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Returns are accepted on standard order parts for 33 days from the date of this invoice with the following terms and conditions: To start the return process contact Nordstrom’s for your RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number. Please confirm you have the original Invoice and packaging available. Our goal is to make acceptable returns as no-hassle as possible but we need your help in this process too.

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Leonardo da Vinciflying machine

You do not have this optional limited warranty unless it is purchased on a line item on this invoice. When purchasing the Warranty for Small Parts it extends our STD199DW to 99 years for the original purchaser on this invoice. This warranty is not available on the major components as listed in the Major Component Limited Warranty above. This warranty only applies to the part installed in the original vehicle for which it was purchased. Fleet Vehicles and Commercial Vehicles are only eligible for 12 Months of parts only coverage NO LABOR.

Forward to the Past by John Stuart Clark As we inexorably slide towards the new millennia, and the world gets ever higher on the technological fix, there is a satisfying irony about our hopes that an invention of the last century will help solve the traffic problems of the next. Acknowledged to be the last piece of design technology understood by the majority of the population, the bicycle has roots that can clearly be traced back to human powered invalid vehicles of the 17th Century and treadle-driven carriages of the 1700s. However there are many, particularly in Italy, who believe the genealogy of the vehicle of delights goes back another two hundred years. How come? In April 1974, literary historian Augusto Marinoni gave a lecture in Vinci at which he presented a drawing of a bicycle, ostensibly discovered in an album containing folios of sketches by Leonardo da Vinci and his students. According to Marinoni, when the monks who were restoring da Vinci's work peeled away the backing pages of the Codex Atlanticus, they discovered indisputable proof that Leonardo was the inventor of the bicycle, 325 years before Karl von Drais patented his 'running machine'. In the 16th century, when Pompeo Leoni acquired Leonardo's drawings, he also bought sheets from the maestro's studio used by apprentices. In order to save reams and reams of loose folios, Leon glued them into three albums, one of which became known as Codex Atlanticus. Sheets with Leonardo's drawings on both sides had a window cut in the supporting page. Those backed by the work of an apprentice were stuck down and apparently remained hidden for 400 years. In 1960, the monks at Grottaferrata near Rome removed the Codex from the Ambrosia Library, Milan, where it had remained since Leoni's death, and began work on restoring Leonardo's folios. In 1967, Jules Piccus, an American romanist, discovered the two other albums in the National Library of Madrid. Called the Codices Madrid, they contained folios that indicated the artist was much more of an inventive visionary than had previously been appreciated. Specifically, it was his chain and chain wheel sketches that created a stir. Folios 132 and 133 in the Atlanticus were evidently once a single sheet. On the reverse of a Leonardo sketch of military fortifications, next to a couple of obscene graffiti of walking penises and a crude caricature of a youth, there was a drawing of a two wheeled vehicle with all the mechanical characteristics of a pedal driven bicycle. The machine is drawn in two colours of pencil. The steering, transmission and wheel cladding are drawn in dark brown, possibly indicating metal, while the frame and wheels are in light brown and possibly of wood. The power transmission and steering mechanism are the most extraordinary features of the so-called Leonardo's Bicycle. As bicycle historian Jim McGurn observed, "The chain wheel, rear sprocket and rear wheel correspond remarkably in size and ratio to the transmission system on a modern bicycle, a system which developed slowly and tortuously from the many mistakes and cul-de-sacs of Victorian bicycle design". The steering is more of a puzzle, with two elements unexplained - the inverted T beneath the handlebar column and the wedge shape extending from the wheel hub. As depicted, it appears the bicycle was rigid and non-steerable. Antonio Calegari's axiometric reconstruction found in The Unknown Leonardo emphasises this, though clearly, if such a machine had ever been built, pedal power and a fixed front wheel would have proved impractical. Prof. Marinoni's accreditation of the sketch rests on the argument that it was produced by an apprentice of Leonardo's, who maybe saw a model, a prototype or a drawing in the great man's studio and quickly copied it. This could account for the crudity of the extended pedal. On the other hand, care was taken in using a compass to draw the wheels, in employing two colours and in the detail of the gearing. Quite probably the accompanying graffiti were drawn by one of Leonardo's boys. There is the name "salaj" inscribed on one sheet, and the cruel caricature is thought to be a destruction job on Salai, a handsome model, servant, pupil and possibly toy-boy of Leonardo's, known to be unpopular with the other apprentices. Of course, if the machine did exist, even as a sketch by the maestro, the most remarkable thing about it was the concept that a person could balance on two wheels, lined one in front of the other, and power the machine forward while remaining upright. The world had to wait four centuries before Kirkpatrick Macmillan produced his ingenious two-wheeled treadle machine, and that was forty years before its time. