Cold cabinet Metos WMBC-1000 230/1/50-60 Marine - 1000/230
I don’t believe anybody would /should advise you to keep driving on it. However, I have done it before. I’m sure there are people that don’t even heed the noise or don’t hear the noise and drive for quite some time…
My only experience with a bad bearing was one that started to make a little noise. We drove about 50 miles on it, and then it started to grab and pull the car to one side. We pulled over quickly, of course, and it had to be towed from that point.
Are these short trips? Less than 10 miles? If so, just feel that wheel’s lug nuts after each trip…if they’re not warmer than the other side’s…drive on…
I begin to hear a really faint wheel bearing grinding noise beginning at about 20 MPH, and most people should be able to hear it at about 25, and the noise is difficult to ignore at 30. Do you think I can drive it another 100-200 miles? Do the wheels begin to wobble when the wheel bearings are about to fail?
I confirmed that I have a bad wheel bearing on my 2006 Ford Focus. I started hearing a faint rumbling or whining noise from the right rear a couple thousand miles ago. I first thought it was the tire going out of balance. The tire looked O.K., so I rotated them front to back. But the noise continued to come from the right rear. I concluded that it had to be the wheel bearing, so I periodically checked the wheels by lifting it up with a jack and trying to rock it side to side and front to back. I was told that when a wheel bearing goes bad, the wheel gets loose, so I should be able to check by rocking it. But all 4 wheels felt all right – that is, until someone suggested that a bad wheel bearing does not necessarily result in wobbly wheels, and that I need to rotate the wheel and hear for any grinding noise. Sure enough right rear wheel gave that noise. So, I am sure it is the wheel bearing.
201684 — By all the youtube vids ive seen the sound is exactly that of a wheel bearing issue but the lack of common symptoms such as wheel play and ...
So why is there a difference in weather minimums at different altitudes? Starting at 10,000' MSL, you can fly faster than 250 knots. Accordingly, you'll need more visibility and distance from the clouds to see and avoid other aircraft. High speeds increase closure rates, so you'll have less time to react to oncoming traffic.
According to 91.117(c), no person may operate an aircraft beneath Class B airspace, or in a VFR corridor through Class B, at an indicated airspeed of more than 200 knots (230 mph). This is done to help separate aircraft operating within Class B from those operating outside of Class B. Some aircraft flying below Class B may not be in contact with ATC, and the speed restriction of 200 knots provides ATC an added buffer to get traffic out of the way, should an airspace deviation occur.
According to FAR 91.117(a), "unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may operate an aircraft below 10,000 feet MSL at an indicated airspeed of more than 250 knots (288 mph)".
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Here’s a relevant quiz for you. Which is more expensive, a new bearing or having the wheel lock up and driving into a bridge abutment?
According to FAR 91.215, nearly all aircraft are required to have an operating Mode C transponder at and above 10,000 feet MSL. These transponders automatically transmit pressure altitude in 100-foot increments to ATC. In part, this helps ATC separate VFR traffic from high-speed IFR traffic above 10,000 feet.
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Brake & Wheel Hub Parts and More for Your 2005 FORD FOCUS at Reliably Low Prices. Fast Online Catalog. DIY-Easy. Your Choice of Quality.
On December 16th, 1960, a United Airlines Douglas DC-8 collided with a TWA Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation over the skies of Brooklyn, New York. United Flight 826 had missed its holding waypoint and proceeded over 12 miles off course in bad weather before colliding with TWA Flight 266 at over 300 knots. The crew of the DC-8 had just recently slowed from 400 to 300 knots prior to impact.
you ordered online . . yet it could fail at any moment ? Why not just run to your nearest Auto Zone and grab one for $ 45.00 ?
Does the 250 knot speed restriction below 10,000 feet make sense? Do you think it should be increased or decreased, and under what circumstances? Tell us in the comments below.
The cost isn’t in dispute. Roger ordered all the parts. He just needs to be able to get around until the parts arrive and can be installed. CSA
One of the contributing causes to the accident was listed as "the high rate of speed of the United DC-8 as it approached the Preston intersection."
