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How to check your Wheel Hub Assemblies (Wheel Bearings) for Signs of Damage · Snapping, clicking or popping noises when cornering or making sharp turns · Grinding ...

OEM Replacement - Front Wheel Hub and Bearings Rear Wheel Bearings Kit.

Dec 3, 2017 — I was charged $800 dollars for a rear wheel hub replacement on a 1999 Subaru Legacy Outback. They quoted 400, then called me after it was taken apart.

R 090005Z OCT 20 MARADMIN 599/20 MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MP// SUBJ/UPDATE TO MOS 7315 AND CREATION OF 7318 PMOS// REF/A/DOC/CMC WASH DC/24APR20// REF/B/DOC/CMC WASH DC/11SEP09// NARR/REF (A) IS NAVMC 1200.1F MOS MANUAL. REF (B) IS MCO 1200.15C MOS SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROCESS// POC/ MPP-30, COMM: (703) 784-9366, DSN 278-9366 POC/ APW-81, COMM: (703) 693-2525, DSN 223-0952 POC/ MMOA-2, COMM: (703) 784-9267, DSN 278-9267 GENTEXT/REMARKS/ 1.  Current initiatives and ongoing Force Design efforts require the VMUs to operate two separate unmanned aerial systems (UAS) T/M/S. This necessitates an off-cycle update to ref (a) prior to the publication of the FY22 MOS Manual. 2.  Today's VMU operates Group 3 UAS, while the CMC's 2030 force will operate Group 5 UAS.  To achieve this future vision, an in stride transition is necessary to leverage current Group 3 operators until the future Group 5 community is created.  This will require two primary MOSs for UAS officers to ensure appropriate talent management of the two UAS T/M/S. 3.  Paragraph 4 below represents the updated entry in reference (a) for MOS 7315 and paragraph 5 below represents the entry for newly created MOS 7318.  These changes are effective immediately. 4.  MOS 7315, Group 3 UAS MAGTF Officer (I) (2ndLt to LtCol) PMOS, DC AVN. 4.a.  Summary. UAS Officers employ a network enabled and digitally interoperable UAS, from a Ground Control Station, to provide reconnaissance, surveillance, targeting, and acquisition (RSTA), aviation fires, and electromagnetic support across the full spectrum of combat operations. UAS Officers will advise supported commanders on matters regarding UAS integration and provide information of intelligence value not readily available from normal sources. UAS Officers are the supported commander’s subject matter expert on UAS tactics, techniques, and procedures. 4.b.  Prerequisites. 4.b.1.  Must be a U.S. citizen. 4.b.2.  Security requirement: eligibility for top secret clearance with sensitive compartmented information (TS/SCI). 4.b.3.  Must meet the physical requirements of Manual of the Medical Department, section IV, article 15-100. 4.b.4.  Must take the aviation standard test battery (ASTB) and score a four or higher on the academic qualification rating (AQR) and a six or higher on either the pilot flight aptitude rating (PFAR) or the flight officer flight aptitude rating (FOFAR). 4.c.  Requirements. 4.c.1.  Complete the requirements for Basic Unmanned Qualification IV (BUQ-4) in accordance with CJCSI 3255.01 by any of the following methods: 4.c.1.a.  Complete the USAF Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Course: 4.c.1.a.1.  Pilot Flight Screening Course (C70RPB1), at USAF Air Education and Training Command, Pueblo, CO. 4.c.1.a.2.  Remotely Piloted Aircraft Instrument Qualification (RIQ) Course (F16RPA4) at USAF 558 Flying Training Squadron (FTS), Randolph AFB, TX. 4.c.1.a.3.  Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Fundamentals Course (RFC)(F16RPC4) at USAF 558 FTS, Randolph AFB, TX. 4.c.1.b.  Complete Student Naval Aviator (SNA) Primary Flight Training (CIN Q-2A-0416 or Q-2A-0417) through the instrument phase. 4.c.1.c.  Complete Student Naval Flight Officer (SNFO) Primary I Training (CIN Q-2D-0162). 4.c.1.d.  Designated Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers have achieved the BUQ-4 requirements. 4.c.2.  A BUQ-4 individual will be awarded the MOS 7315 after the completion of the following course: 4.c.2.a.  