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was a prolific creative genius. He was an artist, architect, scientist, technologist, mechanic, inventor, physicist, anatomist, engineer and geologist. His ideas for enhancing the physical capabilities of human beings ranged from human-powered carriages, through military hardware to helicopters and ornithopters. Many of his concepts were highly imaginative and beyond the capabilities of Renaissance engineering, but almost all (the helicopter included) can be found to have a corollary in nature. The bicycle is an important exception. When Marinoni released the news, there was uproar. Carlo Pedretti, an art historian at UCLA, summed up the skeptics' view with the words, "Folios 132 and 133 hardly deserve the attention they have received". Vernard Foley of Purdue University, Indiana, dismissed Pedretti's dismissal as symptomatic of the culture surrounding the petrol crisis of the 1970s and the unwelcomed renaissance of the bicycle. Since then, the machine, the drawing, and its authenticity have occupied many a cycling historian, antiquarian, and academic. In the 1980s, Jim McGurn was in communication with a number of specialists around the world who furthered the believers' argument. Only one correspondent, Derek Roberts, a respected British bicycle historian, remained unmoved and deeply skeptical. Ten years on, the balance has tipped in Roberts' favour. It is difficult to establish what forensic tests, if any, have been performed on the pencil lines. Prof. Paolo Galluzzi, director of the Florence Science Museum, claims a 'nuclear-something' test detected two kinds of ink, one manufactured after 1880, the other after 1920. Unfortunately he can't find the source of this report - it was just something he read on an airplane. The director of the library that holds the Codex Atlanticus refuses to comment on anything relating to the drawing, even on whether the lines are in ink or pencil. Since lead pencils weren't around until 50 years after Leonardo's death, the information would be useful. All we know is that, in 400 years of contact, the lines did not rub off on the backing sheet of the Codex, though marks from the penises did. The folio is now encapsulated in plastic to preserve it, but even that should not be a barrier to further investigation. Pedretti claims he studied the folios in 1961, while they were still glued in the Codex. He held sheet 133 up to a strong light and saw no bicycle. What he did see (according to his notes) were two circles with curved lines bisecting them that later, mysteriously, became transformed into the famous bicycle. To add another twist, Pedretti's original notes were stolen with his car in 1965 so, to a degree, he is working from memory. The image first appeared worldwide in the three volume work, The Unknown Leonardo, edited by Ladislao Reti and published in 1974. It appears in the appendix to volume two, Leonardo the Scientist, which Marinoni contributed to. Reti was a skeptic, even accusing Marinoni of forging the drawing. Sadly he died in 1974 before the volumes saw the light of day, and it was Marinoni who took over the editorship. This might explain why there was such a delay in revealing this astounding discovery to the world. If the drawing is an imaginative hoax, the questions are who did it, when and why? The scenario that, prior to 1960, the album was taken from the Ambrosia Library, the sheet carefully removed, the drawing done, the folio glued back and the album returned is possible, but unlikely. However, it appears that just before the restoration of the Codex began, some sheets did go walkabout from the Ambrosia Library. Marinoni claims this was in 1966 and did not include folios 132 and 133, by then already in the restorers' hands. Despite the mechanical sophistication of the sketch, and its strong echo of Leonardo's work, it is not inconceivable that a mischievous monk drew the bicycle. Sample pages from the Codices Madrid featuring Leonardo's sketches of cogs and chains were published in numerous newspapers and popular magazines in 1967. Although these were specifically designed for lifting purposes, by February of that year Jules Piccus and his editor Ladislao Reti had popularised the idea that they were designed for transmitting power. Pedretti notes that the restoration process was chaotic and thoroughly unscientific, claiming that some drawings were totally destroyed by "restorers" (he always refers to the monks' profession in inverted commas) employing the wrong chemicals. In such an environment, a little creative vandalism wouldn't be amiss, though one has to wonder how any monk thought he could get away with such an obviously traceable fake that would have worldwide repercussions. As to why, Hans-Erhard Lessing from the University of Ulm offers up the motive of jingoism. Again, it is not inconceivable that the Italians could go to great lengths to snatch the credit for inventing the bicycle away from the German, Baron von Drais. The Brits tried it with the 1642 image of a land survey instrument depicted in the famous Stoke Poges church window. The French tried it with de Sivrac's non-steerable two-wheeler of 1791. It was Lessing's paper, presented to the Eighth International Conference of Cycling History in August 1997, that resurrected the controversy, triggering the headline "On yer bike, Leonardo" in New Scientist and a piece by John Humphries on the Today programme. Unfortunately, while illuminating many grey areas, his "Evidence against Leonardo's Bicycle" lacks the hard evidence needed to identify the perpetrator(s) of the hoax. Until that time, and in lieu of a death-bed confession by Marinoni, the jury remains out.

