California Code, GOV 15860. - 15860
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608 bearing specspdf
A deep groove ball bearing consists of two races, an inner race and an outer race. The balls are held in place between the races by retainers. As the bearing rotates, the balls roll between the races, which reduces friction and allows the bearing to support radial and axial loads.
608 bearing specschart
Deep groove ball bearings are a versatile and reliable type of bearing that is used in a wide variety of applications. By understanding how deep groove ball bearings work and the factors to consider when choosing a bearing, you can ensure that you select the right bearing for your application.
A deep groove ball bearing is a type of rolling-element bearing that uses balls to maintain the separation between the bearing races. It is the most common type of bearing and is used in a wide variety of applications, including machinery, equipment, vehicles, appliances, and toys.