RQ-21A Course (M04TACD) at the RQ-21 Fleet Readiness Detachment (FRD), MCAS Cherry Point, NC. 4.d.  Duties. 4.d.1.  Provides air support through UAS level 4 (function and control of unmanned aircraft and payload minus takeoff and landing) and/or UAS level 5 (full function and control of unmanned aircraft and payload) interoperability. 4.d.2.  Performs electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO) against enemy communications, RADAR, and cyber networks; plans and executes multi-sensor imagery reconnaissance and surveillance over assigned areas; advises, coordinates, and controls supporting arms on behalf of the supported commander; and when directed, destroys targets through kinetic or non-kinetic means. 4.d.3.  Performs the duties as a member of the MEF information group (MIG). 4.d.4.  Executes offensive and defensive tactics. 4.d.5.  Supervises analysis, synthesis, and dissemination of information. 4.e.  Related SOC Title and Code.  Military Officer Special and Tactical Operations Leaders/Managers, All Other 55-1019. 4.f.  Related Military Skill.  None. 5.  MOS 7318, VMU MQ-9 Officer (I) (2ndLt to LtCol) PMOS, DC AVN. 5.a.  Summary. MQ-9 Officers employ a network enabled and digitally interoperable UAS, from a Ground Control Station, to provide RSTA, aviation fires, and electromagnetic support across the full spectrum of combat operations.  MQ-9 Officers will advise supported commanders on matters regarding UAS integration and provide information of intelligence value not readily available from normal sources. 5.b.  Prerequisites. 5.b.1.  Must be a U.S. citizen. 5.b.2.  Security requirement: eligibility for TS/SCI. 5.b.3.  Must meet the physical requirements per Manual of the Medical Department, section IV, and article 15-100. 5.b.4.  Must take the ASTB and score a four or higher on the AQR and a six or higher on either the PFAR or the FOFAR. 5.c.  Requirements. 5.c.1.  Complete the requirements for BUQ-4 in accordance with CJCSI 3255.01 by any of the following methods: 5.c.1.a.  Complete the USAF RPA Course: 5.c.1.a.1.  Pilot Flight Screening Course (C70RPB1), at USAF Air Education and Training Command, Pueblo, CO. 5.c.1.a.2.  RIQ Course (F16RPA4) at USAF 558 FTS, Randolph AFB, TX. 5.c.1.a.3.  RFC (F16RPC4) at USAF 558 FTS, Randolph AFB, TX. 5.c.1.b.  Designated Naval Aviators have achieved the BUQ-4 requirements. 5.c.2.  A BUQ-4 individual will be awarded the MOS 7318 after the completion of the following course: 5.c.2.a.  MQ-9A Officer Initial Qualification Training Course (F34H331) at Holloman, AFB. 5.d.  Duties. 5.d.1.  Provides air support through UAS level 4 (function and control of unmanned aircraft and payload minus takeoff and landing) and/or UAS level 5 (full function and control of unmanned aircraft and payload) interoperability. 5.d.2.  Performs EMSO against enemy communications, RADAR, and cyber networks; plans and executes multi sensor imagery reconnaissance and surveillance over assigned areas; advises, coordinates, and controls supporting arms on behalf of the supported commander; and when directed, destroys targets through kinetic or non-kinetic means. 5.d.3.  Performs the duties as a member of the supported commander’s MIG. 5.d.4.  Executes offensive and defensive tactics. 5.d.5.  Supervises analysis, synthesis, and dissemination of information. 5.e.  Related SOC Title and Code. Military Officer Special and Tactical Operations Leaders/Managers, All Other 55-1019. 5.f.  Related Military Skill.  None. 6.   Individuals with a 7315 PMOS that have completed the 7318 requirements listed in paragraph 5 shall submit their completion certificates to smb_officer_aviation@usmc.mil and cc their PMOS monitor to ensure their PMOS converts to 7318. 7.  DC M&RA (MPP) will submit the above MOS Manual entries as an update to the FY22 MOS Manual through the normal MOS Manual change process. 8.  This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve. 9.  Release authorized by BGen J. G. Woodworth, Director, Manpower Plans and Policy.//

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