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Badwheelhubvs bearing
I have a 2012 Honda civic LX, automatic, 1.8L that seems to be making front wheel bearing noise. However, after having both front wheel bearings replaced (they were actually both bad), the noise isn't gone. I then rotated the tires, thinking it was a bad tire and the noise didn't seem to come from a different place, it sounded the same which leads me to believe it's probably not a tire.
Badrear wheelhub symptoms
To clarify, the noise is a soft "whump whump whump" noise that begins at about 15-20 mph that gradually increases in volume and frequency in relation to wheel speed as the car moves faster. At freeway speeds it's similar to the hum from an old mud tire but not quite that loud. It does cause a bit of vibration in the steering wheel. It doesn't sound like anything is rattling, grinding or clicking.