Delta 1000/300 Clamp Meter - 1000-300
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With the average hourly rate for garages in the London area being £78 and for garages outside London at £72, the following figures help to understand how the prices are calculated.
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This isn’t a job for the faint-hearted, so we’d suggest you always choose a professional mechanic to carry out the work. Lining up your timing belt wrong can have disastrous consequences, so get yourself a Fixter specialist on the job and leave nothing to chance.
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There are a number of components required to carry out a full replacement, and the cost of each, as an average price in the UK are show below.
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Also, called out in our previous post, there’s a broad range of suggestions as to the mileage when you’ll need to change your timing belt/cambelt. Recommendations span from 40,000 to 100,000 miles (depending on make and model), we highly suggest replacing your timing belt and water pump, at minimum, every 5 years.
We’ve picked a few typical cars of different sizes and classes to give you an idea of the difference between makes and models.
As with much of the repair and replacement work carried out on our vehicles, one of the biggest factors to affect timing belt and water pump replacements are the make and model of the vehicle, itself.
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We previously discussed the difference between a cambelt, timing belt, and timing chain and revealed that a timing beltand cambelt are the same part. This is important to keep in mind, especially since servicing centres and car manufacturers use both terms.
For example, given the average price we quoted for the work earlier in the article, one of the more expensive models is a Jaguar XJ. To replace your pump and belt on this model would stretch to £951.
Fixter is revolutionising the car maintenance industry, one repair at a time. Fixter was founded to make car maintenance as easy as booking a taxi. Digital, transparent and stress-free, with world-class customer service. Since launching in Manchester in 2017, Fixter has expanded to more than 100 cities across the UK and provided thousands of car owners with honest, convenient and affordable car repair services.
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Read on to learn more about how the timing belt is connected to the water pump. We’ve also researched how popular UK models compare against Fixter’s competitive rates.
We researched manufacturer pricing for the top 5 UK car models, such as Ford or Vauxhall. As a reminder, Fixter’s timing belt replacement service starts at £299, depending on your car make, model and engine. Rates are based on official car brand websites (and are subject to change), unless otherwise noted.
The average cost of a water pump and timing belt replacement in the UK is £369. The price can vary, though, with anything from £210 to £620.
In most cars, these parts are connected – with the timing belt propelling everything. Since the water pump supplies coolant to the engine, it’s important this part is properly functioning. As with any component, preventative maintenance is the best way to save you from costly damage in the future. An overheating engine can be catastrophic. Luckily, Fixter’s door-to-door service offers top-rated service at the lowest possible cost. In keeping with our transparent pricing, if you don’t need a new water pump, you won’t be charged for one. You’ll have the final say before any additional work is completed.
We took a look at some of the components available from Eurocarparts, for the 2015 models shown below, and this is what we found: