Do You Really Need to Replace Your Timing Belt? - change timing belt
The 2024 proposed regulations also amend the Section 761 regulations to allow a member to authorize a delegee to enter into contracts to sell the electricity produced that extend beyond the minimum needs of the industry and for more than one year. However, the length of the delegation continues to be limited by the minimum needs of the industry and one year.
Wheelhub bearing
Rear wheel bearings on old BMWs are incredibly robust. I’ve only ever had one go bad. It was on a Bavaria that my wife and I took on vacation to Martha’s Vineyard in 1986. We were foolishly driving in near-hurricane conditions and got caught in a tidal surge on the road that runs on the barrier beach between Edgartown and Oak Bluffs and drove through water that was deeper than we expected (as I said, foolish). On the drive home, the right rear wheel bearing began rumbling ominously. At the time, I didn’t own the necessary bearing puller, and had to take the car into the late great Beaconwood Motors who had the back page ad of Roundel for a generation. It was one of a handful of repairs the past 40 years I’ve paid someone else to do.
The preamble to the 2024 proposed regulations explains that the co-ownership and severance requirements in the current Section 761 regulations are inconsistent with established industry practices for structuring renewable energy projects. Accordingly, the 2024 proposed regulations would amend the Section 761(a) regulations for Section 6417 purposes to provide special exceptions to the co-ownership and severance requirements for applicable entities. The exceptions would apply to an “applicable unincorporated organization,” which would be owned in whole or in part by one or more applicable entities that enter into a joint agreement to produce electricity from credit property eligible for the Section 45, 45U, 45Y, 48, or 48E credit. The agreement would have to provide members the right to separately receive or dispose of their pro rata shares of the electricity produced or of any associated renewable energy or similar credits, and at least one member would have to plan to elect direct payment. If these conditions are met, applicable entities could own credit property through an unincorporated entity (if the entity is not required to be treated as a corporation) and, under the rule in the final regulations, would be treated as directly owning its interest in the credit property and be eligible to elect direct payments for a Section 45, 45U, 45Y, 48, or 48E credit related to the property.
I intentionally jacked up the car at the right front wheel—the one I didn’t think was making the noise—to get a baseline. I grabbed it at 6 and 12, rocked it, verified it was tight, and spun it. As expected, it was quiet.
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The Section 6417 proposed and final regulations provide that a partnership is not an applicable entity, even if all partners are applicable entities, and may elect direct payment only for the Section 45Q, 45V, or 45X credits. As a result, applicable entities engaged in an energy project as a partner in a partnership may receive direct payments (if elected by the partnership) only for credits under Sections 45Q, 45V, and 45X. However, the proposed and final regulations provide that an applicable entity that participates in an energy project through an organization that opts out of subchapter K under Section 761(a) is treated as directly owning its interest in the credit property and may elect direct payment for any applicable credit.
Sightline is a tax platform that makes the entire tax process more collaborative and insightful. Built by tax professionals for tax professionals.
Section 48D provides that a partner's distributive share of a direct payment is based on the partner's distributive share of the otherwise applicable credit for the tax year. As an investment credit, the Section 48D credit, in general, is a percentage of the basis of qualified property. Accordingly, the Section 48D proposed and final regulations provide that a partner’s distributive share of a direct payment is equal to the partner’s distributive share of its allocable basis in the Section 48D qualified property.
The direct payment election is made on a federal income tax return by the extended due date and is reflected on the return as a “payment,” which reduces the tax due. Thus, the credit is available without regard to tax liability, similar to a refundable credit. To prevent receipt of a double benefit, the amount of the credit is reduced to zero and deemed to have been allowed in the tax year of the direct payment.
I can only speculate what happened. Due to the space constraints in my garage, when I swap winter/summer wheels, I’ll usually pull one end of the car in, jack it up, swap both wheels, snug the lug nuts with a ratchet, let the car down, torque the nuts, air the tires, then pull the car out, flip it around, and do the other side. I must’ve gotten interrupted. Maybe I received a text I felt that I needed to respond to. Maybe my wife was leaving and I walked outside to kiss her goodbye. Maybe I had back pain and took a break. I don’t know.
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Tax-exempt entities that engage in an energy project within a co-ownership structure should consider whether it would be beneficial to opt out of subchapter K under Section 761(a) for that project under the 2024 proposed regulations and elect direct payments.
In contrast, soft failures are things that either give you ample warning before they fail completely, or their failure doesn’t immediately drag the car into the breakdown lane. A textbook soft failure is when the alternator or voltage regulator dies. Even though the battery is no longer being charged, the car can continue to run for some amount of time off the battery alone. On a vintage car like a 2002, you can likely drive for hours during daylight before the battery no longer has enough juice to light the spark plugs. On a late-model car loaded with electric motors and control modules, you might have more like fifteen minutes to an hour—enough to get to a rest area, possibly even a repair shop.
