I rushed with 22/25 heroes, but they were upgrading from day 3 of TH10 onwards so they were effectively 0/0 all the time. Hero levels do not matter for farming because dead bases do not need heroes.

Hey Sin! I’ve recently come up to th9 following the basis of your guide, and am now struggling to withhold trophies while farming with barch. I end up having to use 1 barch army and then 1 normal army to regain trophies so that I stay in crystal 3, and i feel like loot isn’t coming in as efficiently as i’d like. Are there any tips you can give that can help me barch better and actually gain some trophies so i can stay in c3? thanks!

Now that TH9 gets a 3rd DE drill, where would you put that on the priority list? First priority, or build/max the drill before maxing the rest? Thanks!

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but im a th9 so i cant use miners. Although if it werent for the drills that are going to lv5 still i would upgrade soon. Also can I go to th10 with de storage lv5?

I’ve been reading your guide with great interest, having started and got to TH8 by maxing I decided with my alt account to rush instead. Well, my little alt is TH7 now and my TH8 made the brave decision to go up to TH9 on the back of these guides too!

hey! I wanted to know how many times a day you need to attack If you are rushing. I usually do 6-8 raids a day will that be enough in TH9 to keep your lab going

TH9progress base

This TH marks the start of heavy DE grinding. The problem here is your income isn’t too much and it easily doubles at TH10. No point maxing TH9 either because TH10 loot is far better.

Ideally, you’ll want to be here without maxing either TH7 or TH8. The earlier you come into TH9, the better. The hero grind takes so long that almost any maxer will inevitably have maxed defenses, idle builders before even halfway done with heroes. Look into global and see most TH9s, you’ll find that they have maxed TH9 defenses yet not even lvl15 heroes. That is an example of a bad player and a liability in war, despite their maxed defenses they’re weak and bad examples. These are the players you want to laugh at, not the player with 15/15 heroes with TH5 defenses.

Just find some 10v12 attacks on youtube. You need to find TH12s with exposed THs and just snipe the rest of the buildings

– I’m having a lot of trouble with getting more than 40k DE, as each time I leave coc, i’m getting raided for almost 2.5k. Farming in the 700-900 trophies range hardly makes it for those huge losses. Would you recommend me to get higher in trophies and maybe start attacking with pekkas or stuff?

I generally find that its too much hassle and too little reward to participate in wars. Many maxers reach this same Catch 22, they can’t war without heroes and can’t progress without upgrading heroes.

Definitely. If you do not rush, you would likely play this game for 3-4 years and never max out. I am maxing out my TH13 in less than 2 years

Town Hall 9 base best defence

I think this guide could be updated. All one needs to be ready for TH10 is maxed barch. I remember you even said that spending 5 weeks at TH9 was a waste and that you should’ve moved up after 2 weeks.

Hi so I’ve been doing my mini account for about 26 days exact and I’m about to go to TH10, where would you say I should start upgrading defenses? I do see what you mean about them not really helping much at all and it does speed up the upgrading process to focus on the elixir upgrades and whatnot, but I also see that you did upgrade defenses just for the journey. I’m definitely taking note of not doing it, but wondering when should it start?

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TH9war base

So many players choose instant gratification and war first while neglecting heroes. Then afterwards they are “maxed TH9”, except having lvl10/10 heroes.

Hard TH 9 base

Yup, no problems starting with loons first. C2-3 is good if you like using loons, target >3k DE per raid if you want to farm DE. However, elixir will be very slow so begin with barching to complete all your necessary elixir upgrades.

Good luck! Just follow the guides and the journals, I outline most of the things I do and the rationale behind the upgrades and priority

Finished my walls yesterday so i’m done with all that extreme farming for a while. Feels good :p I’ve been able to get up to 65k DE with that drag event so for the end of my th8 journey I guess I’ll just have to farm a little bit to make up for the losses

TH9war base Anti 3 star

Just continue barching and you’ll float around g2 comfortably. Don’t care about trophies for now. Get to TH10 asap and barch gets strong enough to float in c2-3

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I would love to see some of your attack replays, to see how I can improve on BARCH attacks, as I just can’t seem to find the ripe collector bases and if I do, they are too strong for a BARCH. I am working on getting Goblin knife to work for me, even though it works better at TH10 than 9, due to one more elixir spell.

