
Tire and wheel assembly does not turn smoothly. With the wheel jacked up, and the car not in gear, the wheel should rotate smoothly. Rough or inconsistent movement, which is often accompanied by noise, can signify damaged bearings. Be sure the brakes are not dragging as you perform this check.

On average, the cost for a Honda Accord Wheel Bearings Replacement is $152 with $12 for parts and $140 for labor. Prices may vary depending on your location.

Mr84for sale

from the client, can you ping the AP? and from the AP, can you ping the switch?  Also, kindly ensure client isolation is not enabled.

Got it. Both features are now enabled. Just to be sure I'm not making a fool of myself, when trying to ping the Meraki AP, should I ping the LAN IP or Public IP?

MerakiMR84Installation Guide

The complexity of wheel bearing replacement varies greatly depending on the vehicle make, model, year, the wheel position (front versus rear), and the drive type (AWD versus FWD):

I'm trying to configure a Meraki MR84 to communicate with a Cradlepoint router. The Cradlepoint has discovered the Meraki's radio network and connected just fine, however the laptop connected via Ethernet to the Cradlepoint is unable to ping the IP of the Meraki.  Any explanation for why this would be? I've run an identical network substituting only the Meraki for a Cisco 1542i AP with success, so I'm not sure where this is going wrong.


Hey guys thanks for all the help. I'm heading home from work for now, and I will pick this up tomorrow at about 8:30 AM central.

Vibration in the steering wheel or vehicle body and/or wandering. Vibration and lack of directional stability could be consequences of loose or worn out wheel bearings.


If this is still not working, I would suggest looking at the packet capture on the wired interface of the MR84 while pinging to see whether the AP is actually forwarding the ICMP packets.

On second thought scratch that. I'd like to ping the Switch shown in the diagram. Which obviously would require the Meraki and Cradlepoint to communicate in order for the ping to get through.


No. Wheel bearing failure is usually gradual, although in some cases it starts immediately after the dramatic impact of the wheel and tire assembly with a deep pothole. Wheel bearings can sometimes make noise for quite some time before you experience a catastrophic failure that would result in complete separation of the wheel and tire assembly from the axle. Generally, the risk of sudden failure increases with the noise level. But strictly speaking, once the bearing has started to fail it is impossible to predict exactly when it will fail completely. So it should not continue to be driven. Were a failing bearing to seize or break while you are moving, you could experience loss of control of the vehicle. Once you receive a conclusive diagnostic that a wheel bearing has failed, replace the bearing promptly.

Growling or grinding noise from a wheel. Failed or failing wheel bearings make a very characteristic growling noise which will grow louder as the bearing wear progresses. If you believe the wheel bearing noise is coming from one side of the car, you can self-diagnosis your wheel bearing as you drive the car by loading and unloading vehicle weight You can do this by “swerving” from side-to-side. For example, if the noise markedly increases when you swerve to left, which shifts the vehicle’s weight to the right, then it often indicates the wheel bearing on the right is failing.

Axial or radial play in the wheel or wheel hub. Should the wheel hub move up and down or in and out, the bearing may be worn.

No still didn't have luck pinging the switch. Tried connecting wirelessly to the Meraki SSID and couldn't ping from there either.


A wheel bearing assembly consists of rolling elements, such as hardened steel ball bearings or roller bearings, that roll on and around hardened steel bearing races. The wheel bearings support the front and rear axle, and all the weight of your car. Wheel bearings are made with a high-precision technique using extremely hard steel in order to withstand all the normal impacts that occur to the wheel and tire assembly as you drive along the road.

Alright guys thanks again for all your help. I'd like to propose a new change to the system in question. I'd like to remove that internet from the equation so that the Meraki DHCPs from the switch's address pool ( network) rather than the one configured on the internet ( network). Is this something that could potentially help? Also the Meraki MR84 won't seem to change it's IP Address. How can I fix that? Any help would be very appreciated, thank you all so much.

The Meraki AP will use any working DHCP server.  If you have it configure to use DHCP (the default) it will grab a new IP address after a power cycle.