The stakes rarely have been higher as business leaders seek to manage operations and plan investments in an environment of uncertain tax policy and tax changes....
Although bearing rumble is usually quite clear, part of testing for a bad wheel bearing is to jack the car up, set it on stands, grab the wheel at the 6:00 and 12:00 positions, and push-pull it. If you’re hands are at 3:00 and 9:00 instead, play in a front wheel can come from anything in the steering mechanism, but 6-and-12 play pretty much has to be coming from the wheel bearing. In an old-school car with adjustable wheel bearings, if there’s no rumble, you can try adjusting the bearing by pulling the cotter pin and moving the castellated nut by one notch, but play plus rumble equals bad.
Then I checked the lug nuts on the right front wheel. While none were loose to the point of being free-spinning, all were substantially below the 88 foot-pound torque spec. The rears were fine.
And so, just to be certain, to placate my left brain and make sure I didn’t go to all that work unless it was absolutely necessary, I took a 1/2-inch ratchet and a 17mm socket and checked the wheel’s lug nuts.
Why do I have these and why can I lay my hands on them instantly? As Joseph Fiennes said in Shakespeare in Love, “It’s a mystery.”
To make sure this doesn’t happen again, I’m instituting a new system of checking the lug nuts on all four wheels after I’ve done any work where a car is jacked up for any reason.
The IRS and Treasury on March 11 published final regulations on direct payment under Section 6417 of certain energy credits and under Section 48D of the advanced manufacturing credit. Proposed regulations were published on June 21, 2023. The IRS and Treasury also published proposed regulations (2024 proposed regulations) addressing how tax-exempt entities participating in energy projects under a co-ownership structure may qualify to elect Section 6417 direct payment of certain credits.
Section 761(a) allows an unincorporated organization to elect to be excluded from the application of subchapter K if (1) the organization is for investment purposes only and not for the conduct of a business, (2) the organization is for the joint production, extraction, or use of property and not to sell services or the property produced or extracted (or for certain activities of securities dealers), and (3) the income of the organization members can be adequately determined without computing partnership taxable income.
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On 1970s-era BMWs, there are inner and outer front wheel bearings with each sitting in its own race that’s pressed into the hub. Since the front discs on these cars sit on the inside surface of the hub, and since the bearings lift out of their races and present their greasy private parts to you when you pull the hub off the spindle, the advice is that, if there’s no documentation on how old the bearings are, to replace both sets of bearings on both sides when the front discs are replaced.
© 2017 - 2025 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.
What do numbers in bearing series codes mean? · A – Bearing type · B – Width · C – Outer diameter · DE – Bore diameter.
Observation: Under the proposed computation rule, a direct payment amount was included in determining the amount of the Section 38 GBC allowable in the current tax year and the amount that would have to be carried to other tax years. Depending on what other Section 38 credits a taxpayer could claim and where the direct payment stood in the credit order, the taxpayer could be disadvantaged or even denied the benefit of a direct payment. By revising the five-step computation, the final regulations take the direct payment out of the GBC limitation. The preambles of the two final regulations explain that the revised rules allow a taxpayer to lower tax liability to the GBC limitation using other credits without impact from the Section 6417/Section 48D credits but include these credits as a current year GBC to the extent necessary to reduce tax liability to the GBC limitation.
Bearing No. Tapered bore. Mass (kg). Axial load factor. Abutment and fillet dimensions (mm). Self-aligning Ball Bearings. Bore Diameter : 10〜60mm. Page 2. 207.
The final regulations revise the five-step process. Under the final regulations, the net elective payment amount Is the lesser of (1) the aggregate of all Section 6417 applicable credits (or the Section 48D credit) or (2) the total GBC (including applicable credits/the Section 48D credit) over the total GBC allowed against tax liability determined without regard to Section 38(c) (the limitations).
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... Replacing your dried out or pitted wheel bearings with hybrid ceramic bearings has never been more affordable!
The IRS and Treasury also released Notice 2024-27, which requests comments on allowing a recipient of a transferred credit to elect direct payment.
My ever-rational left-brain shot back indignantly. “You can’t be serious,” it sneered. “You actually had a wheel fall off that 1600 back in 1984. And you’ve had two close calls, both more recently than you’d like to admit. You know what loose lug nuts sound like, and this wasn’t it. And you learned your lesson. You conditioned yourself to always tighten lug nuts with a torque wrench. It’s not loose lug nuts. Really. It’s not. It can’t be. You are not that careless.”
