Clutch release bearings for lcv - clutch release bearing
UAB ALBASERVIS Contact Person: Algimantas Bakutis Address: Šaltiniu 13/16 03214 Vilnius tel.: +370 5 213 1679 fax: +370 5 213 1679 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact person: Marko Tomasevic Cede Mijatovica 3 111 20 Beograd SERBIA tel./fax: + 381 113 085 111 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Antonio Gutierrez Address: C/Parsi-7, n.5 41016 Sevilla SPAIN tel.: +34 954 999454 fax: +34 954 671496 e-mail: *protected email*
Zelena str. 238-Z Lviv 79035 Ukraine tel.: (032) 297-01-93, 297-15-29, 297-65-66 e-mail: *protected email*
The wrong amount of lubrication can cause damaging results in machinery including energy loss, rising temperatures and shortened equipment lifespans that lead to costly, unscheduled downtime. At Industrial Autolube we help you avoid equipment failures and production delays with automated lubricating systems that calculate the correct lubrication volume needed to keep your equipment running smoothly, without waste and saving you money.
Ložiskáin english
SKAMA S.A. 11, Alexandrou Stavrou str. 546 44 Thessaloniki tel.: +30 2310 904 044 fax: +30 2310 944 542 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact person: DRAGOS UNTARU Address: 65 A TEPES VODA str. District 2 post code 021522 Bucharest tel : +40 213 267 397; +40 21 323 46 54 fax : +40 213 267 398; +40 21 323 46 55 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Nitin Sanghvi Address: 12, Narayan Dhru Cross Lane 3rd Floor, Office No – 25 MUMBAI – 400003 tel.: +91 22 261 352 23 tel.: +91 22 236 152 24 fax: +91 22 261 352 24 e-mail: *protected email*
Rodamientos y Servicios, sl Contact Person: Antonio Gutierrez Address: C/Parsi-7, n.5 41016 Sevilla SPAIN tel.: +34 954 999454 fax: +34 954 671496 e-mail: *protected email*
ROMEXIM DIRECT LTD Contact person: DRAGOS UNTARU Address: 65 A TEPES VODA str. District 2 post code 021522 Bucharest tel : +40 213 267 397; +40 21 323 46 54 fax : +40 213 267 398; +40 21 323 46 55 e-mail: *protected email*
TASE SHPK St. Kavajës 23/2 Condor Center Tirana, Albania Contact person: Arjan Tase tel: +355 42 220 027 EXT:43 Mob/Viber/WhatsApp +355 68 20 35 581 *protected email*
Contact Person: Owner:James Gray Address: 40103 Otero Road Magnolia, Texas 77354 Phone: 713-900-6040 email: *protected email* *protected email* Website:
David Plewa Na Rovince 1066 720 00 Ostrava – Hrabová mobil: +420 603 271 188 e-mail: *protected email* web:
ZVL ITALIA s.p.a Via de Gasperi 88 20017 RHO – MILANO ITALIA Contact Person: Krajníková Mária tel : 02 54771524 fax: 02 54771145 e-mail: *protected email*
UNIKOL BRNO, s.r.o. Pražákova 1008/69, 639 00 Brno, Štýřice NonStop služba: +420 725 593 738 Fax: +420 325 515 929 E-mail: *protected email*
UNIKOL OSTRAVA, s.r.o. 1.máje 481/16, Ostrava – Mariánské Hory 709 00 Mobil: +420 725 839 754 NonStop služba: +420 702 093 549 E-mail: *protected email* Skype: unikol-ostrava
