Nothing herein contained shall be construed to limit or control the Regents of the University of California or the Trustees of the California State University in the expenditure of funds appropriated for major construction, improvements, and equipment for the use, development, or enlargement of the University of California or the California State University, respectively.

Any appropriation made for major construction, improvements, equipment, designs, working plans, and specifications may be expended to reimburse the Division of Architecture Revolving Fund, the University of California, or the Trustees of the California State University, for expenditures incurred prior to the availability of the appropriation, if the State Public Works Board and the Department of Finance have approved preliminary plans for the project to be financed from the appropriation in accordance with any applicable provision of law. Any money in the Division of Architecture Revolving Fund may be expended or encumbered for expenditure prior to the availability of the appropriation for any project as to which reimbursement of the fund therefor is authorized by this section. Any money available to the Trustees of the California State University for expenditure for projects of major construction, improvements, equipment, designs, working plans, and specifications may be expended or encumbered for expenditure by the trustees for any state university project prior to the availability of the appropriation for the particular project, if reimbursement of the trustees or the state university from such appropriation is authorized pursuant to this section.