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All skateboard bearings rust, even ceramics (just not the ball bearings). Only full ceramic bearings are water resistant but they are brittle and not made for skateboarding.
There are exception like electric some skateboards; the front and back wheels may have different bearing sizes because of the drive shaft.
I personally think it’s a fun gimmick when cruising around but maybe it gets distracting if you’re a street skater. Not as distracting as a scooter kid though.
Bronson G2’s offer the bests value money being a basic bearings that can handle impact skateboarding. They also get quicker with age, come with spacers, and are very affordable. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
They look pretty rad and I love the blue shields. At first the accelerated super fast and maintained speed longer than standard Reds. This didn’t lasted as long as I expected though.
The reason I listed them here is to debunk some of the claims skaters and other sites make. I’ll give you the lowdown; Bones Ceramics bearings are a waste of money.
The theory is that the open bearing design throws out dust, water, and dirt. I think this really works given we managed to ride them again after neglecting them for a long time.
I used them on a Dinghy and Pilsner cruiser and they are a blast. We’ve (my friend and I) been riding these in the rain and then stored them for about 6 months.
Even though longboard and skateboard bearings are interchangeable, there are quite a few differences between longboard and skateboard bearings.
However, lubed with Custom Nanoceramic Grease, its unique feature is a lubricant how the nano-ceramic compound fills in deformations or asperities in the direction.
Interesting design and they seem to handle dust and dirt better than most bearings listed here. I’ve been cruising these for over a year in rain, dust, and dirt and they still work great.
This article may seem long but I really wanted to get all the details right. Keep in mind that this isn’t exact science but at least we (me and some local skateboarders) tested them to the max.
Lets start with the top recommended bearings for those who want reliable bearings for a fair price. I’ll also save you a sore finger from scrolling, you can thank me later.
They only lasted for a couple of months and I tried 2 sets. Some bearings just won’t spin anymore and no matter how hard you clean them, they are too far gone.
There aren’t any cons but I’ll try to come up with at least a few. the only thing I can think of is that they are a bit more expensive than standard Bones Reds.
You really don’t want your bearings to melt at 80mph. I don’t know too much about downhill and proper bearings, check downhill254 instead.
Speed washers are thin; metal rings slipped over the axle between the nut and the bearing and the hanger and the bearing.
This doesn’t justify the price, you can buy 4 sets of G2’s that will outlast them by a factor of three and still pay less.
I’ve left them in my small shed for over a year but they still perform great. You can just push the rust and dust out of the bearings.
I think people who claim they are faster experience some sort of placebo effect. If you really believe they are faster, you’re likely to think you’re going faster. That’s fine though.
Spacers also extend the life span of the skateboard bearings. That’s the theory, I never really noticed but it does make some sense.
No matter if a bearing has 6 or 8 balls, or ceramic, or steel; you won’t notice a difference given that the bearing consists of quality steel.
However, downhillers need something reliable and have to spend more money on bearings because of heat building up and speed.
Let’s look at the individual parts of a bearings, frequently asked question, and debunk some myths. This stuff can be pretty boring.
A fool and his money are soon parted, but if you want to flex your expensive bearings that don’t offer more than Mini Logo bearings, go ahead. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
We tested about 5 sets and all lasted longer than Reds. Our worst performing set of Reds were unskateable after 2 months.
We’ve skated them in rain, mud, salty coastal areas, snow, and meteor showers. The harsher the conditions, the shorter bearings last.
I’m an aged skateboarder and still shred responsibly. Started skateboarding 25 years ago, peaked in the 2000’s, and still ride to this day. I am a total geek when it comes to skateboard gear, love test to stuff and share my findings.
Bronson Raw is bones Swiss 6 balls counterpart that is the next generation of shieldless bearings. Its design offers the same premium quality that Bronson has provided to its customers.
Bones Swiss 6 ball are rather expensive skateboard bearings, and are supposed to be super fast. These bearings have a unique design that features six larger diameter balls instead of seven balls.
Spacers are important and my local skaters didn’t even know what they are. Bearing spacers are small metallic or plastic cylinders that you put on the truck axle (between the bearings).
Skateboard bearingssize
The bearings were tested by different skaters and we bought at least 2 sets of each. It’s impossible to test all brands, so I picked the most common bearings skaters ride.
They also have and balls (LMAO), and come pre-lubricated with Speed Cream. This makes them smooth, fast, easy to install and maintain.
