4x15Powerline Scope

By layering your warm-ups in this fashion, you not only knock them out quicker, but rebuild your athletic vocabulary as well.

Back in the day I could get loose with a couple mobility drills and be ready to rock, but it’s definitely more of a process as you get older.

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An exception could be on an upper-body focused day. Instead of just meating out on one exercise, consider supersetting opposing movement patterns.

Rather than doing 15-20 isolated warm-ups, I’m a big believer in big-bang, compound movements that will get everything moving and shaking right. (My monster post on The Warm-up could help you here).


To make this easy on you, I’ll tell you what I do: I often choose one “big-bang” exercise that day, and train it for the whole 15 minutes.

In fact, we can still be “high-intensity,” without relying solely on 30:30 fat loss intervals, bathing our body in hydrogen ions along the way.

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For me, this typically includes 2-3 positional breathing drills or resets to start. This ensures that I can move air where I need to, and gives me a gauge for how my body is going to move that day.

For example, the second you start doing speed and power work, you probably don’t need much split-stance/single-leg strength training for “strength” purposes.

And most importantly, if you’re looking to tap into the real “Fountain of Youth” and regain that lost athleticism, this is a fantastic way to start.


Instead of just doing a lateral lunge, I’m going to do a lateral lunge and then follow that up with a lateral/defensive shuffle.

If you do the math, each “round” of those examples is done in exactly one minute, which would all you to get 15 “rounds” in during your conditioning section.

But if you structure things appropriately, and if you’re dialed in and focused when you hit the gym, you can get a ton done in only 60 minutes.

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But as other things in my life took priority over my own training (i.e. children, work, etc.), I quickly realized that something needed to change.

Herein lies the problem – if you have 60 minutes to “lift weights,” then it’s easy to get everything you want to in. But what do you with only 15 minutes?

Many lifters that I’ve come across over the years have focused solely on strength training, only to realize that the “natural” athleticism they enjoyed as kids has slowly deteriorated.

The 4×15 workout is something I’ve dabbled with off-and-on for two years now. It’s not how I set up every single training session, but it’s a quick and easy way to make sure I’m checking off all the big boxes when it comes to physical preparation.

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I was so focused on strength that I let these qualities fall by the wayside, and now I’m trying to make up for lost time!

To check those four boxes, I set-up my 4×15 workout into four training blocks or sections, each with 15 minutes allotted to it.

Now that you’ve got an overview of the program, let’s look at how you can use this framework to create awesome workouts for yourself, your clients or your athletes.

To work in this alactic-aerobic range, at minimum I’ll work on a 1:5 work-to-rest ratio, with some intervals being closer to 1:9 or 1:10.

Last but not least, I often pair my mobility drills with exercises that “bridge the gap” between mobility and performance. So instead of simply doing a knee hug, I’m going to pair a knee hug with an A-skip.

This is just one simple way to set-up your conditioning that makes programming easy, the training intense, but most importantly, all of it is super-effective.

The days of having unlimited time to train were simply gone, and I needed to my thoughts on training to evolve – along with my training sessions themselves.

So instead of focusing all my time and energy on weights, I built a simple framework that’s simple, flexible, and allows me to check all the big boxes when it comes to movement and performance.

On the flip side, if you’ve only been focusing on one or two of these areas, I think you’ll love how this program allows you to check all the boxes of athleticism.