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Ultrasonic can be used to detect the ultrasound that is emitted by the turbulence of leaking gas so useful in looking for leaks of refrigerants or from pressurised containers. Leaks in airplanes fuselages can be found by increasing the internal pressure and scanning the outside for the tell-tale hiss using our SLD ( Sonic Leak Detector).
The Sonic Leak Detector can also be used with a Cabin-Safe or Door-Safe transmitter to detected holes in enclosed spaces & containers like fuel tanks, refrigerator door seals, containers, cars yachts etc. The built in laser beam in the SLD allows accurate location of the leak.
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Electrical arcing* can be easily detected and the leak location rapidly and accurately identified through the headphones. The SLD can significantly reduce leak detection times and produce substantial cost savings.
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The fully ABS Type Approved Door-Safe™ ultrasonic kit is used to rapidly and accurately test the integrity of water-tight doors and hatches.The Door-Safe™ WT tester kit consists of 2 units, an ultrasonic transmitter unit and a portable, hand-held receiver unit connected to a …
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We are proud to be British based designers and manufacturers of world-leading ultrasonic water integrity testers, liquid level indicators and non – destructive test equipment.
A smaller, less powerful version of Class Instrumentation Ltd’s CARGO-SAFE™ unit, this boat survey product is perfect for detecting the source of leaks in small pleasure craft, yachts, cars and caravans. To use the Cabin-Safe, the Transmitter unit is placed inside the vessel …
Worldwide Head Office Class Instrumentation Ltd 837 Garratt Lane London SW17 0PG United Kingdom VAT Number: GB934 0042 61 Company Number: 3252796
The Class Instrumentation Sonic Leak Detector is a low cost instrument that allows the rapid detection of pressurised gases escaping from any form of plant system.The ultrasound “noise” generated by a leak can be easily …
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Manufacturing Assessment ISO 9001:2015 NCAGE Number UOB22 NATO Number 6635-99-958-4633 IIMS Corporate Membership Number C508
*A characteristic of some faults on high voltage electrical systems is a corona discharge, this occurs when there is a breakdown of insulation. A fire will breakout if it is allowed to continue. However, with the discharge there is an emission of ultrasound that can be detected by scanning with our SLD.