

ISRO has been providing Launch services for customer satellites since 1999 onboard ISRO’s Polar Satellite Vehicle (PSLV). Till June 2019, 297 customer satellites from 33 countries have been launched on-board PSLV. In September 2016, PSLV C-37...Read More

RCSB PDB Core Operations are funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (DBI-2321666), the US Department of Energy (DE-SC0019749), and the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant R01GM157729.

NewSpace India Limited (NSIL) will be nodal agency for carrying out PSLV production through Indian Industry under consortium route. The industry consortium will be responsible for producing, assembling and integrating... Read More

NSIL, the commercial arm of ISRO has been mandated to provide transponder capacity in C, Ku, Ka and S band on INSAT / GSAT fleet of satellite to Indian users for various SATCOM based broadcasting and telecom services like DTH, TV, DSNG, VSAT, etc. NSIL is also mandated to provide Remote Sensing Services and Mission Support Services to the global users. Read More

Excel in providing space related products and services emanating from Indian Space Programme to global customers and to further spur the growth of Indian Industry in undertaking technologically challenging space related activities

NSIL is Schedule 'A' Category Company under Department of Space, Goverment of India.For more details about NSIL, click here.


To cater to emerging global small satellite launch service market, ISRO has taken up the development of Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV). Manufacturing of SSLV through Indian Industry partners will be the ...Read More

ISRO has pedigree of building satellites for various applications like communication, earth observation, navigation, space science, technology experiments etc. With the changing market dynamics, satellites are set to play bigger role in commercial applications. NSIL, with the technical support of ISRO, is geared up to create robust ecosystem in the country for building satellite, systems, subsystems and ground infrastructure and emerge as a significant player globally. Read More

Enabling Indian Industries to scale up high-technology manufacturing base for space programme through technology transfer mechanisms, catering to emerging global commercial small satellite launch service market, satellite services for various domestic and international application needs and enabling space technology spin-offs for betterment of mankind through industry interface