Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB)

Details regarding refund information will be emailed to all ticket holders and posted on our website and social media pages in the coming days. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding during this time. Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe.




We understand this may be disappointing news, but after discussing with local law and public advisory agencies, we believe this decision is in the best interest of everyone involved.

Her colors are so splashy, in fact, that I confess they put me off at first. Cascading tides of bright yellows and pinks can easily look garish, and so can the often raggedy edges between them. It takes a little while to get used to the volume and pick out the subtleties. But once you do, you find constructions as delicate and deceptive as spider silk.


Emily Mason’s “The Bullock Farm” (1987), in which an orange triangle crashes across a deep blue sky into yellow ground. Credit:The Emily Mason and Alice Trumbull Mason Foundation and Miles McEnery Gallery

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In 1979, the abstract painter Emily Mason quit a shared studio and took over an enormous loft on 20th Street in Chelsea. Mason, who died at the age of 87 in 2019, was the daughter of the great midcentury abstract expressionist Alice Trumbull Mason, and the painter she’d been sharing a studio with was her husband, Wolf Kahn. So it probably stands to reason that the canvases she produced in her own new space — 22 examples make up “Chelsea Paintings,” her first posthumous New York gallery show — were larger and more exuberant than the work she’d made before. (There’s also a show of Klimt-like but fantasy-colored views of birch woods by Kahn, who died last year, at the gallery’s other space.)

In light of the impact of Hurricane Helene over the weekend and with the safety of our attendees and vendors as our top priority, we regret to inform you that The Black Crowes concert that was to be held at CCNB Amphitheatre at Heritage Park on Wednesday Oct. 2, 2024 is cancelled.


This decision comes from our belief that we should not take resources away from the community where they are needed, much more than a concert, including police, fire, generators, EMS, etc.

The most successful of the paintings, or anyway my own favorite, is “The Bullock Farm,” 1987, in which an orange triangle crashes across a deep blue sky into yellow ground. The composition is balanced, but not exactly in harmony, and none of the overlaps are quite what they seem. As you try to get your bearings, the whole thing recedes like a desert mirage.

Image is the sole ticket outlet for CCNB Amphitheatre at Heritage Park. TRZ Management, CCNB Amphitheatre at Heritage Park, and Live Nation are not responsible for any tickets sold by a third party.