Did Leonardo da Vinci invent thehelicopter

© John Stuart Clark Thanks to Jim McGurn, Hans-Erhard Lessing, Derek Roberts & Open Road for their help with this article.

• The duration and terms of the warranty listed on the line item of this invoice overrides the STD199DW if they are different. • There are ZERO reimbursements for labor with the STD199DW. • Our STD199DW Expires after 199 Days from the date on the invoice of the original 1st purchase. • Nordstrom’s Return Policy will apply to any warranty claim. • Warranty Claim must be made by the original purchaser listed on the original invoice. • This warranty is not transferable or assignable. • Additional costs such as diagnosing, towing, car rental, lost wages, programming or reprograming are not covered. • Parts are warrantied only under normal driving conditions; claims that result from an accident, improper installation, abuse, neglect, misuse, alteration, improper maintenance or when used in off road or non-factory installations will be denied. • Nordstrom’s may choose to repair, replace, or refund any part deemed to be under warranty coverage at their discretion. • Warranty claims will be denied if they are not approved and documented by Nordstrom’s prior to commencing repairs. • Nordstrom’s reserves the right to use a repair facility of its choosing to diagnose or perform a warranty claim repair. • Parts are not covered for external fluid leaks. We recommend that seals and gaskets be replaced as part of the repair process. INTAKE GASKETS ARE NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY. • When a Justice Brothers additive is included with the part, it must be added with the fluid during the installation procedure per the containers recommendations, or the warranty claim may be denied. • Warranty covers the base component and none of the other attached parts. We are selling the single part and other parts left attached are there for possible convenience or to protect the part we are selling. These extra attached parts are NOT covered by any warranty and most likely need to be changed as there is ZERO guarantee they will even be a correct fitment for your vehicle. Examples of these extra parts that may be left attached as part of the dismantling process are sensors, switches, injectors, valves, hoses, pipes, manifolds, solenoids, modules, harnesses, covers and other similar attached items. Please carefully compare and inspect prior to installation. You most likely will be switching multiple pieces form your original part to confirm proper fitment for your vehicle and its control system • Warranty information also available at Nordstromsauto.com • IMPORTANT, most all electronics, modules and components with embedded modules will require programming as part of the correct repair procedure. This MUST be done or the part may not operate correctly or may cause immediate damage. WARRANTY WILL BE VOID if correct programming procedure is not done. Programming is the customers responsibility and expense. • Major components are stamped and may have heat sensitive tabs attached to indicated overheating that would void warranty. • All tires or rims that are not the factory original specification for the customer’s vehicles are sold AS IS with no expressed or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Your choice to buy a rim or tire that was not specified for your vehicle is not our responsibility. • All tires are sold as is with a satisfaction upon installation warranty only.

