If you want to know how the coverage of a gateway could look like, use TTNmapper. Choose a gateway in a comparable environment and altitude and you will see what should be possible. E.G. North-East of the town where I live (DE-Cologne, 60m MSL) there is a gateway abt. 400m MSL high in DE-Remscheid. In direction S to NW this gateway has a coverage of more than 50 km. Or install a gateway and do it yourself by using TTNmapper.


The meaning of PICK-UP BALER is a hay baler that gathers hay from a windrow and compresses it into bales.

Regarding Noise Floor: I already thought about this, but getting indications about the typical noise floor levels for LoRa proves difficult: I found values from 105 - 120dBm, which makes huge differences for calculations. What I found interesting is that the noise floor on a mountain does not seem to differ much from urban environments (to be honest I only found one information about this so far) - I would have guessed that the noise floor in a city is worse.

Schatz makes ABEC 5 bearings. See inner ring, outer ring, and width specifications listed. All tolerances shown are in .0001 inch. Duplex and non-duplex.

SF7release date

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Aug 21, 2024 — The first comprehensive model of rotor aerodynamics could improve the way turbine blades and wind farms are designed and how wind turbines are controlled.

If I am not mistaken, the total link budget of SF7 is 137db. Hacking this data into a free space loss calculator results in a theoretical possible distance of about 200km. Of course, this is not realistic. But, seeming more realistic, if the signal has to go through a single concrete wall (20dB absorption), SF7 could still achieve 20km range.

SF7compound name

If a Gateway is located on a mountain, lets say 500 vertical meters above the surrounding terrain, whats the typical range that can be reached using SF7 (or SF8, 9, a “good” SF)?

See operator’s manual for detailed warranty information. Color, graphics and/or specifications subject to change without notice. Vehicles not for race/rental track use.

PART NUMBERS "2-" PREFIX?  These are UTV Parts only!. (ie) Part# 2-12345 has no relation to normal part# 12345.  The Prefix simply indicates that it's usage is solely for UTV (Utility Vehicles) by Brister and ASW. Do NOT mix-in any "2-" part#'s into your order (if you are ordering normal non "2-" prefix ordered parts). Thank you!


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2019115 — $340 sound just about right. It cost that much because of how much time it takes to change. The whole knuckle has to come off if its a press in bearing.

SF7Speed Queen


200855 — I am going to buy new wheels and tires, hopefully soon, so we'll see if that is actually the problem. 2016 Nissan Maxima SL.



Apr 23, 2019 — To do that you heat the hub it using a torch until the bearing grease starts to drip out, then hammer the races out using the punch. There will ...

@wolfp @hellebauer Thanks for the real life information. Using TTNMapper, I was able to see the information for the GW you mentioned and another similar one here in southern germany.

20211118 — Amuleto/anillo/arete prístino: 2000 XP. ¿La descripción está defectuosa, o estos últimos 10 niveles de joyería van a ser el doble de difíciles ...

Choose from our selection of hex drive flat head screws, Phillips flat head screws, and more. In stock and ready to ship.


The sensitivity of SF7 is quoted as -123dBm (so a link budget of 137db with 14dBm TX) but its also a requirement that the signal is at no more than -7.5dB below noise, so implying a noise level of -130dBm, which is very low for Earth.

IMPORTANT!  Please DO NOT pick parts by description or pictures!. Utilize your Parts Manual (only) to determine your correct part(s). A “Blueprint” image will be in your parts manual along with your parts relative location. Once you retrieve the part# (usually 4+ digits), you simply type-in that part# into our sites Search Box (located in the top upper right side of all site pages). If you need a Parts Manual?, please request a free copy of your Parts Manual here.

Dont forget the other factor that influences good reception is SNR - and whilst LoRa is great for subnoise floor signal extraction there are still (SF determined) limits. Height is almost alway best for range but one consequence is a high mounted antenna also then picks up more (additive) RF noise from the surroundings (that’s why broadcast TV/Radio works welll from a hill top transmitter sending out a signal, where cellco’s typically place their (2-way) base stations at lower levels and closer to the target coverage area…

So, regarding gateway placement, it seems to me that a gateway further away but on very elevated ground (lets say 5 or even 10km away from a city) could produce much better connectivity results than a gateway directly in the city but level with the typical building height.

View all 792 bills of lading and manifests for General Bearing Corporation, A DIVI located in West Nyack, New York filed between May 27th, 2018 and Dec 4th, ...