GB Bearings (Pty) Ltd Contact Person: Celeste Kan Supervisor - Stock Products Address: 1 Essex Street, Tunney Industrial Elandsfontein Reception Tel: 011 974 1291 Reception Fax: 011 974 1468 Direct Fax: 086 293 4413 Cell: 074 271 8334 Website:
ROLIMPEX Ltd. Contact Person: Vitalij Kuksov Address: 35-A, Slobozhansky av. Dnipro, Tel.: +38-050-342-33-57 Tel.: +38-095-233-53-81 Tel.: +38-056-780-18-73 e-mail: *protected email* e-mail: *protected email* PEF "AGRO-CENTER" Address: 46/2, Prychodka str. 33002 Rivno tel.: +38 (096) 800 80 50 e-mail: *protected email* Galpidshypnyk Zelena str. 238-Z Lviv 79035 Ukraine tel.: (032) 297-01-93, 297-15-29, 297-65-66 e-mail: *protected email* Privat Company Prompodshipnik Contact Person: Anna Podobed Address: Tereshkina str, 7 Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region Tel.: 095-295-02-30 email: *protected email*
Confidenza Kft Contact Person: Ms Jolanta Fuhl Eng. Address: Révész u. 9 Budapest tel: +36 1350 3708 fax: +36 1350 3706 e-mail: *protected email* Bearings Ltd. Contact Person: Júlia Lezsovits Address: Gergely u. 3-9 H-1105 Budapest tel: +36 1260 8014 fax: +36 1433 2466 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Algimantas Bakutis Address: Šaltiniu 13/16 03214 Vilnius tel.: +370 5 213 1679 fax: +370 5 213 1679 e-mail: *protected email*
LLC EVENLINE Contact Person: Vyacheslav Solovev Address: Volodko str., 20 of.10,11,12 220007 Minsk Republic of Belarus tel./fax: +375 17 223-69-34 mobil: +375 29 621-83-86 e-mail: *protected email* ZVL stock in Belarus
Authorized Distributor for OEM and End Users Contact Person: Prakash Parakh Address: 5/4, Clive Row 3rd Floor, Room No 69 KOLKATA 700001, West Bengal tel.: +91 9831 060 832 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Dejan Katic Address: Donja Svarca 54 47000 KARLOVAC CROATIA tel.: +385 47 431 188 fax: +385 47 600 642 e-mail: *protected email*
"Аgrotrak" ООО Novaya str. 17/2 630/520 Verch Tula Novosibirsk region tel.: + 8 (3852) 22 33 10 + 8 800 700 18 17 call free *protected email* интернет-магазин
ADOZ, s.r.o. Výrobní 1441 593 01 Bystřice nad Pernštejnem tel.: +420 566 591 910 fax: +420 566 591 920 e-mail: *protected email* web: PobočkyPobočka Ústí nad Labem ADOZ, s.r.o. Pražská 32 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 475 209 404, 434 fax: +420 777 750 316 e-mail: *protected email* Pobočka Brno ADOZ, s.r.o. Trnkova 3040/117d RDPArk vedle Zetoru 628 00 Brno – Líšeň tel.: +420 516 770 811 fax: +420 516 770 815 e-mail: *protected email* Pobočka Ostrava ADOZ, s.r.o. Prokopa Velikého 390/15 703 00 Ostrava-Vítkovice tel.: +420 596 614 160 fax: +420 596 614 167 e-mail: *protected email* ZHL LOŽISKA, s.r.o. Martin Hradecký Třanovice 93 739 53 Třanovice tel.: +420 558 639 723 fax.: +420 558 635 126 e-mail: *protected email* web: UNIKOL CZ, s.r.o., centrála Nymburk Stanislav Nebáznivý, MBA Poděbradská 246 28802 Nymburk Tel: +420 325 515 929 Fax: +420 325 516 757 NonStop služba: +420 725 944 705 e-mail: *protected email* web: Skype: unikolcz-nymburk