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Whatdid Leonardo da Vinci invent

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When an item arrives in person or via shipping the number is needed for proper credit and restocking. • Returned parts must be in the same condition as they were purchased and may not be painted, disassembled or tampered with. • The expense of returning parts to Nordstrom’s is the purchaser’s responsibility whether that is in person or via shipping systems. • Brokered in non-stocked parts ordered specifically for your request are non-refundable. • Parts that were removed specifically for you which require extensive time or cutting to remove from a vehicle are non-refundable. • New and remanufactured components that have been approved for return may be subject to an inspection fee prior to final credit. • Electrical parts returned with the smoke let out of them (i.e. shorted, fried, burned) are non-returnable. Please diagnose circuits prior to purchasing parts. • Core returns must be drained of all fluids, assembled and complete as they were sold to you with the original containers and must be in approved rebuildable condition. Bent or broken housings must be approved prior to purchase. Cores must be returned within 90 days to qualify for full core refund. • Refunds will NOT exceed the original purchase price. • Shipping and Handling charges are non-refundable. • No refunds on deposits or payments. Parts with deposits will be restocked after 30 days. • Payments made by check will be refunded no sooner than 10 business days from the date of the invoice. Nordstrom’s “Complete Confidence” Warranties It is very important that WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS AND RESELLERS disclose the warranty that is included with this purchase to their customer. Our warranty is binding only with the original purchaser on this invoice and claims will be handled with the purchaser on this invoice also. Contact Nordstrom’s immediately PRIOR TO REPAIRING OR REMOVING any components. We require the original repair receipts prior to considering any warranty claim. Parts are delivered DRAINED OF ALL FLUIDS. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) procedures and fluid specifications must be followed when installing Nordstrom’s parts. As the buyer, understand your choices to short-cut procedures and lubrication specifications will lead to your claim being denied. We ask for your cooperation in diagnosing why the original part failed. We need your help to avoid component failures and misdiagnosed replacements which cost both party’s time and money. 199 Day Standard Limited Warranty (STD199DW) • The duration and terms of the warranty listed on the line item of this invoice overrides the STD199DW if they are different. • There are ZERO reimbursements for labor with the STD199DW. • Our STD199DW Expires after 199 Days from the date on the invoice of the original 1st purchase. • Nordstrom’s Return Policy will apply to any warranty claim. • Warranty Claim must be made by the original purchaser listed on the original invoice. • This warranty is not transferable or assignable. • Additional costs such as diagnosing, towing, car rental, lost wages, programming or reprograming are not covered. • Parts are warrantied only under normal driving conditions; claims that result from an accident, improper installation, abuse, neglect, misuse, alteration, improper maintenance or when used in off road or non-factory installations will be denied. • Nordstrom’s may choose to repair, replace, or refund any part deemed to be under warranty coverage at their discretion. • Warranty claims will be denied if they are not approved and documented by Nordstrom’s prior to commencing repairs. • Nordstrom’s reserves the right to use a repair facility of its choosing to diagnose or perform a warranty claim repair. • Parts are not covered for external fluid leaks. We recommend that seals and gaskets be replaced as part of the repair process. INTAKE GASKETS ARE NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY. • When a Justice Brothers additive is included with the part, it must be added with the fluid during the installation procedure per the containers recommendations, or the warranty claim may be denied. • Warranty covers the base component and none of the other attached parts. We are selling the single part and other parts left attached are there for possible convenience or to protect the part we are selling. These extra attached parts are NOT covered by any warranty and most likely need to be changed as there is ZERO guarantee they will even be a correct fitment for your vehicle. Examples of these extra parts that may be left attached as part of the dismantling process are sensors, switches, injectors, valves, hoses, pipes, manifolds, solenoids, modules, harnesses, covers and other similar attached items. Please carefully compare and inspect prior to installation. You most likely will be switching multiple pieces form your original part to confirm proper fitment for your vehicle and its control system • Warranty information also available at Nordstromsauto.com • IMPORTANT, most all electronics, modules and components with embedded modules will require programming as part of the correct repair procedure. This MUST be done or the part may not operate correctly or may cause immediate damage. WARRANTY WILL