Still, to be careful, I pulled into the right lane, slowed down, and listened. The somewhat rapid onset was uncharacteristic of a wheel bearing, but the other symptoms fit. Since I had a recording appointment with a fiddle player, I preferred to keep going, unless of course I couldn’t for safety reasons. The rumbling remained at a constant low level, so I assumed it was a wheel bearing doing the soft failure thing, and continued on.
Wheelbearing replacement cost
For tax years beginning before 2033, Section 6417 allows an applicable entity to irrevocably elect to treat a credit under Section 30C, 45, 45Q, 45U, 45V, 45W, 45X, 45Y, 45Z, 48, 48C, or 48E (applicable credits) as a payment against tax in the amount of the credit. An applicable entity is a tax-exempt entity, state or political subdivision, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Indian tribal government, Alaska native corporation, or rural electric cooperative.
Observation: This issue does not arise for applicable credits under Section 6417 because partnerships may not elect direct payment under Section 6417 for investment tax credits.
Parker's Piston T-seal is designed to retrofit O-rings in no back-up, single back-up and two back-up standard industrial reciprocating glands.
I snugged them down, grabbed the wheel at 6 and 12 and verified that the play was gone, spun it and verified that the noise was gone, let the car down off the jack, and tightened them up with a torque wrench.
Wheelhub assembly
Other taxpayers may elect direct payment only for the Section 45Q, 45V, or 45X credits. A direct payment election must be made by a partnership or S corporation for property held by the entity.
After the recording session ended, I began driving back toward the highway. As I approached a small service station, I debated stopping to have them throw the car up on the lift and check it, but again, since the rumble remained low and constant, I headed home. Still, to err on the literal side of safety, I stayed in the right lane, turned the flashers on, and drove at 50 mph.
Direct payments are an important mechanism to fund energy and advanced manufacturing projects by allowing taxpayers with little or no tax liability to receive the economic benefit of the credit. The final regulations provide certainty in many areas and make a taxpayer-favorable change to the rules for computing the net elective payment amount. The 2024 proposed regulations facilitate current financing practices by providing a path for certain partnerships to elect direct payment for additional credits.
Current regulations under Section 761(a) require that participants in the joint activity (1) co-own the property directly rather than through an interest in an entity that owns the property (co-ownership requirement), (2) have the right under the agreement to separately take or dispose of their shares of property acquired or retained (severance requirement), and (3) do not jointly sell services or the property produced or extracted (joint marketing requirement) but allow a participant to delegate authority to sell its property for a period not exceeding the minimum needs of the industry or one year.
Perhaps the down comforter of soft failures is a bad wheel bearing. Loss of lubrication will cause them to wear, resulting in a rumble that sometimes can be more felt than heard (they may also squeak or squeal), but the failure process is gradual. They’ll get louder as wear and play embrace each other in an ever-widening downward spiral, but you’d have to be an idiot not to hear it and address it, making outright failure rare. Wheel bearings are pretty robust in BMWs. After owning over 70 cars, I’ve only ever seen one wheel bearing that completely self-destructed—a ’67 2000CS I bought came with one that had destroyed the stub axle. I had to replace the entire front strut assembly.
Section 6418 allows taxpayers to transfer a Section 30C, 45, 45Q, 45U, 45V, 45X, 45Y, 45Z, 48, 48C, or 48E credit to other parties, which then claim the credit. The Section 6417 proposed and final regulations do not permit a credit transferee to elect direct payment for the transferred credit. The preamble to the final regulations advises that allowing this process, which it calls “chaining,” is a less reasonable interpretation of Sections 6417 and 6418 and could result in administrative complexity and have a potential for abuse.
Section 48D provides a credit of 25% of qualified investment in a facility that manufactures semiconductors or the equipment to manufacture semiconductors. Section 48D includes provisions for any taxpayer eligible to claim the credit to elect direct payment under substantially the same requirements and procedures as under Section 6417.
Nov 17, 2023 — Ball bearings are optimal for high-speed, precision tasks, whereas wheel bearings are designed for durability under heavy loads in vehicles.
The Section 6417 and Section 48D final regulations apply to tax years ending on or after March 11, 2024. However, taxpayers generally may apply the final regulations to property placed in service after 2022 if they apply the entire regulations consistently. The 2024 proposed regulations would apply to tax years ending on or after publication of final regulations in the Federal Register. Comments are due by May 10, 2024, and a public hearing is scheduled for May 20, 2024.
However, contemporaneously with the release of the final regulations on March 5, the IRS and Treasury issued Notice 2024-27, requesting additional comments on permitting chaining, specifically with regard to impact on the credit transfer market, statutory interpretation, administrability, and potential for abuse. Comments are due by December 1, 2024.
