When to Go: The baths are open until about 8pm, so we went during the evening, which allowed us to enjoy the “warm water” parts of the experience more, such as the waterfall and the mineral hot bath. But we missed out on spending the day at the pool and letting the sun dry the mud into our skin, plus the mosquitoes were pretty bad. So there are benefits and drawbacks to visiting at either time!

Wheel bearingreplacementcostCanada

Worried you might overpay for your wheel bearings replacement? Use Jerry’s GarageGuard to get a fair cost estimate for your wheel bearings replacement.

It was glorious! I’m definitely going to seek out this kind of thing in the future… though I’m guessing if I found one in the US it would be mucho more expensive.

Wheel bearingreplacementcostOntario


Wheel bearingreplacementcostCanadian tire

Road conditions like potholes, speed bumps, dirt, and sand can wear down the seal over time. Wheel bearings are designed to last a long time, often more than 100,000 miles, and don’t require routine maintenance. But once they show signs of wearing out, you’ll want to replace them as soon as you can get your car to a mechanic. The cost will vary depending on several factors, so call a few shops and ask for an estimate for the replacement for your vehicle’s make and model—and don’t delay getting it replaced.

Your vehicle’s make and model, the type of bearings and parts used, labor rates, and where you have it serviced all factor into the cost you’ll pay for a wheel bearing replacement.

Grease and a seal are crucial for protecting a wheel bearing. The seal keeps the grease clean from dirt and moisture. If it begins to deteriorate, the grease can become compromised, which may cause the wheel bearing to overheat and become faulty.

Step Five: Take a spin through what I call the “human car wash” and what they call “hydrotherapy” in attempt number two to wash away all the mud.

Toyotawheel bearingreplacementcost

Sorry Joe, I can’t remember after so long! I think we did though! It’s definitely safe as long as you don’t breathe it in, obviously.

The range of the cost of labor for a wheel bearing replacement should be approximately $150 to $200, but auto mechanic labor costs can vary wildly depending on the region and the level of expertise needed to fix the problem.

Step 6: Head to the pool area, but stop first at the warm high pressure waterfall that will give you a free back massage.

If a mechanic determines that any of your wheel bearings are worn out, you’ll want to have them replaced as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your vehicle.

Step Four: Shower off again in the mineral showers, this time with the impossible task of removing mud from every nook and cranny of your body and bathing suit.


Wheel bearings are a workhorse. They are crucial to your vehicle’s steering, handling and suspension because they join the wheel to the axle, enabling it to turn with limited friction. Replacing one wheel bearing can cost $350 or more on average in parts and labor, which means replacing all four in your car could cost more than $1,400.

Step Seven: Enjoy the pool area for as long as you please! We visited in the evening, so we didn’t stick around too long for fear of driving back in the pitch black. But for those visiting during the day you could really get your money’s worth and hang for hours. Note: As of November 2011 the large pool is currently under construction. The smaller pool has very warm water that might not be pleasant on a hot day.

The Thap Ba Hot Springs may be one of Nha Trang’s most popular attractions, but that doesn’t mean they are easy to find. When we finally arrived after a few rounds of getting lost on our rental motorbikes, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. What I did know was that the place had cut-out photo-ops, so basically I liked it already.

What to Do: I highly recommend the cheapest option for best value. While I can’t promise you’ll end up with a private tub like we did, chances are higher in the evening when the place is a little less crowded. For more money you can upgrade to private tubs, massages, and access to “VIP areas.”

After about 45 minutes, the mud will begin to get a bit chilly. At this point you are meant to sunbathe for 15 minutes and let the mud dry into your skin, but for us it was evening and we decided to give that a miss.

Perhaps do try seeing how easy it is to float, even for the least buoyant person on Earth. (That would Mark by the way. Sad to say I can’t claim that title.)