– As for the th9 part, I think I’ll upgrade loons 6, then barch 6, do you think that I’ll be ok doing that? I’m currently farming with laloonion on my main account, so I think I’ll do the same on the mini, super effective for both gold/eli and DE farming imo.

Dusk, I love your guides! One quick question: I am consistently getting less than 1k DE per raid. Can you give me tips on how to get more? (I use barch!)

LOL. I loved your opening paragraph. I resemble that remark. TH9 – Maxed Def, Maxed troops, but only halfway to lego walls, with 15/15 heroes. I just followed the advice of the people who said max everything before you level your TH.

It depends on the quality of raids you do. 6-8 raids is enough if every raid is 300/300/2.5k with barch. I do recommend doing more raids, almost 20 per day for the first few days of TH9 because it will seem tough initially

Well, finally maxed lvl8 walls in good time before I reach TH9 so that I have time to farm till full storages.  And there you go, about 15 raids later my gold is full and my DE is enough for AQ lvl1 and 2. Easy, now how should I protect this loot before I hit…

If you can afford it then sure it is good. But the TH10 and TH11 ones are even better, if you only want 1-2 get those instead. If you can spend then no problem getting all 3

Definitely go higher because TH9 has been DE a little higher (G3 upwards). Do not worry about DE for now, once you are at TH9 and better league then DE will be much easier.


Yeap, writing out the farming guide right now, but you can still look at my TH9 attack log (which is far less impressive than my TH10 one). My account currently in nightmareguild2, a FWAL clan

For lab, it should be: barb > arch. Upgrade wallbreakers to lvl5. Then upgrade balloons till lvl6. You can upgrade giants/goblins after that but not necessary really. Barch lvl7-8 easily trumps both of them

“Am I ready for TH11?” Most probably yes, if you’re asking this question. It is almost impossible to screw up by rushing your base, it might make things harder but you can never be stuck with no way to progress. Here’s a quick checklist of what you need before going to TH11. If you have…

Because new stuff gets introduced and old stuff gets cheaper. Another advantage of rushing I guess, my rushed TH11 is having fun doing everything for less compared to my other accounts

Last updated: 13/08/2019 Once you reach here, you are a few short upgrades to TH7 where you unlock some important stuff. Don’t worry about skipping large portions of your base and definitely don’t worry about defenses for now. Regardless of how strong you are, someone else will always steal your loot. If you have good…

Dusk, love your guides! Got bored so started a mini on Apr 1 — I’m 2-3 days from upgrading to TH9 now. For comparison, my main just got to TH9 a few days ago (I took a break for a few years as I got bored of maxing)!

Notice how almost every upgrade costs elixir. While farming, dump all excess gold into walls and bring them to lvl8 and excess elixir to upgrade those lvl8 to lvl9 elixirs. The above upgrades combined cost around 60-90mil elixir, so you can easily finish all lvl8 walls with the excess gold. This is why I say its dumb to stay in TH8 working on walls while you’re supposed to be in TH9 working on offenses. End result of TH8 grinding skulls? Maxed walls, 200 army space, 10/0 heroes. End result of rushed TH9? Maxed walls, 220 army space, 15/15 heroes.

is mass bdrags a good strat for cwl? I have lv7 bk and i wont use aq probably, and will have all camps, cc and sf done for next cwl.

The plan looks ok, I wouldn’t stress about walls until mid TH9 onwards because your farming capacity is really low before that.

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I actually made a post about this before: https://clashguideswithdusk.wordpress.com/2016/11/23/lab-upgrade-and-troop-upgrades-run-concurrently/ But yes, it will keep going

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The thing I loved it upgrade priority guide, But I preferred to upgrade the balloon to lvl.6 rather than Barch. Because balloons are at most important for A Lava-loon strategy. THIS WAS MY PREFERENCE, BUT IF SOMEONE IS USING TH8 ATTCK STRATEGIES THEN U SHOULD HAVE UPGRADED THE TROOPS RELATED TO THOSE ONLY. AND IF SOMETHING MORE TOUGH, WHENEVER USING THE QUEENWALK, HEALER IS THE MOST USEFUL. And Thx for ur guidance Sin.