Bronson G3’s offer a bit more quality which isn’t noticeable to most skateboarders. They can handle high-impact skateboarding a bit better compared to the G2’s. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
First thing I noticed when unboxing was how greasy they felt compared to Bones ceramics, they didn’t perform better than G3’s.
The retainer keeps the balls in place, equal distances from each other to reduce friction in increase strength. Usually made of plastic.
In my opinion cleaning bearings is a waste of time unless you’ve been riding in wet conditions, hit a couple of puddles, or live somewhere with crappy weather conditions.
I don’t think they are faster, stronger, or more durable. Considering the price tag, you expect something else but alas, cheaper isn’t always better.
Best skateboard bearings forstreet
Great performance for the price, standard reds have been the top choice for over a decade for good reasons. They certainly beat mini logo bearings but only by a small margin.
Best skateboard bearings forspeed
Cleaning can help for a short while but honestly a new set will make a huge difference. Don’t throw the old set away, there are usually a couple of bearings that still work properly. Use them to replace others in time.
I usually have a couple of extra because somehow these freaking rings pull a Houdini on me when I change my wheels or bearings.
Bones Ceramics bearings do rust and are not waterproof. Only the ceramic balls don’t rust and they can’t handle impacts better than steel bearings.
Zealous bearings are great for longboarding and cruising and are the only bearings listed here that you need to break in. The grease just needs some time to work properly.
Mini Logo Bearings are excellent budget bearings. While they aren’t suitable for high impact skateboarding, they are a great choice for beginners. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
I actually got a set with one bearing completely stuck, great quality control there Bones! There was no way in fixing this unfortunately so make sure to check each bearing when you unbox them.
Also, there is no such thing as full ceramic bearings for skateboarding. And if there are you will most likely break them.
Not many cons, just the price. I’m not sure if they are worth it if your budget is tight, G2’s or Standard Reds might be a better option.
The only benefit is that they last a bit longer in the right conditions. The other pro is that Bones ceramic bearings have a huge profit margin.
In my experience the real difference in quality starts when you buy bearings below $15. This is the absolute minimum to spend on bearings.
SkateboardersHQ is an independent blog. We don’t accept paid product promotions or sponsored content. We are rebranding and moving to RippedLaces.
To be fair, they did perform pretty well at first but if I’m honest; they aren’t worth the premium price. Stick with standard Reds if you have to buy Bones.
Bearing spacers are not optional, you need them. The small pieces are a good investment if you want to slide, do many cool tricks, and generally skate hard.
Bronson G2’s are a pleasant surprise and I can’t recommend them enough. They are better than standard Bones Reds, smooth riding experience, quiet, and they outperform many of the more expensive bearings.
Something Bones doesn’t provide. They have high-density ceramic balls that are precision made with hot Isostatic pressure Sintered (HIPS), whatever that may mean.
Note that as soon as you clean your bearings and re-lube them, they will require cleaning again sooner than later. Postpone cleaning your bearings as long as you can.
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Myth: They are excellent for downhill longboarding. They create less friction and less heat that makes them faster and long-lasting. Moreover, ceramic is much harder than steel. They also don’t require maintenance or lubrication.
Just getting the moist out will make the last way longer. you don’t have to clean them entirely, I don’t but I’m also lazy.
Some of the bearings fell apart pretty quickly without ollieing big stairs. Just basic skating was enough to render them useless after 6 months, 3 of 8 bearings completely failed.
Despite all the fancy wording and marketing buzz, Bronson ceramics aren’t the best choice. In our experience, G3’s perform just as great and are way cheaper. Skip these bearings.
Bones Super Reds Bearings don’t offer much more than the Bones Reds. They can arguably handle high-impact skateboarding better compared to the Reds but we didn’t experience this ourselves. Buyer beware. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
The only disadvantage of steel bearings is that they usually rust when exposed to moisture. Drying your bearings after riding in the wet is something really to consider.
Bones Reds are the most popular bearings because they are cheap and just work for all skateboards. These skateboard bearings are made in China like most.
They have a removable rubber shield on one side, a removable metal shield on the other. A high-speed molded ball retainer, precision ground, and super-finished hardened chromium steel races.
Mini Logo bearings aren’t the best or durable but they will get the job done. At least they are better than bearings that come with most complete skateboards.
While Bronson ceramics are cheaper compared to Bones Ceramics, they are still ridiculously overpriced. Do yourself a favor and buy G3’s instead. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
Best skateboard bearings2024
Sure they deliver quality with a surprisingly low budget, but they also break very fast (if you’re unlucky). It’s sort of a lottery when it comes to standard Reds.
