After installation, always take a few extra minutes to check the proper functioning of the pump and bearings and make any necessary adjustments. One of the most important things is to correctly adjust the tension, if it is too tense or not enough the belt could be quickly broken.

Dl 108seating plan

If it starts to peel off, shows cracks, is softening or hardening, or has oil or water contamination, it is time to replace the belt.


STEP 11. Reinstall the tensioner. Always respecting the vehicle manufacturer’s assembly instructions for each type of roller.

Dl 108flight status

The timing belt ensures some of the engine’s most vital moving parts operate in a perfectly synchronised sequence at maximum efficiency. As the name suggests, it is responsible for the timing of your engine but it will wear down over time.

Over time, the belt can lose teeth and slip. It can even been snap and as a result that can be fatal for the engine. When this happens, the car stops and you have to get the car towed because it won’t start until the engine is “re-timed”, and the belt replaced.



Tip to remember: It is important to correctly assemble each of the components, as it can damage the pump or even the motor.

Replacing it is part of regular auto maintenance. Dolz recommends to check your owner’s manual to find out when you should change your timing belt.


So, a replacement on schedule will greatly reduce the chance of a broken timing belt (and all the damages that accompanies it).

Dl 108seat Map

Refill the cooling system with quality coolant to ensure the service life and performance of both the water pump and the cooling circuit in general. If you ‘run dry’ the cooling system, this could cause thermal shock and irreversible damage.

When necessary, remove any accessories such as the power steering pump, alternator or air compressor by powering to gain access to the timing belt.

The timing belt is usually very difficult to inspect and it is necessary to get pretty deep into your engine to perform the task as well, so the replacement is a labour-intensive process. Make sure you have the time and space to complete the job.