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Rodamiento de ruedatrasera

We are qualified to many Aerospace Prime specifications and were recently awarded Lockheed Martin’s Supplier of the Year in 2015.

Rodamiento decarro precio

All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Teflon® Is a Registered Trademark of DuPont and used under license by Seal Science Inc.

Many types of reinforcements are available to combine with base materials to add to the durability, friction resistance, endurance, and electronic properties of the base.

Seal Science is a complete engineering and manufacturing resource for the development and supply of a wide range of fabric and rubber seals for aerodynamic aircraft seals. These seals are used on airframes, wings, rudders, doors, windows, and access panels in military, commercial, business, light planes and other airborne crafts such as missiles, ordnance, drones, decoys and satellites. Our fabric and rubber seals maintain aerodynamic, electronic wave, vibration and moisture sealing requirements.

Somos distribuidores de grandes marcas de Lambretta, ofreciéndote el mejor servicio para poner en marcha y/o potenciar tu Lambretta.

Seal Science engineers will work closely with you to define the parameters affecting performance, longevity, and compatibility for your application. For collaborative design efforts we use SolidWorks, CATIA, and Abaqus to assist us in model making, rapid prototyping and design. Exotic material formulation and special compositions that include multi-component/odd-shaped configurations result in innovative solutions that solve many problems.