Replace your skateboard bearings when they break or won’t spin anymore. You can get away with a few worn bearings but at some point you have to push really hard to keep momentum.
Ceramicbearings Skateboard
Overall Bronson G3’s seem to last a bit longer than Bronson G2’s. They gradually get worse but should last for at least a good year of skateboarding.
Spacers also prevent you from crushing your bearings when you tighten the axle nut. One of the locals over here messed up a set because of that.
Sometimes you can find silicon lube in your parents bedroom (I know someone who did this when he was younger, it works).
This micro coating is five times the host alloy’s hardness and has a molecular bond with the host metal, and also fills in all the asperities and eliminating friction over time.
Why aren’t Zealous the fastest? They aren’t made for speed but made for keeping their speed, great for longboarders but not for skateboarders.
Its nano-ceramic compounds resist corrosion and prevent excessive wear. These skateboard bearings provide the smoothest riding experience to you at a reasonable price.
Titanium is a material that is light in weight, durable, and highly rust-resistant. Titanium bearings are similar to steel bearings, but these last longer than steel ones.
Skating near the ocean can expose your bearings to sand and dust, making it important to select bearings equipped with Rubber Shields on both sides.
The short answer to this question is no. Higher ABEC only works for industrial RPM machines, not skateboards. Notice that ceramic bearings don’t have ABEC rating and Bones has their own rating (Skate rated).
The first generation had some issues with deformed cages, but this has been resolved. I highly recommend them, obligatory affiliate link to amazon!
If your bearings happen to get wet you might want to give them some maintenance before your have to replace the bearings entirely.
Bearings with removable shields can be cleaned as well. When your bearings start to squeak as you’re skating along, you’ll know it’s time to clean and re-lube them.
G3’s are a great choice for transition skateboarding and indoor skate parks. After 12 months of street skating they still hold up fine but we didn’t do high impact tests.
We’ve only tested them for about a year but it should give you a good idea about what to buy and which bearings you stay away from.
Let’s say you’re assembling your own complete and your are almost over your budget. In this case Mini Logo bearings might be an option.
When the speed washers start to appear worn down, or if you notice any rust or corrosion, simply remove the nuts and glide on new speed washers.
Best skateboard bearings forcruising
They aren’t noticeably faster compared to Bronson G3’s or Bones Swiss 6, not at all. You also need to lube them (standard silicone lube, nothing fancy) and clean them.
Reds are a great, simple bearing, pretty bomb-proof, gets quicker with age and not badly priced. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
After testing many bearings over a year in different circumstances and weather types, we came to the conclusion that the best skateboard bearings are not the most expensive bearings.
We haven’t cleaned them in a year and skated them in all conditions, they still work. I guess some of the marketing is actually true, I’m still allergic to buzzwords though.
Considering price, quality, durability, and speed; Bronson Speed Co. G2’s are the best bearings for skateboarding. G2 bearings still ride smooth after months, don’t require much maintenance, and are great for both street and transition skateboarding.
Best bearings forlongboards
Pro tip: Sometimes you have to really force a bearing into a wheel which can damage the bearing. Use a tiny but of silicon lube to make it easy.
They aren’t great for downhill, I asked my buddy over at Downhill254 and he can confirm that even for professional downhillers, they are a complete waste of money.
Bronson Raw Bearings accelerate fast and keep momentum for a long time. They are extremely durable but make a rattling noise that some might find annoying. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
Speed Washers serve as a buffer between the nut and the bearing that allows your wheels to rotate quickly while also protects the bearing face from damage.
That’s a whole lot of fancy words that can be summarized as cheap bearings that last a long time. Where we had to replace our bones Reds, the G2’s still worked for a long time.
Bones Super Reds skateboard bearings are level up from the standard Reds. They are great for transition skateboarding and indoor park skating but quickly lose performance skating street.
Expensive bearings will not make you go faster on a skateboard. Speed has mainly to do with the wheels (hardness, diameter) and the surface you ride.
In my opinion, Bones Reds Ceramics are one of the worst skateboard bearings you can buy. Swiss Ceramics might even be worse, but even I won’t waste my time and money to tests them.
By now it should be obvious that you don’t get what you pay for. You can buy 4 or 5 sets of G2’s for the price of a single set of Bones Reds Ceramics.
Steel bearings are made of steel, and they are industry standard. However, the quality of steel varies from brand to brand, but they are both durable and economical.
As mentioned earlier, skateboard bearings are universal, and they are sold in a set of eight. So this means that skateboard bearings fit in all four wheels of your skateboard, no worries.