Everett Cook is an award-winning journalist and editor with more than 10 years of experience across a variety of industries. In editing for Jerry, Everett’s mission is to help readers have a better understanding of the costs of owning or leasing a car and to better understand their vehicle in terms of insurance and repairs. Prior to joining Jerry, Everett was an editor for Axios. His previous work has been featured in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Atlantic, Atlantic Re:think, The Boston Globe, USA Today, and others. He’s also been a freelance writer and editor with experience in SEO, audience building, and long-term content roadmaps. Everett is a proud graduate of the University of Michigan.

Perhaps do not try dunking your entire face underwater unless you would like to feel the sting of mineral mud in your eyes and spend the next week trying to remove mineral mud from your ears.

Rearwheel bearingreplacementcost

I am definitely adding this to my list of things to do. And only $6 a pop? Most def. Just to walk through that human car wash. I’d pay double!

JERRY INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC is a licensed insurance agency in 50 states and Washington D.C. (CA license #: 0M34848). JERRY OFFERS INC. is a licensed loan broker. NMLS-2129773. Copyrights © Jerry 2024. All rights reserved.

The idea was planted in my head when I started seeing photos in travel agencies around town of people covered in gooey mud. They were customers of Thap Ba Hot Springs in Nha Trang, a brilliant incarnation of the cheap South East Asian spa treatment. I was determined to go: I too wanted a Facebook profile picture of myself covered in mud.

This was in Vietnam. But you’ve brought up a great point… I need to have the country category displayed somewhere with each post!

Wheel Bearing costAutoZone

Andrea Richard is a writer and editor with nearly 15 years of experience crafting content for a variety of industries. In writing for Jerry, Andrea’s mission is to deliver relatable and informative content so readers can better understand the costs associated with car ownership and car leasing. A native Floridian and a road trip enthusiast, Andrea first learned to drive on a Honda Accord when CDs were still a thing. She has served on the Society of Professional Journalists Florida board of directors and volunteers as a judge for national journalism contests. Her work has earned several awards for feature writing, investigative reporting and branded content campaigns.

The options for what treatments to get and such were pretty confusing, but we ended up going for the most basic package, which was about $6 each. We were warned that we would be in a tub with “many people” but the alternate was paying a ridiculous price, so we agreed. Here’s what to expect at the Thap Ba Hot Springs:

Worn-out or damaged wheel bearings cannot be repaired and instead need to be replaced, ideally by a professional mechanic.

Frontwheel bearingreplacementcost

Hub style wheel bearings, the most common version used in modern vehicles, cost around $80 to $300 each. Don’t be alarmed if your mechanic says you need a new hub assembly, as this just means that the wheel bearings were installed inside the hub assembly at the factory, making it one complete part.

My Thoughts: I’m not sure if I felt the supposed healing benefits of the minerals in the baths and mud, but I did have a great time and try something new for only $6 USD! And while Mark was pretty hesitant at first, he loved it too. This is something I look forward to doing in the future!


Step Two: Shower in warm, high pressure mineral water. Feel super self conscious in your bikini while Asian tourists are in full clothing.

Step One: Change into your swimwear. Get a free locker (you will have to leave a deposit) and put everything in it except for your towel.

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Wheelbearings replacementcost

Once the condition of your front or rear wheel bearings breaks down, your tires will wear out faster and can do so unevenly. Braking issues can occur. You also risk having your wheels lock up, which could lead to axle damage and other dangerous issues that are not worth the risk. Driving with a faulty wheel bearing is a safety hazard and not recommended.

You don’t need to replace all four if one is faulty. You can just replace the single bad bearing—you don’t need to do the replacement in pairs like you would with new tires.

This wasn’t my first Hot Spring, as I visited one during my high school trip to Costa Rica and absolutely loved it. And I guess technically it wouldn’t be my first mud bath either, thanks to the time rain turned our outdoor frisbee session in Thailand into one.

Step 5: Get into a blissfully warm mineral hot bath and soak away the stress. Stay for as long as you can manage before the mosquitoes drive you away.