped to fit. I can provide mica tubes in any custom length up to 24". Call, write, or e-mail with requests.
Mica washerfor sale
I also supply solid teflon tube. It is sold by the inch and is easily turned on a lathe. When ordering, order a piece at least an inch longer than what you need so you have something to hold on to in you lathe chuck. Bore the inside cavity first (as with the tube, use the next larger drill), machine the outside, and then part with a parting tool. If you do not have a lathe, use either teflon or mica tube.
Collateral estoppel differs from res judicata. Res judicata is a basis for dismissal of a request for hearing as to one or more previously adjudicated issues, whereas collateral estoppel is not a basis for dismissal (HALLEX I-2-4-40).
Mica washermanufacturers
Teflon tube is the easiest to work with and is an excellent modern substitute for mica. It has excellent electrical and thermal properties and is what I use in all igniter repairs (unless requested otherwise.) When boring the inside cavity, use the next size up drill (i.e. use a letter F, or a 17/64" drill for a 1/4" hole.) I can provide teflon tubes in any custom length up to 24". Call, write, or e-mail with requests.
For guidance on the application of collateral estoppel in disability claims, see Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 11011.001.
When an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) has for decision an issue which has already been decided in a previous determination or decision in a claim involving the same claimant but arising under a different title of the Social Security Act (Act) or for a different benefit under the same title of the Act, the ALJ will not consider the issue again (20 CFR 404.950(f) and 416.1450(f)). In this situation, the ALJ will apply the doctrine of collateral estoppel and accept the factual finding made in the previous determination or decision, unless there are reasons to believe that it was wrong. The ALJ will include in the current decision a reference to the factual finding made in the previous determination or decision, and a statement that such finding is binding in the current claim.