The F207 is a 1-1/4 inch diameter flange bearing that works great for end-to-end rotating shaft needs like the agitation of sealcoating tanks.  If you've purchased one of our BIGA tanks in the past and need a replacement, these are the ones we use and will bolt up without a problem.

Cylindrical roller bearingused for

The F-2XX series flange bearings are designed to rotate within their housing which gives you some lee-way on positioning the shaft and bearings on each end.  For obvious reasons, we recommend that they are installed as straight and level as possible, but in case you're a little off, these bearings will give you a small amount of forgiveness if things aren't perfect.

For maintenance, we recommend greasing the bearings at least once per year through the installed grease zerk, and they should last just fine for a long time.

Cylindrical roller bearingsize chart

If you're building your own, we've used these bearings for well over a decade on our sealcoating tanks and haven't had any problems with them outside of the normal wear-and-tear.  Keep in mind, the OD of the shaft pipe or rod can not exceed 1-1/4" and we actually recommend using a shaft that is slightly smaller for easier fitment. If you need larger than 1.25 inch, you might want to look at the 1-1/2" flange bearing instead.

Just make sure to click the checkmark next to the gasket accessory before you hit the add-to-cart button and you're good to go.

Cylindrical roller bearingcatalogue pdf

A needle bearing usually has a length/diameter ration of over four. The rollers in a cylindrical roller are shorter in length with a larger diameter.

Cylindrical roller bearingparts

Like all bearings, cylindrical roller bearings are subjected to rust, pitting, scratches and chips. Having the bearing treated with a surface coating can help to extend the life of the bearing by preventing these instances.

Whether you're repairing your tank or building your own, pair the flange bearing with a rubber gasket to ensure your tank doesn't leak.

They can fail due to improper mounting, lubrication and containments. Excessive loads can lead to overheating. A majority of failures are due to the application and lubrication, which is why design and selection are very important.

While this is advertised as a sealcoating shaft seal bearing, this part can be used in a wide variety of industrial applications.

The rolling elements in CRBs consist of cylinders as opposed to balls. These cylinders are slightly greater in length than diameter and are heat treated for maximum life. The rollers have a greater contact area with the inner and outer ring raceway, allowing the load to be distributed across a wider surface. This design provides suitability for high radial load capacity. They can be manufactured with a cage or as a full complement bearing.

Cylindrical roller bearingnumber

Cylindrical Roller Bearings (CRB) are designed to carry heavy radial loads at moderate speeds. They are found in applications from gearboxes and pumps to material handling applications and machine tooling.

The inner and outer ring are separable, which makes single row CRBs easy to mount and dismount. Double and multi-row cylindrical roller bearings have even greater radial load capacity and can transmit axial loads in a single direction.

Cylindrical roller bearings are available in both as split and sealed. A seal protects the rollers from contaminants while retaining lubrication, which leads to a longer service life. A split bearing works well for applications that are difficult to access, such as electric motors.