The short answer is yes, but not as long as you would like. As the wear advances, so does the chance of damage happening to other components of the suspension.

Symptoms of a bad wheel bearing in frontreddit

Jack up the car and spin the wheel and listen for grinding noise. Grab the wheel and try to rock it up and down (be careful that you don't yank it off the jack). There should be very little play.If a bad bearing is left on too long you could damage the spindle.Hope this helps,Carroll

Wheel bearingnoise

Thanks again all, keep them coming, I'll keep you posted. quoteOriginally posted by DaveL:I was having this problem once, and it turned out to be the front brake pads were loose because some idiot had bent the little tangs on the shoes to make them easier to install. Bent them backa little and that was that. Hope you are that lucky!

Vehicles that have conventional, tapering wheel bearings need have them serviced every 25,000 to 30,000 miles — replacement might not be necessary as long as they’re regularly maintained.

The question that is hard for me to answer is how loose is too loose in each of the tests above. My general rule, is that if it is loose enough to notice by inspection and affect the driveability of the vehicle, it is too much and should be repaired.Hope this helps.

How to tell whichwheel bearingisbadwhile driving

Wheel bearings are a set of steel ball bearings that are kept together by a metal ring that enables the wheels of a vehicle to spin as effortlessly as possible.

Labor costs estimates are between $137 and $173 while parts cost between $246 and $325. Estimate doesn’t include taxes and fees.

If the wheel bearing is noticeably worn or loose, you won't even need to jack it up. Just grab the top of the front tires and vigorously pull and push. If you feel excessive movement and hear a clunk-clunk, the wheel bearings are bad. A rattling from the front end is usually either loose sway bar end links or the steering rack getting worn out (most noticeable when you hit a bump at low speed).

Wheel bearingreplacement cost

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While driving at a moderate pace gently turn the wheel to go back and forth and listen for the noise to change. When you turn left you transfer weight to the right wheel and vice-versa.Jack up the car and spin the wheel and listen for grinding noise. Grab the wheel and try to rock it up and down (be careful that you don't yank it off the jack). There should be very little play.If a bad bearing is left on too long you could damage the spindle.Hope this helps,Carroll

Our dedicated team of ASE Master Technicians will replace your wheel bearings in your vehicle quickly, and within your budget.  You can schedule your wheel bearing replacement with Bridwell Automotive Center by using our contact form. Stop by our Automotive Repair Shop in Scottsdale located at 7171 E Lincoln Dr. Scottsdale, Arizona 85253 or by giving Bridwell Automotive Center a call today at (480) 948-4781.

Put a pry bar under the wheel at 6 o'clock and check for vertical movement. Excessive looseness here is coming from the ball joints.The question that is hard for me to answer is how loose is too loose in each of the tests above. My general rule, is that if it is loose enough to notice by inspection and affect the driveability of the vehicle, it is too much and should be repaired.Hope this helps.

Symptoms of a bad wheel bearing in frontwhile driving

Grab the wheel at 12 and 6 o'clock and check for movement. Any looseness here is coming from the wheel bearings. (May only require adjustment.) Spin the wheel and listen for a muffled grinding noise with each revolution. This noise may indicate corrosion or other bearing damage, and bearing must be replaced.Put a pry bar under the wheel at 6 o'clock and check for vertical movement. Excessive looseness here is coming from the ball joints.The question that is hard for me to answer is how loose is too loose in each of the tests above. My general rule, is that if it is loose enough to notice by inspection and affect the driveability of the vehicle, it is too much and should be repaired.Hope this helps.

Bad wheel bearing symptoms

The vehicle’s wheel bearing gets lubricated with grease for it to further decrease friction. A lot of vehicles have sealed wheel bearings that encase the ball bearings and the grease.

quoteOriginally posted by DaveL:I was having this problem once, and it turned out to be the front brake pads were loose because some idiot had bent the little tangs on the shoes to make them easier to install. Bent them backa little and that was that. Hope you are that lucky!

quoteOriginally posted by batboy:If the wheel bearing is noticeably worn or loose, you won't even need to jack it up. Just grab the top of the front tires and vigorously pull and push. If you feel excessive movement and hear a clunk-clunk, the wheel bearings are bad. A rattling from the front end is usually either loose sway bar end links or the steering rack getting worn out (most noticeable when you hit a bump at low speed).

A wheel bearing is a component of the rear and front wheel hubs. In the front of the vehicle, the hub attaches the wheel to the steering knuckle of the suspension. The wheel is connected to the hub, and the hub spins effortlessly inside the wheel bearing. This enables the weight of the vehicle to rest on the hub while it spins as it maintains as minimal surface contact as possible.

Symptoms of a bad wheel bearing in frontnoise

Grab the wheel at 3 and 9 o'clock and check for movement. Any looseness here is coming from the steering (i.e. tie rod ends, steering rack, etc.)Grab the wheel at 12 and 6 o'clock and check for movement. Any looseness here is coming from the wheel bearings. (May only require adjustment.) Spin the wheel and listen for a muffled grinding noise with each revolution. This noise may indicate corrosion or other bearing damage, and bearing must be replaced.Put a pry bar under the wheel at 6 o'clock and check for vertical movement. Excessive looseness here is coming from the ball joints.The question that is hard for me to answer is how loose is too loose in each of the tests above. My general rule, is that if it is loose enough to notice by inspection and affect the driveability of the vehicle, it is too much and should be repaired.Hope this helps.

In a lot of vehicles, the bearings are sealed and don’t need to be maintained. Because the bearings are sealed, they could last up to 100,000 miles or more, and will require replacing once they fail.


On average, wheel bearing replacement costs about $441 in the US, wheel bearing replacement costs can range from $383 to $498 according to, and other sources.

I was having this problem once, and it turned out to be the front brake pads were loose because some idiot had bent the little tangs on the shoes to make them easier to install. Bent them backa little and that was that. Hope you are that lucky!

As a side note I changed the front bearing in my Ford van this summer. (I hadn't dont that type of repair before) I think it was a different design than the Fiero, but it was going "crunch, crunch, crunch..." LOL It took me about 2 hours, but I had to learn how to do it at the same time.Good Luck.

If you believe that a wheel bearing is starting to wear, have a trained mechanic evaluate the issue as sooner than later. A vehicle with a considerably worn wheel bearing should not be driven. When the wheel bearing totally fails, the wheel could potentially come off the vehicle and cause an accident.