PobočkyUNIKOL, s.r.o. U Bečvy 1393, 756 54 Zubří Tel/fax: +420 571 658 909 NonStop služba: +420 602 746 023 E-mail: *protected email* UNIKOL BRNO, s.r.o. Pražákova 1008/69, 639 00 Brno, Štýřice NonStop služba: +420 725 593 738 Fax: +420 325 515 929 E-mail: *protected email* UNIKOL CZ, s.r.o., pobočka Kolín Havlíčkova 260 (bývalý areál Tesly), 280 58 Kolín IV NonStop služba: +420 602 951 264 Tel/fax: +420 321 711 858 E-mail: *protected email* Skype: unikol-kolin UNIKOL CZ, s.r.o., pobočka Plzeň Rubešova 6, 326 00 Plzeň 2 – Slovany Tel: +420377 241 217 fax: +420 377 241 218 NonStop služba: +420 602 543 683 E-mail: *protected email* Skype: unikol-plzeň UNIKOL OSTRAVA, s.r.o. 1.máje 481/16, Ostrava – Mariánské Hory 709 00 Mobil: +420 725 839 754 NonStop služba: +420 702 093 549 E-mail: *protected email* Skype: unikol-ostrava IMET-CZ, spol. s r.o. Vlach Daniel Palkovická 529 738 01 Frýdek-Místek tel.: +420 558 628 133 mobil: +420 777 705 509 e-mail: *protected email* web: Rubix Czech, s.r.o. David Plewa Na Rovince 1066 720 00 Ostrava – Hrabová mobil: +420 603 271 188 e-mail: *protected email* web: PobočkyLiberec Dělnická 224 460 06 Liberec VI T: +420 603 587 408 E: *protected email* Praha Parkerova 624 250 67 Klecany T: +420 606 640 169 E: *protected email* Otrokovice tř. Tomáše Bati 332, 765 02 Otrokovice T: +420 724 397 413 E: *protected email* Plzeň Valcha 139, areál SD corporation s.r.o. 301 00 Plzeň T: +420 603 411 497 E: *protected email* Brno Škrobárenská 485/14 – box 5 617 00 Brno T: +420 724 516 914 E: *protected email* Prodejna Ostrava Na Rovince 1066 720 00 Ostrava – Hrabová T: +420 724 538 085 E: *protected email*
Tatra parts s.r.o. Pezinská 901/5 Chorvátsky Grob 900 25 Tel: +421 2 459 439 38 Fax: +421 2 459 434 09 e-mail: *protected email* web:
UNIKOL CZ, s.r.o., pobočka Plzeň Rubešova 6, 326 00 Plzeň 2 – Slovany Tel: +420377 241 217 fax: +420 377 241 218 NonStop služba: +420 602 543 683 E-mail: *protected email* Skype: unikol-plzeň
St. Kavajës 23/2 Condor Center Tirana, Albania Contact person: Arjan Tase tel: +355 42 220 027 EXT:43 Mob/Viber/WhatsApp +355 68 20 35 581 *protected email*
Contact Person: Ammar Ibrahim Mahmood Address: ALNAJMAWYINDUSTRIAL LEFT BANK OF MOSUL tel.: +9 647 701 819 008 e-mail: *protected email*
ZVL Bearings GmbH Contact Person: Peter-Jürgen de Cillia Address: Klagenfurter Str. 19 • 9500 Villach tel.: +43 / 4242 / 24 469 fax: +43 / 732 / 2101 000 44 e-mail: *protected email*
Novaya str. 17/2 630/520 Verch Tula Novosibirsk region tel.: + 8 (3852) 22 33 10 + 8 800 700 18 17 call free *protected email* интернет-магазин
Martin Hradecký Třanovice 93 739 53 Třanovice tel.: +420 558 639 723 fax.: +420 558 635 126 e-mail: *protected email* web:
Vlach Daniel Palkovická 529 738 01 Frýdek-Místek tel.: +420 558 628 133 mobil: +420 777 705 509 e-mail: *protected email* web:
Contact Person: Vitalij Kuksov Address: 35-A, Slobozhansky av. Dnipro, Tel.: +38-050-342-33-57 Tel.: +38-095-233-53-81 Tel.: +38-056-780-18-73 e-mail: *protected email* e-mail: *protected email*
