What is an SR22 used for

Solid state relaysTemperature controllersRelay interface modulesTimers and protection relaysPower SuppliesTemperature transmitters and signal conditionersLean production

Do I need an SR22 to reinstate my license


Solid state relaysTemperature controllersRelay interface modulesTimers and protection relaysPower SuppliesTemperature transmitters and signal conditionersLean production

Solid state relaysTemperature controllersRelay interface modulesTimers and protection relaysPower SuppliesTemperature transmitters and signal conditionersLean production



Pin to Pin compatible with electromechanical relays Non polarized input Led input voltage Rated operational current up to 12A DC Instantaneous commutation Output Voltage from 0 to 35 VDC 2500V input-output insulation


Solid state relaysTemperature controllersRelay interface modulesTimers and protection relaysPower SuppliesTemperature transmitters and signal conditionersLean production

Solid state relaysTemperature controllersRelay interface modulesTimers and protection relaysPower SuppliesTemperature transmitters and signal conditionersLean production
