Hiltispeedsleeve installation Instructions

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Danley™ Speed Sleeve® Round Dowel Sleeves supplied by InfraBuild Reinforcing are designed for steel reinforcement applications and minimise vertical movement and reduce damage at joints. Speed Sleeves® are easy to install and eliminate the need for greased bars and drilling foam boards. Speed Sleeves® are also suitable for galvanized dowels and are not reusable.

Speedsleeve Hilti


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Danley™ Speed Sleeve® Round Dowel Sleeves are available for 16mm, 20mm, 24mm and 33mm diameter dowels and standard lengths of 240mm and 310mm. Reusable nailing plates are available for fixing to forms sold separately.

To find out more about the Danley™ Speed Sleeve® Round Dowel Sleeves stocked at your local InfraBuild Reinforcing please contact your nearest branch.

By clicking 'Accept All' you consent to all these purposes. You can also choose to indicate what purposes you will consent to using the custom selections and then click 'Accept selected'.

hiltispeedsleeve 2"

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AWC100 / Excellent dry / Excellent low viscosity / No water and steamAWC300 / Excellent high viscosity / Good dry and good in waterAWC400 / Excellent in water / Good dry and low viscosityAWC510 / Excellent dry / Good in water and steam / No petroleum liquids
