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If general tolerances in accordance with ISO 2768 shall apply, ISO 2768 followed by the tolerance class (Ex:ISO 2768-m) shall be indicated in or near the title block. Here f - fine, m - medium, c - coarse, v - very coarse.
Wheel hub bearing
ISO 2768-1 only applies for the linear dimensions (e.g. external sizes, internal sizes, step sizes, diameters, radii, distances, external radii and chamfer heights for broken edges) which do not have an individual tolerance indication on the drawing.
Timken® Formed Hub™ is an integrated wheel bearing assembly that can bolt directly onto corners, eliminating the need for conventional components like washers, spacers and nuts. The design enables lower total system cost, commonization opportunities, improved performance, reduced weight and lower warranty costs.
General tolerances table for linear dimensions according to ISO 2768-1. Dimensions applies to the parts that are produced by metal removal or are formed from sheet metal.