Pezinská 901/5 Chorvátsky Grob 900 25 Tel: +421 2 459 439 38 Fax: +421 2 459 434 09 e-mail: *protected email* web:
Contact Person: Peter-Jürgen de Cillia Address: Klagenfurter Str. 19 • 9500 Villach tel.: +43 / 4242 / 24 469 fax: +43 / 732 / 2101 000 44 e-mail: *protected email*
IMET – AKE, s.r.o. Ladislav Stop M. Sch. Trnavského 2/B 841 01 Bratislava tel.: +421 907 893 432 e-mail: *protected email* web: COMMERC SERVICE, s.r.o. Ing. Marcel Leško Ku Surdoku 35 080 01 Prešov 1 tel.: +421 905 832 450 e-mail: *protected email* web: ZVL-LOŽISKÁ, s.r.o. Ing. Milan Rebroš Kamenná cesta 16/B 010 01 Žilina tel.: +421 41 7634811 e-mail: *protected email* web: Inline ložiská s.r.o. Jaromír Ščepka Lužná 19/4010 851 04 Bratislava 5 tel.: +421 904 107 797 e-mail: *protected email* web:
INTERCOM Celje, d.o.o. Teharje 6/b – SI-3000 Celje Slovenia Contact person: Jernej Volavsek +386 3 426 02 62 +386 31 704 450 e-mail: *protected email* web:
Contact Person: Stanislav Kaleis Address: J.Smuuli tee 42 / Vesse street 3 11415 Tallinn tel.: +372 6205 090 fax: +372 6205 082 e-mail: *protected email*
Interaktívny online katalóg ložísk s možnosťou vyhľadávania ložísk podľa označenie a taktiež sťahovať produktové listy vo formáte PDF ako aj 3D modely ložísk vo formáte STP.
Contact Person: Vyacheslav Solovev Address: Volodko str., 20 of.10,11,12 220007 Minsk Republic of Belarus tel./fax: +375 17 223-69-34 mobil: +375 29 621-83-86 e-mail: *protected email* ZVL stock in Belarus
Bearing Space Contact Person: Owner:James Gray Address: 40103 Otero Road Magnolia, Texas 77354 Phone: 713-900-6040 email: *protected email* *protected email* Website:
KBD doo Contact Person: Dejan Katic Address: Donja Svarca 54 47000 KARLOVAC CROATIA tel.: +385 47 431 188 fax: +385 47 600 642 e-mail: *protected email*
HKL Bearings Co., Ltd. Kontaktná osoba: Yen-Fu Lin No.18, Ln. 531, Zhongxiao Rd., Linkou Dist. 24447 New Taipei City 244 tel.: 886-2-2608-2199 *protected email*
BiB Unikoop dooel st. Arhiepiskop Dositej N. 98 7500 Prilep North Macedonia OFFICIAL BRANCH in Skopje Contact person 24/7: Natasa Stojanoska *protected email* tel.:00389 70 295 439 DIRECTION in Prilep Branko Dimeski tel.: 00389 70 208 696 *protected email* Blagoja Dimeski 24/7 *protected email* tel.: 00389 70 353 619 Web:
ZVL COMERCIAL S.A. Contact Person: Francisco de Trueba Address: Medina 1767/C 1407 JFE/ BUENOS AIRES tel.: +4674-2500 fax: +11 4674-2503 e-mail: *protected email*
Teharje 6/b – SI-3000 Celje Slovenia Contact person: Jernej Volavsek +386 3 426 02 62 +386 31 704 450 e-mail: *protected email* web:
HADI SHABANI Middle East Sale Manager Tel: +421 41 707 60 27 Mob: +421 911 757 674 Fax: +421 41 707 60 23 e-mail: *protected email*
Increase equipment life, save operation budgets and remove employee danger with custom-engineered lubrication systems from Industrial Autolube. Gain Lifetime support and knowledge from experts that care about the performance of your daily operations.
