CTK-24024-HO - 24024
I may just buy a heavy duty turntable meant for industrial/commercial use if the solution becomes too expensive but would prefer to not spend the ~140 bucks on one.
QEP 15mm Tile Angle Natural is mostly used as an edge trim for ceramic tile but can also be used as a transition between carpet, carpet tile and other finished floors, in most cases a cementitious ramp will need to be created to achieve a level finish
What could I look for that would work here? It has to be big enough so that leverage from shifting weight doesn't bog down the bearing and make rotation hard, as the diameter of the platform is 28"
I have tried a 12" lazy susan bearing I bought off Amazon which worked sort of ok but the friction was still too high. I then tried casters, an array of 6, and that actually turned out worse. What I really need is some kind of large thrust bearing but I can't find anything that doesn't cost an absurd amount of money.