Common Wheel Hub Problems For The Chevy Impala - 2009 chevy impala wheel bearing
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I have the same issue with my vehicle, not to speak out of ignorance but could this be a coolant issue. My equinox has experienced a lot of coolant issues and with these older models could the shaking be a result of the coolant cirulating through the car? My car shakes when I start it and put it in reverse.
When I can get it to start it will run good but die and loose all power like I killed it. But the key will still be turned on. If I jump the starter it will run. But once it dyes when I go to cra...
The answer is wheel bearing. I have an 06 equinox and I am now about to fix the bearing a 5th time in 2 years. I also have a ball joint going too. Never buying one of these again and I owe too much to trade or sell. Humming that gets louder over time is a bearing. The older equinoxes have a know design flaw causing this but Chevy does nothing.
I am having this same problem did you ever figure out what was wrong ? I would really really appreciate finding out how to fix this ... Thank you sooo much...
Had road noise on '06 Equinox AWD until I changed all 4 hubs. Hard to isolate from where the noise came so at $35 each from RockAuto, I did them all. One was obviously shot (had play on vehicle), one was obvious once removed, another was on its way and last one was fine but I replaced anyway. Noise gone. Don't assume it's front only. If you ruled out tires, hubs, and fluid levels, then check center bearing holding up rear drive shaft.
So me and my wife have a 2006 equinox we bought certified pre owned with a clean history. We've had it for a few months and made a trip from Portland OR to OK a few weeks ago and it never gave us...
I just started having this same issue. I bought a 2016 certified pre-owned from dealer, been driving great until about two weeks ago when this slight humming began. The tires maybe had another 6-8 months' life, but dealer said it was the tires making the noise. So $750 later and new front end alignment, the humming is still present. I pay for a full bumper-to-bumper warranty, so I'm taking it back and printing out this web page, plus a few other forum websites talking about this same issue. Very likely wheel bearing(s) per other forums too.
im having the same problem with mine, I know its not the wheel bearings as I just had those replaces a few months ago. Did you find out what it was?
I have the same problem. 2006 Equinox AWD. New tires, one new hub, new fluids in front and rear diff. Road noise comes on about 35-40 mph and gets louder with speed. No vibration. Nothing felt in steering. Rear bearings seem okay when I lift and wiggle the tires. I may just replace all the hubs but what's the chance it's the center support bearing on the drive shaft?
We have a 2016 equinox with the same issue. NO< it is not anything related to the power train. It is a irritating humming noise in the front dash that comes in about 60mph. It sounds like the static coming from a speaker but it isn't as buzzing still there with radio off. Seems like it would be a electrical component, module or something, I don't know except that it is really annoying. Seems to be rather prevalent but no one has an answer.
They are the barringd it your pullys in the altanater or water pump or bad tentener pull I have have a 07 equniox for 6 years good car and easy as he'll to rebuild. Take belt of and check all pulley for gringing and see if any loose they will make a whine sound and a bad tentener pulley will cause the same thing making blet slip just enough to whine I had bad pulley replace it after replacing hubs and hole front end to find out it was just a pulley hope this helped.
I'm almost four years behind the original post, and about a year since the last comment, but my 05 is doing the same thing. I'm the only one who has ever owned it. Wheel bearings have been replaced. New tires have been put on. Front end is not out of alignment. Gears shift fine. Can the wheel bearings go bad very quickly? Would this have anything to do with a tie rod? At nearly 13 years and 247,000 miles, would it be worth it to get it fixed?
Just a follow up on my 2016 equinox. We had a battery installed under warranty that we brought to dealership. Long story short I removed computer from top of battery and negative post was corroded and not very tight. Tech did not most likely clean cable good when batt. when old batt. was removed. Cleaned and tightened both cables. Noise is gone. My guess was it was a grounding issue.
My chevrolet LT paint started to peel off a couple weeks ago for not reason-it is a 2008 I have had it for 8 years-there is no reason for this to be happening-I need to know if there is a recall for t...
Vibration when you put in reverse is most likely transaxle mount located on drivers side against the rail. It vibrates when you touch metal to metal. Had same issue, changed the mount and all is well.
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So me and my wife have a 2006 equinox we bought certified pre owned with a clean history. We've had it for a few months and made a trip from Portland OR to OK a few weeks ago and it never gave us trouble. But I've always noticed a constant humming noise it makes in the front, along with a slight continuous vibration. Now it's nothing severe and nothing really seems to change the way it sounds or vibrates. It's almost like I'm driving with those big truck tires with the extra tred on them. I don't know if it's just me being paranoid since I just spent a grand repairing my other car with bad ball joints and cv axles. What I can closely relate the noise to is a bad wheel bearing but it's not as severe and the humming is just enough to annoy you not cause for alert. Is that just what equinoxes do? Not drive as smooth as other cars? Or is it maybe a strut problem or somthing?
We had the head gasket replaced about two years ago. The other day it wasn’t getting very hot. Husband added coolant and it started overheating. He just replaced the rad thought that was the prob...
Dogdorsey, seriously?? Coolant circulation causing vibration?? You mentioned you get the vibration when you put car in reverse, do you think the coolant changes when car is in reverse??
Its a GM with the 3 bolt hub between the hubs and people needing to rotate their tires front end guy's across the country are feeding their families. love those trucks.
It may just be road noise from noisy tires. As tires wear they can get noisy especially if they have cupping or other abnormal wear patterns.
My equinox needs to get jump started just about every other day, tried getting a new battery, but that worked only about 2 weeks. Then went back to having the same problem, does anybody know how to...
I also have an 05 equinox n had to change the driver side wheel bearing. N then again about a month later. Make sure u grease the treads n don't just tighten it up. U also have a tourk speck. I did that n ain't had a problem out of it since.
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