...where, in this example, the original angle is entered into cell A1, and the above equation is entered into cell B1.

Though converting angles from one system to the other may appear tricky, there is a very simple and elegant solution. By entering an angle as Angle1 in the following equation, the result, Angle2, is the equivalent angle in the other measurement system. The amazing elegance comes as this equation works by converting angles in either direction - with no modification!

The first portion being the letter 'N' or 'S'. The second portion is an angle between 0 and 90 degrees. The third and final portion is the letter 'E' or 'W'.

Related to the topic of compass bearings is that of angles on a mathematician's Cartesian Coordinate System. For each, angles range from 0 to 360 degrees to describe the full circle, they are laid out quite differently. First, angles used to measure bearings on a compass or a map begin with 0 degrees assigned to North, then proceed clockwise with East being 90 degrees, South is 180 degrees, and West is 270 degrees. Angles on a Cartesian Coordinate System, however, begin with 0 degrees to the right, and proceed counterclockwise with 90 degrees up, 180 degrees to the left, and finally 270 degrees downward. As you can see, the two measurement systems differ in both the starting point - corresponding to 0 degrees, as well as the direction of increasing magnitude.

The surveyor's bearing and distance values, known as "survey pairs", found in the record of new roads, often use a notation and units not familiar to us 21st century folks. To acquaint you with the style of compass bearings and units of distance measure, the following explanations and interactive calculators are offered.

Ocassionally, when the direction is due (exactly) North, East, South, or West, the entry may simply be the letter 'N', 'E', 'S', or 'W' respectively.

The compass bearings found in town roadway surveys often use a format consisting of a letter followed by a numeric value followed by another letter. The format looks like this:

Here is an interactive calculator. Select North or South, East or West, and enter a numeric angle. It will convert that surveyor bearing to a numeric compass angle.

Following are some tools useful in Microsoft Excel workbooks for making the bearing and distance conversions. First is a Visual Basic for Excel macro. Enter it into a macro sheet. Then on a worksheet cell, refer to this macro and three worksheet cells (or constants) containing the "NS", angle, and "EW" information. Second is a simple Excel formula for converting a distance in chains, rods, and links to feet.