G2’s lasted 2 to 4 months longer compared to Bones Reds, depending on the weather conditions. They seem to handle dust, dirt, and water better.
Great for mini ramp and bowl skating but not so much for hardcore street skaters. The only ‘Super’ perk is that they are super expensive and hardcore skates need to replace them super fast.
Plastic are spacers are just fine and won’t cost more than 2 bucks. I have these $30 spacers somewhere and you really won’t notice a difference.
Replace your skateboard bearing when they stop spinning after cleaning and re-lubing. If skateboard bearings are missing bearing shields or any ball bearing is missing, replace them to prevent any kind of accident.
Great for indoor skateboarding, after 10 session in my local indoor park they still perform great. To be honest, so did my previous bearings that are a lot cheaper.
According to Bones, Super Reds provides premium skateboard surface and finish to the boot. By utilizing these skateboard bearings, you will have more momentum when you either go up or downhill.
Bones Super Reds feel super fast at first but this doesn’t last long. They last a bit longer compared to standard Bones Reds but the question is if this is worth it.
SkateboardersHQ is independent, I don’t get paid by brands or receive a bonus from recommending brands. I just write about what I think is right for you.
However, when I talk about the universal measurement of skateboard bearings, it is 8mm (core), 22mm (outer diameter), and 7mm (width) which requires 608 size skate bearings. Most of the skateboard bearings are sold in a set of eight.
No bearing was the fastest, nor did we find any bearing that didn’t rust. In the end bearings between 15 and 30 bucks from reputable brands are the best.
These deformations cause friction and heat around them, which also hardens the nano-ceramic compound to that specific area.
Zealous Classics are great for cruising. They don’t accelerate fast but keep their momentum longer compared to standard bearings. They get quicker with age fairly priced. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
When reading my own article it seems that I’m very biased towards Bronson, this is true because they performed way better.
However, some bearings have shields that are also removable that provide easier cleaning. While some have one or zero safeguards for reduced friction.
They performed almost as good as before! No cleaning needed and hardly any squeaky sounds. I really love how quickly they accelerate and haven’t cleaned them in 2 years.
No surprise they didn’t work anymore but what was surprising is that you can just yank the dust and rust right off when you take your board for a spin.
Even though you really don’t need ceramic bearings for skateboarding, I thought it would be fair to list Bronson Ceramics. They are cheaper compared to Bones Reds Ceramics but they perform the same.
This is also where the cheaper is better ends, sure you’ll save a couple of bucks but you get better and more durable bearings for just a bit more.
Bones Swiss 6 balls Bearings don’t offer much more than the Bones Reds or Bronson G2. They are hyped up and not the best choice. Available at Amazon (affiliate link).
Best skateboard bearings fordownhill
Only the balls are made of Ceramic material. heck even if only one ball is ceramic you can market them as ceramic bearings!
I don’t want to go too much into Bones ceramics but they are a huge disappointment and no skater should ever consider buying them.
The theory behind shieldless bearings is that the dust, dirt, and moist that enters the bearing while riding will be thrown out by the centrifugal forces.
These skateboard bearings improve your ride with deep grove raceways that reduce the side impact damage with high-speed ceramics oil compounds.
I highly doubt you need them. They are expensive and honestly I can hardly tell any difference between regular steel (quality) bearings.
if you decide to clean, stay away from WD40 it only attracts dust and removes the grease. Great way to kill your bearings though.
The rotating and rolling balls are the cruces of how the bearing works. Fewer balls mean less friction and more speed but I can’t really tell to be honest.
These bearings are only useful for commuting and low-impact skating, but why on earth would you spend 100 bucks on bearings?
This is the most likely the size you will need. Many sets include a speed washer for each wheel if you purchase complete trucks, though you can also buy them separately.
Avoid puddles, dust and dirt and your bearing will last for a long time. The difference is huge, sometmes you can throw them away after 2 months and when properly taken care of they’ll last for years.
This was only from cruising, maybe I got unlucky but it’s telling. Imagine doing some hardcore skating and breaking them in a week.
Skateboard bearings accelerate faster but lose their momentum quickly. Longboard bearings roll longer but accelerate slower.
Lightweight ceramic balls to keep their shipping costs down. The stainless races surface rust so they’ll slow down quick.
It has a straight edge, friction-less shields that are pop-off resistant to hold in oil and keep moisture out, while its linear micro-groove surface improves bearing lubrication and increases roll speed.
They are recognized by different names like speed washers, speed rings, and bearing washers, but all washers have the same purpose: to minimize the friction to help the wheel turn faster.