BE VOID if correct programming procedure is not done. Programming is the customers responsibility and expense. • Major components are stamped and may have heat sensitive tabs attached to indicated overheating that would void warranty. • All tires or rims that are not the factory original specification for the customer’s vehicles are sold AS IS with no expressed or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Your choice to buy a rim or tire that was not specified for your vehicle is not our responsibility. • All tires are sold as is with a satisfaction upon installation warranty only. ATTENTION AT NO TIME WILL THE REFUND UNDER WARRANTY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR THAT ITEM 24 Months Major Component Limited Warranty with Labor Allowance You do not have this optional limited warranty unless it is purchased on a line item on this invoice. When purchasing the Major Component Limited Warranty on the qualifying components which include Engines, Transmissions, and Differentials front and rear, Axle assemblies front and rear and Transfer Cases. This limited warranty covers the purchased part in the original installation with the same terms and conditions as the STD199DW for a period of 24 months. Included in this purchased warranty is a limited labor reimbursement when the part is professionally installed by a licensed business in automotive repair. Nordstrom’s will pay for replacement or repair labor at the rate of $50.00 per hour based on an accepted repair guide considering R and I time with $35 to apply towards filter and fluid expenses. This limited labor allowance will be capped at the cost of the part or the following limits, whichever is LESS. The limits are $650.00 for Engines, $400.00 for Transmissions, and $250.00 for Differentials, Transfer Cases and Axels. This labor allowance applies to labor for the confirmed defective part and DOES NOT guarantee complete reimbursement for the entire repair cost of the warranty repair or any other additional expenses. Fleet Vehicles and Commercial Vehicles are only eligible for 12 Months of part only coverage under this warranty, NO LABOR on Fleet Vehicles. 99 Year Small Part Warranty, No Labor You do not have this optional limited warranty unless it is purchased on a line item on this invoice. When purchasing the Warranty for Small Parts it extends our STD199DW to 99 years for the original purchaser on this invoice. This warranty is not available on the major components as listed in the Major Component Limited Warranty above. This warranty only applies to the part installed in the original vehicle for which it was purchased. Fleet Vehicles and Commercial Vehicles are only eligible for 12 Months of parts only coverage NO LABOR. Notes and Important Legal Information Unless the line Item detail on the front of this Invoice or specified in print at the time of your on-line purchase states different terms, the following details are accepted by the buyer with their choice to purchase from Nordstrom’s Automotive Inc. (DBA Nordstrom’s Auto Recycling; Nordstrom’s) The obligations of Nordstrom’s are limited to replacement or refund only as provided herein. The repair of your vehicle involves choices of the legally responsible party for the vehicle to be repaired and the repairing person or company they choose to perform these operations on their vehicle. Nordstrom’s is NOT liable for your choices of repair procedures during and after the installation of the parts you chose to purchase from Nordstrom’s. Implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use are limited to the same duration as the limited written warranty provided herein. At NO TIME will the refund exceed the purchase price unless the 24-Month Major Component Limited Warranty has been purchased in addition to the component. Should a dispute arise regarding this warranty, it shall first be submitted to mediation. The mediator shall be a mutually agreed upon South Dakota Lawyer. The mediator’s fees will be split equally between Nordstrom’s and its customer. Nordstrom’s and its customer will spend at least 4 hours in the mediation process unless a mutually agreed resolution is reached sooner. If the dispute is not settled in mediation, it shall be submitted to a mutually agreed upon South Dakota lawyer acting as an arbitrator pursuant to SDCL 21-25 (Uniform Arbitration Act), who shall utilize and apply South Dakota law. Nordstrom’s and its customer may appear before the mediator or arbitrator in person, telephonically, or by video-conferencing. Nordstrom’s and Its customer shall initially split the cost of the arbitrator, but the arbitrators decision shall assess against the losing party the ½ of the cost of the arbitrator paid by the winning party, and the reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of the winning party. ARA GOLD SEAL PROGRAM The recycled OEM parts purchased on this invoice were provided by a professional automotive recycler that participates in the ARA GOLD SEAL CERTIFIED AUTO RECYCLER PROGRAM. Nordstrom’s agrees to the GOLD SEAL code of Ethics. If you feel Nordstrom’s has failed to deliver on a promise or you are not satisfied with your product, first address the issue with Nordstrom’s and if then you do not feel they have been responsive call your concerns to the GOLD SEAL hotline at (888) 385-1005. Ver. 4.0 Revised 05/18 © 2011 Nordstrom’s Automotive, Inc.

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Leonardo da Vinci bicyclesketch

Second, they support the weight of the vehicle. For example, if your car weighs 3,600 pounds, each wheel has to support approximately 900 pounds. That's a lot ...

The recycled OEM parts purchased on this invoice were provided by a professional automotive recycler that participates in the ARA GOLD SEAL CERTIFIED AUTO RECYCLER PROGRAM. Nordstrom’s agrees to the GOLD SEAL code of Ethics. If you feel Nordstrom’s has failed to deliver on a promise or you are not satisfied with your product, first address the issue with Nordstrom’s and if then you do not feel they have been responsive call your concerns to the GOLD SEAL hotline at (888) 385-1005.

Did Leonardo da Vinci invent theparachute

Unless the line Item detail on the front of this Invoice or specified in print at the time of your on-line purchase states different terms, the following details are accepted by the buyer with their choice to purchase from Nordstrom’s Automotive Inc. (DBA Nordstrom’s Auto Recycling; Nordstrom’s) The obligations of Nordstrom’s are limited to replacement or refund only as provided herein. The repair of your vehicle involves choices of the legally responsible party for the vehicle to be repaired and the repairing person or company they choose to perform these operations on their vehicle. Nordstrom’s is NOT liable for your choices of repair procedures during and after the installation of the parts you chose to purchase from Nordstrom’s. Implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use are limited to the same duration as the limited written warranty provided herein. At NO TIME will the refund exceed the purchase price unless the 24-Month Major Component Limited Warranty has been purchased in addition to the component. Should a dispute arise regarding this warranty, it shall first be submitted to mediation. The mediator shall be a mutually agreed upon South Dakota Lawyer. The mediator’s fees will be split equally between Nordstrom’s and its customer. Nordstrom’s and its customer will spend at least 4 hours in the mediation process unless a mutually agreed resolution is reached sooner. If the dispute is not settled in mediation, it shall be submitted to a mutually agreed upon South Dakota lawyer acting as an arbitrator pursuant to SDCL 21-25 (Uniform Arbitration Act), who shall utilize and apply South Dakota law. Nordstrom’s and its customer may appear before the mediator or arbitrator in person, telephonically, or by video-conferencing. Nordstrom’s and Its customer shall initially split the cost of the arbitrator, but the arbitrators decision shall assess against the losing party the ½ of the cost of the arbitrator paid by the winning party, and the reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of the winning party.

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You do not have this optional limited warranty unless it is purchased on a line item on this invoice. When purchasing the Major Component Limited Warranty on the qualifying components which include Engines, Transmissions, and Differentials front and rear, Axle assemblies front and rear and Transfer Cases. This limited warranty covers the purchased part in the original installation with the same terms and conditions as the STD199DW for a period of 24 months. Included in this purchased warranty is a limited labor reimbursement when the part is professionally installed by a licensed business in automotive repair. Nordstrom’s will pay for replacement or repair labor at the rate of $50.00 per hour based on an accepted repair guide considering R and I time with $35 to apply towards filter and fluid expenses. This limited labor allowance will be capped at the cost of the part or the following limits, whichever is LESS. The limits are $650.00 for Engines, $400.00 for Transmissions, and $250.00 for Differentials, Transfer Cases and Axels. This labor allowance applies to labor for the confirmed defective part and DOES NOT guarantee complete reimbursement for the entire repair cost of the warranty repair or any other additional expenses. Fleet Vehicles and Commercial Vehicles are only eligible for 12 Months of part only coverage under this warranty, NO LABOR on Fleet Vehicles.

Aug 5, 2021 — Signs And Symptoms Of Failing Wheel Bearings · Strange Noises Bad wheel bearings can cause a variety of strange noises, so it's best to take note ...