Pobočka Brno ADOZ, s.r.o. Trnkova 3040/117d RDPArk vedle Zetoru 628 00 Brno – Líšeň tel.: +420 516 770 811 fax: +420 516 770 815 e-mail: *protected email*
Stanislav Nebáznivý, MBA Poděbradská 246 28802 Nymburk Tel: +420 325 515 929 Fax: +420 325 516 757 NonStop služba: +420 725 944 705 e-mail: *protected email* web: Skype: unikolcz-nymburk
Pobočka Ostrava ADOZ, s.r.o. Prokopa Velikého 390/15 703 00 Ostrava-Vítkovice tel.: +420 596 614 160 fax: +420 596 614 167 e-mail: *protected email*
KAVIAL OÜ Contact Person: Stanislav Kaleis Address: J.Smuuli tee 42 / Vesse street 3 11415 Tallinn tel.: +372 6205 090 fax: +372 6205 082 e-mail: *protected email*
S viac ako 50 ročnými skúsenosťami v obore sa radíme k významným hráčom vo výrobe ložísk a komponentov pre najrôznejšie priemyselné aplikácie a pomáhame dosahovať vysokú kvalitu výstupov na úrovni svetového štandardu. Našim zákazníkom ponúkame komplexný sortiment ložísk tradičnej európskej značky ZVL.
Lager doo Contact Person: Stipe Mihalj Address: Juzna obilaznica bb 88240 Posusje BiH tel.: +387 39 682 333 fax: +387 39 682 336 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Tratalos Anastasios Address: 3rd km LARISSA – THESSALONIKI Rd. 41336 LARISSA tel.: +30 2410 553390 fax: +30 2410 552030 e-mail: *protected email*
Výrobní 1441 593 01 Bystřice nad Pernštejnem tel.: +420 566 591 910 fax: +420 566 591 920 e-mail: *protected email* web:
Lic. Juan Carlos Bacero Representante Comercial autorizado de ZVL para Mexico Paseo de la Cumbre Sur 405 Int. 42 Zapopan, Jalisco. México C.P. 45180 Tel. Oficina +52 3315618095 Celular: +52 5545113364 *protected email*
S&R INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Mukusalas 51, LV1073 Riga LV1073 Riga Latvia Contact person: Sergey Pavljučenko *protected email* Tel.: +37120443322
Agropiese TGR GRUP S.R.L. Muncheshti str. 27 1/7 Chisinau Moldavsko Contact person: Boris Gutu *protected email* tel.:+373 796 57 349
Contact Person: Júlia Lezsovits Address: Gergely u. 3-9 H-1105 Budapest tel: +36 1260 8014 fax: +36 1433 2466 e-mail: *protected email*
OEM Wälzlager Contact Person: Ron Lüdemann Address: Zum Ludwigstal 30 D- 45527 Hattingen tel.: +49 2324/9364-30 fax: +49 2324/9364-44 e-mail: *protected email* SGN Walzlager GmbH Contact Person: Jens Guhl Address: Daheimstraße 25 – 27 06842 Dessau-Roßlau Germany Tel: +49 340 8710250 e-mail: *protected email* Web:
Contact Person: Stipe Mihalj Address: Juzna obilaznica bb 88240 Posusje BiH tel.: +387 39 682 333 fax: +387 39 682 336 e-mail: *protected email*
ABDULAZEEZ KHUDHER ALI Contact Person: Ammar Ibrahim Mahmood Address: ALNAJMAWYINDUSTRIAL LEFT BANK OF MOSUL tel.: +9 647 701 819 008 e-mail: *protected email*
NBU BEARINGS PVT. LTD Contact Person: Nitin Sanghvi Address: 12, Narayan Dhru Cross Lane 3rd Floor, Office No – 25 MUMBAI – 400003 tel.: +91 22 261 352 23 tel.: +91 22 236 152 24 fax: +91 22 261 352 24 e-mail: *protected email* Rolltech Bearing Enterprises Authorized Distributor for OEM and End Users Contact Person: Prakash Parakh Address: 5/4, Clive Row 3rd Floor, Room No 69 KOLKATA 700001, West Bengal tel.: +91 9831 060 832 e-mail: *protected email* Jain Enterprises Authorized Distributor for OEM and End Users Contact Person: Prakash Parakh Address: 2401, Ramnath Building 2nd Floor DELHI – 110006 tel.: +91 9831 060 832 e-mail: *protected email*
