Specially designed guide wheels using all stainless steel components, heat stabilized material, with special grease, can operate up to 500oF.

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Click here for instructions for tightening eccentrics. Note that the process is based on feel, rather than any quantitative tightening load.

I have yet to run across someone that has owned a set of CF 3s or 4s that didn't like them. I'm biased because I own them, but I wouldn't trade them for anything I've heard to date.

I'm not sure when the change to the version 2 took place, and I don't think I've ever seen/read when it occurred (serial number wise)... but they will have a shorter (3 inch) port tube. And there was a slight change to the crossover.

Theoretical benefit #1: When the wheels are loaded, the highest stress occurs at the apex of the inner vee. The 90° vee in DualVee wheels creates a lower stress concentration at the apex than the 70° vee (assuming identical apex relief radius) and also results in less of a resultant "outward wedging force" on the wheel.

*Note: Since carriages use four wheels, two wheels absorb the load at both points 1 and 2. Divide the calculated load by 2 to obtain the load on each wheel. Example: Scenario 3 L = 200 lbs X = 15 inches Y = 5 inches

Click here for mounting instructions. What is the maximum recommended speed for DualVee guide wheel technology? Speeds up to 5.5 meters per second.

The version 1 has the long port tubes that are a bit more than 5 inches long. And they would have an early 1994 serial number.

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Step 2: Calculate the load factor for the most heavily loaded bearing Using the above example with size W4X guide wheel, FA(max) and FR(max) from the DualVee load rating chart.

api cf-4 meaning

The best mods were the $10 silicon treatment on the horn and the polyfil, another $5.  Those two mods reduced some harshness found in the HF range and I thought made the CF-4 VERY accurate in terms of reproducing a piano which actually sounded like a piano, a very hard task for any speaker to do accurately.

Axial load is any load that is parallel to the axis of rotation of the bearing. Radial load is any load that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation.

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Dave, are you attending the gathering this year? If so I would like to discuss in detail, what benefits would be, to mod my v3. CF4'S to v1. A former member here has 3 or 4 pair woofers. K 30 cone stamps. But from results I have seen, I think they are v3. Correct me if I am wrong. But I believe v1 and 2 used K29?Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

In general one shortcoming would be power requirements.  Khorns like tubes and need little power, the CF-4's are OK with SS amps and really seem to shine with high power, some recommend bi-amping sending as much as 200 wpc to the woofs.  The bi-amping with the extra lower-end power helps beef up the balance since most think the HF overpowers the lower frequency.  I use a 110 wpc Onk AVR and the CF-4's play as loud as I can stand, but others have upped the power and the CF-4 will take as much as you give them without complaint.

Having had version 1s, 2s and CF-3s, I think you need to look at more than port length to decide if it's a version 1. The longer port can be swapped into a version 2 and you would be none the wiser. I'd like to think someone wouldn't do that, but I'm not that naive.

DualVee track is made from type 420 martensitic stainless steel. This alloy can be heat treated to produce a hardened track surface, which provides good wear resistance in service. Martensitic alloys are magnetic in all heat treatment conditions, which relates to the ratio of iron/chromium contents within the chemical compositions of the alloys.It has been observed that stainless steel track can rust in service. However, all grades of stainless steels can rust in certain environments, but some are more corrosion resistant than others. For example, austenitic stainless steels (300 series) are accepted as having the best corrosion resistance of all stainless steel alloys. The lower corrosion resistance of type 420 can be attributed to a lower chromium content than 300 series stainless steels. It is important to note that while 300 series stainless steels are the most corrosion resistant alloys, they are not hardenable by heat treatment. This inability to harden means that 300 series stainless steels are not as suitable for track applications and will not perform as well as 420 series in abrasive wear environments.

Cf 4oil

• Used for mounting guide wheels into threaded holes• Attach the DualVee wheel and mount using a bolt and washer• Available in concentric and eccentric offset versions• Inch or metric measurement units• Available in standard profile or low profile heights• AISI 303 stainless steel

Off to pick up the monoliths from across town now. Quick wipe down so they’re not disgusting being shoved into the SUV, then’ll lemon oil ‘em down, brush off the woofers with my wife’s makeup brush ??

The reason people most often tout the CF-4 and CF-3 is because they DON'T sound like the Khorns, LS, etc.  They don't have the characteristic horn coloration, they are loud without being honky.

I really like my CF-4s. They're much easier to place than the Klipschorns and the Cornwalls due to being narrower. They are still pretty heavy and tall, and due to their depth (about 19") they stick out a bit if you need to push them up against a wall. They are still very efficient and produce great bass and image very well.

A good place to get info on the Epic series. Helped me find my CF-4 v1 babies. Bringing the tweeters up to ear level fleshes out the sound a lot.

The SWA wheel is an assembly where the stud is swaged onto the wheel. SWI wheels sizes 0 and 1 are swaged assemblies, sizes 2+ are fully integrated assemblies (stud is integrated with the inner race). The stud geometry and materials are also different between the SWA and SWI studded wheels. SWI concentric and eccentric studs feature different geometry to eliminate the wheels from being misassembled in the wrong location. SWI wheels are available up to size 4. SWA wheels are available up to size 2. DualVee wheels have a 90° vee while Hepco GV3 wheels have a 70° vee.

DualVee wheels can run on any 90° surface, such as a piece of angle iron. However, note that wear characteristics will be different, and life might be compromised.

