

Loop conization (LEEP) removes and cauterizes a cone shaped section of the cervix. Both lesions could easily be included in the tissue removed (during one procedure). Therefore, one unit.


EASIER TO INSTALL Magnetic bearings require that your rotating artifact or guide surface be magnetic, or integrate a magnetic assembly to allow for electromagnetic suspension. In comparison, porous media air bearings use nothing but the pressure produced by a film of air between two surfaces, a phenomenon well understood since the turn of the 18th century, now backed by 21st century materials. We manufacture multiple product lines designed as drop in ready replacement for existing contact bearings, and mounting systems can be easily retrofitted in house. MORE RELIABLE AND TRANSPARENT Electromagnetic bearings are not a passive technology. Once in suspension, a complex system of active feedback controllers and sensors continually make micro-adjustments to the magnetic field strength, as magnetic bearings cannot naturally produce an equilibrium state, per Earnshaw’s theorem.Virtually every magnetic bearing system must be paired with an external computer solely tasked with maintaining bearing stability; the control system associated with magnetic bearings is computationally complex, requiring nonlinear controls and transfer functions simply to ensure continued operations. By contrast, New Way Air Bearings are self-stabilizing owing to the squeeze film effect, producing a positive correlation between stiffness and damping. For machine operation, this means that a rotating shaft suspended on air bearings naturally finds its center of rotation, making them ideal for turbomachinery and shaft balancing operations. Additionally, air bearing behavior can be modeled to the first order by spring-mass-damper equations, while higher order, closed form modeling has already been performed and validated by our industry partners, which we happily make available for your use. SAFER TO OPERATE Magnetic bearings require a constant power supply to both the bearings and their feedback control system. As such they require backup contact bearings, should power loss result in levitation collapse. Porous media bearings likewise require power to maintain air pressure, but because the flow volume is orders of magnitude lower than orifice air bearings, loss of power results in a gentle depressurization onto the guide surface or rotating artifact. Furthermore, the soft carbon face of our bearings (compressive strength of 91MPa) acts as an ablative surface, absorbing the blow. Even in a worst case scenario, New Way bearings can operate without an impact to performance even after 50 simulated crashes, and such damage only requires replacement of the bearing face itself. SIMPLER TO MAINTAIN IN HOUSE Due to the complex feedback controllers, strong electromagnets and proprietary software to log and monitor bearing health, using active magnetic bearings inextricably ties you to your bearing supplier. Here at New Way, we believe in supporting you as both a supplier and a systems integrator, while also supporting customer independence in the long term. The simple physics which underlies our bearings’ remarkable performance means you can do all the necessary calculations to adjust bearings yourself; using nothing more than basic algebraic expressions (page 66) to tune volumetric flow and pressure in response to supporting a lighter or heavier stage.

Hi. I am in an HIT program in a community college. The question I have is in regard to CPT® code 57522. The case study shows that two lesions were excised. One of the lesions was on the anterior cervix, the second was described as just "cervical"; so it is the same body part. There is no code that indicates the number of lesions excised. I do not know how to "capture" the two lesions, or if it is appropriate to do so. I do not see guidance for this in the CPT® manual or the handbook. Thanks in advance! Kim



New Way® Air Bearings is always committed to advancing motion solutions for new industries. Our partnership with Dedert is no exception, as we updated their brand new rotary atomizer from a complex magnetic system to our own radial and thrust bushings.

New Way Air Bearings ® is proud to offer a complete line of porous media air bearings for non contact motion, ideally suited to replacing magnetic bearings for linear, radial and thrust applications. Magnetic bearings may appear to be an ideal solution on first inspection, but their actively controlled nature, necessity of redundant safety systems and black box operation not only complicates your process flow, but limits your independence from the bearing OEM. By contrast, our innovative porous media bearings use a micrometer thin layer of air as the fluid medium between two surfaces; with zero dynamic components, wear and tear is eliminated. This results in exponential gains in energy efficiency, massively increased operational lifespan, reduced maintenance downtime, and greater performance. Because our patented porous media creates an even pressure distribution of air, the typical drawbacks of orifice type air bearings, like air cushion collapse and pneumatic hammer instabilities, are entirely eliminated.

Thank you for the link! Awesome website! It is now included in my favorites. Now that I have read the specifics of the procedure, I understand that this procedure is designed to remove all abnormal tissue found in the cervix and cervical canal.

Magnetic bearings

Our bonded air bearings are perfect for tight spaces and come in a variety of sizes to fit into any manufacturing production line. Contact us today to tell us more about your specific needs.