TRATALOS SA Contact Person: Tratalos Anastasios Address: 3rd km LARISSA – THESSALONIKI Rd. 41336 LARISSA tel.: +30 2410 553390 fax: +30 2410 552030 e-mail: *protected email* PobočkyTRATALOS SA Koritsas 12 & Pellis Botanikos 10447 Athens tel.: +30-210-3460078 fax: +30-210-3417260 e-mail: *protected email* SKAMA S.A. Industrial Area Thessaloniki P. O. Box 154 570 22 Sindos tel.: +30 2310 779 520 fax: +30 2310 798 890 e-mail: *protected email* PobočkyS&M Thessaloniki East SKAMA S.A. 11, Alexandrou Stavrou str. 546 44 Thessaloniki tel.: +30 2310 904 044 fax: +30 2310 944 542 e-mail: *protected email* S&M Larisa SKAMA S.A. 1st klm Larisa-Athens 415 00 Larisa tel.: +30 2410 550 366 fax: +30 2410 550 926 e-mail: *protected email* S&M Crete SKAMA S.A. 385, Ave. 62 Martiron 713 04 Heraklion tel.: +30 2810 372 635 fax: +30 2810 372 639 e-mail: *protected email* S&M Athens SKAMA S.A. 2, Serron str. 104 41 Athens tel.: +30 210 52 96 900 fax: +30 210 52 96 819 e-mail: *protected email* S&M Thessaloniki West SKAMA S.A. 80, Giannitson str. 546 27 Thessaloniki tel.: +30 2310 518 212 fax: +30 2310 547 548 e-mail: *protected email*
Pobočka Ústí nad Labem ADOZ, s.r.o. Pražská 32 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 475 209 404, 434 fax: +420 777 750 316 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Celeste Kan Supervisor - Stock Products Address: 1 Essex Street, Tunney Industrial Elandsfontein Reception Tel: 011 974 1291 Reception Fax: 011 974 1468 Direct Fax: 086 293 4413 Cell: 074 271 8334 Website:
Contact person: Rumen Radev Address: 10 Vilhelm Pik Str. Dimitrovgrad 6400 tel: +359 391 61561 fax: +359 391 63080 e-mail: *protected email*
Representante Comercial autorizado de ZVL para Mexico Paseo de la Cumbre Sur 405 Int. 42 Zapopan, Jalisco. México C.P. 45180 Tel. Oficina +52 3315618095 Celular: +52 5545113364 *protected email*
Novaya str. 17/2 630/520 Verch Tula Novosibirsk region tel.: + 8 (3852) 22 33 10 + 8 800 700 18 17 call free *protected email* интернет-магазин
Contact Person: Jens Guhl Address: Daheimstraße 25 – 27 06842 Dessau-Roßlau Germany Tel: +49 340 8710250 e-mail: *protected email* Web:
Contact Person: Francisco de Trueba Address: Medina 1767/C 1407 JFE/ BUENOS AIRES tel.: +4674-2500 fax: +11 4674-2503 e-mail: *protected email*
LAGERTON d.o.o. Contact Person: Toni Dordevic Address: Ivana Gorana Kovačica 24C 18 000 NIŠ SERBIA tel./fax: +381 18 576 362 tel./fax: +381 18 576 423 e-mail: *protected email* Ljubex International Contact person: Marko Tomasevic Cede Mijatovica 3 111 20 Beograd SERBIA tel./fax: + 381 113 085 111 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Ms Jolanta Fuhl Eng. Address: Révész u. 9 Budapest tel: +36 1350 3708 fax: +36 1350 3706 e-mail: *protected email*
UNIKOL CZ, s.r.o., pobočka Kolín Havlíčkova 260 (bývalý areál Tesly), 280 58 Kolín IV NonStop služba: +420 602 951 264 Tel/fax: +420 321 711 858 E-mail: *protected email* Skype: unikol-kolin
Sankt Peterburg ul. Krasnoputilovskaya, d. 69 lit. A pom. 22-N, of. №310 tel.: + 8 812 318 45 49 *protected email*