In my VW’s case that sound, over maybe 1500 miles, kept getting louder and louder until it became impossible to ignore. How many more miles I could have got, hard to say. Like you say, for my VW there wasn’t any noticeable play in the wheel, but I did hear a slight grinding noise when spinning it by hand, with the wheel jacked up. There indeed may have been some play by the time I finally got it fixed, but a repair shop did the job for me then and they didn’t mention whether there was play or not. They did say the bearings that came out were in pretty bad shape, definitely needed replacement.
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The opposite is true below 10,000 feet MSL. Cloud clearance requirements are loosened, and you can fly VFR with as little as 1 mile of visibility in Class G airspace during the day.
Parking the car is the prudent course. I am sure others like me have not been prudent in desperate situations and lucky, but if you are not in a desperate situation do not tqke a gamble.
In years prior, the FAA had been debating how exactly to limit speeds for inbound aircraft around the country as the jet age (and high-speed air travel) began.
I’ve had to replace wheel bearings just one time before, on my late 70’s VW Rabbit, both front wheel bearings needed a re-do at 80K. The symptom was the front wheels started to make a growling noise that got louder the faster I drove. It sort of sounded like when you drive on a paved road, but one the road crew is working on, where they’ve ground off the top surface to expose the aggregate, prior to laying a new top surface on. You know how driving on that sounds?
My car was pulling to the right, except that it did it intermittently, and it hasn’t done it recently. I was figuring maybe the CV joints are on their way out with the odometer reading 133,000 miles. I guess the bearings were seizing when it is pulling to the right. Also, I have been feeling the lug nuts after just about every drive, but I have not felt one wheel to to be warmer than others.
I guess my question was not properly phrased. If someone were to ask me the same question, I would also tell the person not to drive the car. I am curious whether there is any obvious sign of imminent catastrophic failure. It was strange that the bearing was obviously bad, but there was no wobbling. So, does the bearing noise get louder and louder until it fails completely?
Pulling to the right is making me scared, although it’s not warmer than others. I should seriously consider parking the car until the parts arrive. Thank you very much for your help everyone.
You can fix this now for the low cost or wait and pay the higher cast when the bearing gets that bad, the wheel comes off and the body of the car dropping onto the tire and wheel, you losing control enough that you crash into a bridge support, the dash and firewall being pushed back crushing your legs.
There isn't a specific speed restriction for operating in Class B airspace. If you're below 10,000 feet, you need to meet the standard speed restriction of 250 knots. However, if you're in Class B at 10,000' MSL or higher, you can fly faster than 250 knots (though ATC usually restricts aircraft speed for traffic flow and separation).
If you're flying in Class E or G airspace, your visibility requirement above 10,000' MSL is 5SM, day or night. You'll also need to stay 1SM horizontally from, 1,000' above, and 1,000' below clouds.
Most Class B airspace ends at 10,000' MSL, so this isn't much of a factor. However, some Class B airspace extends higher, like Denver's Class B, which extends up to 12,000' MSL.
If you're flying a piston aircraft, this might not mean a lot to you. However, it's an important factor for turbine and some turboprop aircraft. Jets don't slow down quickly, and turbine pilots often need to level off at 10,000 feet to bleed off airspeed before continuing their descent.
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Another advantage of an earlier repair, the part the bearing is pressed into (e.g. the hub/brake ass’y) can get distorted from the bearing’s friction heat and torquing forces and that has to be replaced along w/the bearing if you wait too long.
The problem is that when it gets really bad the heat created can literally weld the bearing/hub/spindle together (or apart). I suppose a wheel could depart or lock up.
If you're not flying with a transponder, ATC can't easily determine your speed or track, and they have no way of knowing your altitude. This is another reason why speeds are restricted below 250 knots at altitudes below 10,000 feet.
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This accident was just one example that further proved the necessity for better speed control at lower, more congested altitudes.
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My question is… how long can I drive it like this before the wheel falls off. I ordered the drum with wheel bearing and a spindle nut on the Internet, so I am expecting them to arrive by this weekend. So, I am hoping I can drive it until then. If it absolutely necessary, I can find other forms of transportation.
"Did he fire six shots or only five? Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you’ve gotta ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"
Pair (2) Rear Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly for 2013 2014 2015 2016 Dodge Dart. Highest quality - same day shipping - 10 year warranty!
So, bottom line, it can freeze at any time, and it could freeze gradually, as in my case, or it could freeze all at once, causing you to lose control.