In the repair world, there are “hard failures” and “soft failures.” Hard failures are things that instantly drag a car to a stop when they break. Broken ball joint? The worst type of hard failure—the front wheel folds under the fender like a broken ankle and you lose control of the car. Bad fuel pump? Usually a hard failure—it either pumps or it doesn’t. (Okay, there are some exceptions. The one my E39 wigged out on a low tank in hot weather, then recovered. I replaced it anyway.)
When I arrived home, I pulled the nose of the car right into the garage, then hopped on the laptop to get a set of front wheel bearing on order. I looked on FCP Euro, and was more than a little surprised to find that a front wheel bearing kit with German FAG wheel bearing assemblies now cost $312. Of course, I still had that set of bolts, so I could save myself the $4.29 per bolt right there. I mean thirty-four bucks is thirty-four bucks, right? One FAG bearing was $139. I began entertaining replacing just the left bearing, then price-shopping other manufacturers, when I decided that I should be certain that the wheel bearing was really the problem.
The preamble to the proposed regulations noted that some taxpayers may have entered into partnership agreements before issuance of proposed regulations and incorrectly assumed that the partners’ distributive shares of direct payments would be allocated based on income allocation rules instead of rules relating to allocations of investment credits. Therefore, the final regulations include a transition rule allowing a partner’s distributive share of a direct payment to be determined in accordance with partnership income allocation principles if a written binding partnership agreement was entered into after 2021 and before June 22, 2023, and the partnership was formed to own and operate an advanced manufacturing facility or qualified property.
I then jacked up the left front wheel and rocked it at 6 and 12. Yup, play. Then I spun it. Yup, rumbly. No doubt—a bad left wheel bearing. I set the car back down and began to walk back to the computer to order the bearings, vividly recalling how much of a pain in the butt they were to replace in the 528iT wagon ten years ago. I wondered if maybe still having those eight spare bearing bolts had made the whole thing a matter of fate.
The Section 6417 final regulations clarify that “applicable entities” include territories, the District of Columbia, and government agencies and instrumentalities.
And I’m going to have some sort of voodoo ceremony with that bag of Locktite-coated wheel bearing bolts. I can’t tell whether they were bad juju that triggered the problem or a talisman that warded off disaster, but clearly they played some role outside the normal Western vectors of Newtonian mechanics and Cartesian cause and effect. They deserve reverence.
The Section 6417 and Section 48D proposed regulations required a direct payment election to be made on an original federal income tax return by the extended due date. An election could not be made on an amended return and late filing relief under Reg. 301.9100-1 was not available. The final regulations permit taxpayers to correct numerical errors, for example in the amount of the credit, on an amended return or administrative adjustment. The final regulations provide six months late filing relief for taxpayers that fail to make the direct payment election on their returns, but only for taxpayers that file their returns by the unextended due date.
Rob’s newest book, The Best of The Hack Mechanic, is available here on Amazon, as are his seven other books. Signed copies can be ordered directly from Rob here.
Kingsbury industrial bearing service provides a level of customer service and support before, during and after installation that nobody else can match. It ...
For detailed information on direct payments and the proposed regulations under Sections 6417 and 48D, see the PwC Insights Regulations address direct payment of energy tax credits and Regulations address direct payment of advanced manufacturing tax credit.
I was driving my 2003 E39 530i up to do some recording in Chelmsford, about 30 miles north of me, when I began to hear and feel a rumbling coming from the left front of the car. It ramped up over several minutes, but then plateaued. If it instead had gotten VERY loud VERY quickly, with obvious metal-smacking-against-metal instead of the more gentle rumble of a worn bearing, that would be the hallmark of loose lug nuts, something you need to pay attention to IMMEDIATELY because you may have only five or ten seconds before the wheel falls off.
Policy on Demand is a news platform that provides in-depth insights and analysis on tax policy, legislative and regulatory developments that impact your...
Rob Siegel has been writing the column The Hack Mechanic for Roundel Magazine for 35 years, and is the author of eight books available on Amazon. He currently owns thirteen cars. Yes, his wife knows about all of them.
On newer BMWs, the front wheel bearings are very different than on the 1970s-era cars. About ten years ago, I owned a ’99 E39 528iT wagon that needed struts, control arms, and other front-end work. The E39’s wheel bearings are part of an assembly that includes the front hub—the wheel bearing assembly bolts to the steering knuckle, and the wheel bolts directly to the bearing assembly.
The Section 6417 applicable credits and the Section 48D credit are included in the Section 38 general business credit (GBC). The GBC may be limited by tentative minimum tax and carried back or carried forward to other tax years. Section 38 includes rules that specify the order in which the constituent credits are taken into account. The Section 6417 and Section 48D proposed regulations include credits for which direct payment was elected in computing the GBC and determining the amount subject to limitations. The proposed regulations provided a five-step process for both applicable entities and electing taxpayers to determine a “net elective payment amount” that included the direct payment in the Section 38 limitations and ordering rules.