SKAMA S.A. 80, Giannitson str. 546 27 Thessaloniki tel.: +30 2310 518 212 fax: +30 2310 547 548 e-mail: *protected email*
Ing. Marcel Leško Ku Surdoku 35 080 01 Prešov 1 tel.: +421 905 832 450 e-mail: *protected email* web:
Contact Person: Toni Dordevic Address: Ivana Gorana Kovačica 24C 18 000 NIŠ SERBIA tel./fax: +381 18 576 362 tel./fax: +381 18 576 423 e-mail: *protected email*
UNIKOL, s.r.o. U Bečvy 1393, 756 54 Zubří Tel/fax: +420 571 658 909 NonStop služba: +420 602 746 023 E-mail: *protected email*
Importaciones Viking Spa. Contact Person: Monica Morales Address: Cerro El Plomo 5931, Oficina 510 Las Condes, Santiago, Chile tel.: +56 9 3513 5771 e-mail: *protected email*
Via de Gasperi 88 20017 RHO – MILANO ITALIA Contact Person: Krajníková Mária tel : 02 54771524 fax: 02 54771145 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Anna Podobed Address: Tereshkina str, 7 Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region Tel.: 095-295-02-30 email: *protected email*
TIVI GROUP INDUSTRY Ltd. Contact person: Rumen Radev Address: 10 Vilhelm Pik Str. Dimitrovgrad 6400 tel: +359 391 61561 fax: +359 391 63080 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Ron Lüdemann Address: Zum Ludwigstal 30 D- 45527 Hattingen tel.: +49 2324/9364-30 fax: +49 2324/9364-44 e-mail: *protected email*
Contact Person: Julia Lonskaya Address: Chkalova str. 7 614064 Perm tel.: +7 342 2788313 e-mail: *protected email*
Ložiskáenglish translation
DIRECTION in Prilep Branko Dimeski tel.: 00389 70 208 696 *protected email* Blagoja Dimeski 24/7 *protected email* tel.: 00389 70 353 619
Middle East Sale Manager Tel: +421 41 707 60 27 Mob: +421 911 757 674 Fax: +421 41 707 60 23 e-mail: *protected email*
Kontaktná osoba: Yen-Fu Lin No.18, Ln. 531, Zhongxiao Rd., Linkou Dist. 24447 New Taipei City 244 tel.: 886-2-2608-2199 *protected email*
Contact Person: Monica Morales Address: Cerro El Plomo 5931, Oficina 510 Las Condes, Santiago, Chile tel.: +56 9 3513 5771 e-mail: *protected email*
SKAMA S.A. 385, Ave. 62 Martiron 713 04 Heraklion tel.: +30 2810 372 635 fax: +30 2810 372 639 e-mail: *protected email*
SKAMA S.A. 2, Serron str. 104 41 Athens tel.: +30 210 52 96 900 fax: +30 210 52 96 819 e-mail: *protected email*
Techsnab Contact Person: Julia Lonskaya Address: Chkalova str. 7 614064 Perm tel.: +7 342 2788313 e-mail: *protected email* "Аgrotrak" ООО Novaya str. 17/2 630/520 Verch Tula Novosibirsk region tel.: + 8 (3852) 22 33 10 + 8 800 700 18 17 call free *protected email* интернет-магазин Ocean Bearings Sankt Peterburg ul. Krasnoputilovskaya, d. 69 lit. A pom. 22-N, of. №310 tel.: + 8 812 318 45 49 *protected email*
SKAMA S.A. 1st klm Larisa-Athens 415 00 Larisa tel.: +30 2410 550 366 fax: +30 2410 550 926 e-mail: *protected email*
Muncheshti str. 27 1/7 Chisinau Moldavsko Contact person: Boris Gutu *protected email* tel.:+373 796 57 349
Authorized Distributor for OEM and End Users Contact Person: Prakash Parakh Address: 2401, Ramnath Building 2nd Floor DELHI – 110006 tel.: +91 9831 060 832 e-mail: *protected email*
Industrial Area Thessaloniki P. O. Box 154 570 22 Sindos tel.: +30 2310 779 520 fax: +30 2310 798 890 e-mail: *protected email*