Anyone have any good tips to dimension chamfers?  I understand that I can just use a leader note and type in the info.  I am looking for a method that would automatically update when the model changes.

Chamfer calloutSolidWorks

Thank you for the response.  I agree those methods would work.  I am not opposed to using them. However, they can be challenging for working with small chamfers like we are using.

I have to side with Lonnie.Cady on this one. In order for me to properly dimension chamfers in a drawing I have to create 3 separate entities. Angle and distance dimensions as well as Typical or XXx occurrences and ideally the word Chamfer or Chamf is in there as well. This becomes not only cumbersome but also clutters up a drawing. As an Inventor user as well it is now intuitive but using Fusion360 for any lathe project as I do, can become frustrating.

Chamfer calloutexample

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John Hackney, RetiredDid you find this post helpful? Feel free to Like this post.Did your question get successfully answered? Then click on the ACCEPT SOLUTION button.

The video will show two common methods of dimensions a chamfer in the drawing, both will update automatically when the model is changed and saved.