Its really a screening tool, people who can do 15/15 heroes in TH9 are more likely to excel in the beginning phase of TH10. An experienced player would not need such a requirement

TH9base layout 2024

This guide is now obsolete, please read the new guide https://clashguideswithdusk.net/2019/08/13/end-of-tutorial-th5-and-th6/ Last updated: 7/10/2018 TH6, the second most useless TH ever, only behind TH8. Nothing is offered here, no barch level, expensive and long camp upgrades and no hero to upgrade. You only get 150 space here while you’re defending against 200 space and a…

Wassup dude. I love the guide. Where should I add the new bomb tower? Also, is there an updated base for when I get all new buildings?

Hey dusk I’m kind of new to this whole world of “rushing is the best strat for coc”. If my end goal for this game is to completely max out th13, are these guides the best way to accomplish that?

– Lastly, you did rush to th10 with 20/20 heroes? Was that harder than going 30/30 or it’s like kind of the same? (considering i’m just rushing, not interested by wars at all )

I’d put it after offense but before xbows. At the same place as DE drill upgrades except that you build the 3rd drill before upgrading them all

Not sure how you found this guide, but this is now obsolete. Use my new guide below: https://clashguideswithdusk.net/2019/08/12/early-tutorial-th1-4-guide/ Last edited: 29/9/2018 TH3 is the “TH of storages”. Basically, you have quite a few levels of storages to do and you want to move up to TH4 ASAP too. From lvl2 or lvl3 storages, you want…

TH9? Don’t worry about it, just barch and try to find bases with good DE drills. Once you’re TH10, you’ll easily get to gold 1/crystal 3 and find good bases

Recommended stay time: 10-30 days ideally. This is the time it takes to get your AQ to lvl10-15 while finishing all first to third priority upgrades. If your builders have completed all first to third priority upgrades (regardless of AQ level), you should just upgrade to TH10 because there is much more DE.

Unfortunately TH12 offers almost nothing to a normal player. You need to spend an absurd amount of effort and time upgrading your warden before you become stronger than a TH11. Good news is that giga tesla lvl5 will prevent a lot of 3 stars against you, even with rushed defenses. Unless you are rushing an…

It took me 30 days to reach TH9 and another 30 days to reach TH10, this is a reasonable guideline and speed for a new player. However if it is your mini account, feel free to rush faster. While your TH8 is upgrading, save up at least 62.5k DE and as much gold/elixir as possible (6/6mil is good)

hi man, so I followed your guides and about to be done all second priority upgrade. only storages to go. I’m planning on 3rd priority upgrade but I don’t know if I should wait to max barracks + Dark barracks + Dark SF before getting to TH 10? current stage: 3 level 8 barracks, 1 level 9 barracks, 2 level 3 Dark Barracks, Dark SF is level 2.

My mini is now 60 days old, currently th8, planning on beginning my th9 upgrade in 8 days, so that’s gonna be quite a bit more than what you did on your own account… I guess you were always using all the builders, while I had 1 constantly left for walls. So I’m gonna end up with all 6 barracks up to max, and all skulls walls done ( prob gonna finish those in the the next few days ? In the meantime I’ve also planned to upgrade loons up to 5, rage and minions for a bit. Only having king 7 tho :/


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You need 11mil gold to bring your new walls to lvl8. After that, you will need 375mil of either gold and elixir to max your walls. Don’t worry if you cannot max it before TH10. Just upgrade your walls as much as possible.

4th priority upgrades: (do these as fillers and if you cannot to afford necessary higher priority upgrades, do not overstay TH9 for these upgrades)

1. Maxed barch 2. Maxed storages (can store 8mil/8mil/190k) 3. Maxed dark drills 4. Maxed offenses (lab, sf, cc, army camps) 5. Built all defenses

You said to upgrade to TH10 by the time your heroes are level 15. Why 15 though? Since TH10 loot is better, why wait for your heroes to get just slightly better stats? Just wondering.

Yup, laloon is decent, just need to get some practice. Even easier is just to use lvl1 miners and own TH9s without a brain

Hey dude, just wondering if you do any wars at all while you do your strategic rushing? Especially at TH9. I’m brand new to TH9 and like you said, your AQ is going to be down for the majority of the time so is it worth it to go to war or just keep farming like a mad man? Thanks ?

Yeap, that’s my experience with many maxers as well. But rushers who are guided well will usually have much higher heroes and are able to farm much more efficiently.

Hi! So I think I’m too low in trophies for farming good DE (I’m in silver 1). What would you recommend for getting up in trophies quickly? I feel barch doesn’t really do the job and I find myself distracted by good gold/elixir dead bases to ever focus enough on pushing up in trophies.

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