The question of how many side wall probes you should have on a Sencon Front End Gauge is simply down to what’s most important to you – speed or flexibility.

Axial loadbearing

The Master Series™ fully automatic Film-Scan™ optical coatings gauge acurately and consistently measures internal and external coatings/film thickness on beverage cans. Click for more

UCT is a wide-slot take-up unit suitable for use in a side-mount take-up frame. It has a rigid cast iron housing and two specially designed set screws in ...

Axial loadin column

Sencon have been using GUM, an internationally recognised method for calculating and documenting all the factors which may affect the certainty of results yielded by measurement systems.

Optical scanning with Sencon's Benchmark™ semi-automatic or Master Series™ fully automatic Back End Gauges now allows important 'lost' dimensions on the can to be measured.

A wealthy German merchant named Heinrich Schliemann who went searching for the Troy of Homeric legend and found a new world of recovered history.

The Benchmark™ Axial Load Gauge (Axial Load Tester) is an easy to use semi-automatic instrument for testing necked and un-necked beverage cans, aerosols and bottles. The gauge measures the axial load required to cause deformation in Newtons, pounds or kilograms. A number of unique features are designed to improve on the already established test.

Axialloading injury

A compact, semi-automatic benchtop gauge for non-contact, optical scanning measurement of coatings/film thickness on beverage cans. Click for more

Nothing punishes bearings quite like mining & aggregate equipment. The extreme loads, grit, vibration and shocks require specialized bearing designs that ...

To access USER MANUALS, SOFTWARE AND ADDITIONAL RESOURCES for Sencon's Benchmark™ Axial Load Gauge please LOGIN to our Technical Document Library. If you do not have a user account, you can REQUEST REGISTRATION HERE.

Supplier Diversity ... Cam followers and track rollers are types of bearings that convert rotating motion to linear motion by making contact with and following a ...


The Benchmark™ dome reform gauge (DRG) carries out a complete and detailed, non-contact, 360° optical scan of the reform feature on the dome. Click for more

The Benchmark™ semi-automatic buckle (dome reversal) gauge measures the pressure required to reverse the dome on beverage cans. Click for more

With the simple addition of some easily fitted, custom ‘change-parts’, Sencon’s existing Benchmark™ axial load gauge is now capable of testing aluminum bottle cans and aerosols.


Axial loadunit

The Master Series™ fully automatic enamel rater is a highly flexible and cost effective solution for automatic enamel rating (metal exposure testing). Click for more

Oct 22, 2024 — Download Citation | A method for automatic tolerance charting in a process planning | A tolerance chart is a necessary part of planning of ...

The SI6300 Axial Load Gauge (axial load tester) is an easy to use semi-automatic instrument for testing necked and un-necked beverage cans. The gauge measures the axial load required to cause the can to deform in Newtons, pounds or kilograms. The load is applied via a high precision, digitally controlled motor. This technique delivers a shorter cycle time. A number of unique features improve on this established and essential quality test.

Mityvac Pneumatic Fluid Extractor, 2.3 Gallon - MV7300. Usually ships in 1 day. Buy it and Save at

The Benchmark™ semi-automatic front end gauge takes measurements of key dimensions on front end trimmed and un-necked beverage cans. Click for more

20161213 — The inner or outer tie rod ends may be worn. Your steering gear may also have worn bushings. I would recommend moving tire back and forth while ...

The Master Series™ fully automatic axial load gauge measures the maximum force which can be applied to a can in the axial plane before deformation. Click for more

Axialloading spine

The benchtop Axial Load Gauge accepts beverage cans with bodies from 202 - 211 and neck diameters from 200 - 206 using quick change, tool free inserts. Beverage cans may be tested either way up by simply switching the platen and plug fixtures, which takes less than a minute. Neck plugs are customer specific.

The Master Series™ fully automatic back end gauge takes measurements of key dimensions on back end, finished beverage cans. Click for more

Axial loadmedical

Nov 2, 2022 — -- Rear spindle nuts (24mm thread) get 181 lbf/ft. The workshop manual (2-21) includes a note to use a new nut, and also use oil on the seating ...

FIND A THAP PROPERTY BY INTERACTIVE MAP. Use the interactive map below to zoom into a THAP property location. You can also use the search function in the ...

Axial loadformula

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With service engineers in North and South America, Europe and Asia, backed up by technical support from product specialists based at three techincal support centers in the USA, Brazil and UK – you can trust Sencon.

Reliable and consistent measurements from gauges with excellent R&R (repeatability and reproducibility) allow manufacturers to gain better control of their process. Sencon has carefully researched and developed appropriate technologies for each test to deliver accuracy and efficiency in the beverage can making plant. The gauges are constantly self-monitoring and self-calibrating to ensure optimum performance at all times.

Procedures are defined and selected with Sencon's prorietary Process Master™ gauging software or via intuitive touch screen icons. Then as soon as a can is loaded and the safety door closed the test is automatically carried out.

Testing aerosol cans is possible with the "Large can" variant of Sencon's Benchmark Axial Load Gauge, which is capable of applying a greater axial load required for crush testing these cans.

The Benchmark™ semi-automatic back end gauge takes measurements of key dimensions on back end, finished beverage cans. Click for more

Please note: The SI6301 Large Can variant provides an increased test load of 5,000 Newtons suitable for testing DWI aerosol and bottle cans.

Each gauge is designed for low maintenance, eliminating wear parts where possible to reduce running costs and maximize durability

With service engineers based in North and South America, Europe and Asia, backed up by support from our experienced industry specialists at three technical support centers, you can trust Sencon for support, accredited calibration and after-sales service for your Benchmark™ Axial Load Gauge.

The Benchmark Series is a uniquely comprehensive range of benchtop gauges for beverage can measurement, test and inspection. The gauges use the same advanced technologies as the fully automatic Master Series™, making available Sencon's well-proven gauging solutions in compact, standalone units that are well suited to the quality assurance laboratory and other offline Fast, semi-automatic operation Procedures are defined and selected with Sencon's prorietary Process Master™ gauging software or via intuitive touch screen icons. Then as soon as a can is loaded and the safety door closed the test is automatically carried out. Multiple can sizes: The gauges all accept different can body and neck diameters and can heights, with either no change parts or quick-fit inserts (see individual pages for details). Flexible configuration: The gauges are highly configurable for test parameters, setting up of operator and supervisor presets, and for display and output of results. Excellent R&R for better process control Reliable and consistent measurements from gauges with excellent R&R (repeatability and reproducibility) allow manufacturers to gain better control of their process. Sencon has carefully researched and developed appropriate technologies for each test to deliver accuracy and efficiency in the beverage can making plant. The gauges are constantly self-monitoring and self-calibrating to ensure optimum performance at all times. Low maintenance, low running costs Each gauge is designed for low maintenance, eliminating wear parts where possible to reduce running costs and maximize durability

Axial loadexample

Jun 26, 2022 — 1 wheel bearing should be about $350 to replace for a shop. Run from that shop. Like; Helpful. Reactions: enduranceracing and estilley · Save

The Master Series™ fully automatic buckle (dome reversal) gauge measures the pressure required to reverse the dome on beverage cans. Click for more

The gauges all accept different can body and neck diameters and can heights, with either no change parts or quick-fit inserts (see individual pages for details).

The Master Series™ fully automatic front end gauge takes measurements of key dimensions on front end trimmed and un-necked beverage cans. Click for more

The gauges are highly configurable for test parameters, setting up of operator and supervisor presets, and for display and output of results.