There's lots of discussion on here if you search for it. But the port tube length is the easiest way to verify a version 1, along with the early 1994 serial number.


Yes. Use red Loctite if there is no future need to adjust the preload, and blue Loctite if future adjustments may be needed. However, when applying Loctite compounds, be sure to adjust and set the wheels within a short time after applying the compound.

The CF-4's sound tremendous stock, you really don't need to put a lot of money into updated cross overs and fancy compression drivers.

Our customer required a solution to streamline and automate their melon cutting, and opted to use a reciprocating guillotine. The blade had to travel linearly a total of 180,000 inches per day in high-cycle operation. Any components used to guide this motion must be food grade, non-corroding, and suitable for a washdown environment.

api cf-4


Off to pick up the monoliths from across town now. Quick wipe down so they’re not disgusting being shoved into the SUV, then’ll lemon oil ‘em down, brush off the woofers with my wife’s makeup brush ??

I do have the CF-4 version 1 which I have modified by bracing the cab, damping the horn with silicon seal, adding some polyfil in the bottom of the cab while removing the dual 3/4 layers of foam (bottom set only).  I swapped out the stock compression drivers for some EV DH1506.

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A manufacturer of desktop analyzers required a compact and reliable method of positioning and scanning the testing kit trays. The trays extend to provide easy access for the user to add samples to the reagent kits, then get drawn into the analyzer during operation. The reagent kits are scanned using a moving scanner head, which also required guided motion.

It is not necessary to lubricate the track in certain cases (light loads, low duty cycle), but a significant improvement in track life will result from lubricating the track with oil.

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I'm looking to get a set of Cf4's V2 next week, they are pretty rough cosmetically but if they sound good I can get the cabinets refinished. Sorry I just thread crapped I'll wait until I'm an owner to post anymore

Maybe wvu80 has a word or two to say?  He is a resident expert on the CF series, and has much to offer about them (and other series).

I like my choruses ok, but when I read about these Epic series I really got enthused about a two way. I've been looking for these CF4 but they are hard to find. I wonder if any expert here (maybe the boys ferom the exclusive heritage club?) can say what are the right serial numbers or other clues to be sure one is getting the Series 1 units? What problems to look for? How to know if one has been modded?

As has been said, the longer port tubes will differentiate version 1 from 2&3. To differentiate 2 from 3 you need to check the networks and see if it's clear monster cable jackets or colored (black, red, and green) jackets. Colored wire jackets are only used on version 3.

Anyway may not be a bad idea just to get them, just in case. I play pretty loud sometimes.Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Thanks Jim, all the other posts directly upstream ^^^ have covered it all, right on the money.  The problem is finding a pair, as they don't come on the market all that often, especially the version 1's.

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The lore states that Series 1 have the longer ports, 'monster' wiring, and grey horns. I think changes were made on the line in a rolling fashion so there may be individual exceptions.

It's not a heritage sound but I like it very much. There are just as many mods out there for the CF series as for Heritage. But replacement parts are much harder to come by - the tweeters and woofers are no longer being made and to my knowledge there is no substitute for the woofers. So test any speakers you are looking at to make sure everything works. The woofers' voice coils can sag and rub.

V2s most likely?   Also no matter what I do these pictures post on their side. I tried tilting it in my photo editor and uploading it and still nada.

api cf-4 specification

V2s most likely?   Also no matter what I do these pictures post on their side. I tried tilting it in my photo editor and uploading it and still nada.

In most cases, no. Almost all Hepco track uses a 70° vee, while DualVee wheels are a 90° vee. We do not recommend using 90 degree wheels on 70 degree track nor vice versa, because the contact surface between the wheel and track is very small. The smaller contact surface will accelerate wear and decrease system life.

The temperature range of standard carbon steel wheels is limited by the service temperature range of the elastomeric seal and grease. For standard grease, the service temperature range would be from -35oC to +100oC.

"Double row angular contact" refer to the two rows of ball bearlings loaded at a particular angle. These bearings offer high load carrying capacity in both axial and radial directions. These high load capabilities result in long service life.

Step 1: Calculate loads on each bearing Given below are force equations for some common four-wheel carriage assembly configurations, in which two wheels absorb the load at both points 1 and 2, divide the calculated load by 2 to obtain the load on each wheel.

In some cases, yes. There are instances where the larger wheels will not work. Consult the factory for details. Can smaller wheels run on larger track? Yes. The larger track may be used to provide more support for the machine.

They all sound great, I just had to make a decision and went with the Heritage gear. Oh and a pair of RB-5s in one of the bedrooms

DualVee Motion Technology is designed for dirt and extreme environments. The patented 90° DualVee guide wheel design creates a velocity gradient because the circumference of the wheel is greater at the major diameter than the minor diameter. This velocity gradient causes a constant sweeping action, thus cleaning debris from the track.

I've had Klipschorns and Cornwalls and still have my CF-4 Series 1. I've also had CF-4 Series 2, which were produced only days away from my Series 1 in 1994. There is a difference in sound between 1 and 2 (I had them next to one another in a room for a demo) but not enough to keep me from buying the Series 2 - they are still very very good speakers.

I'm looking to get a set of Cf4's V2 next week, they are pretty rough cosmetically but if they sound good I can get the cabinets refinished. Sorry I just thread crapped I'll wait until I'm an owner to post anymore