Don’t settle for sub-par parts in your N14. Our products are crafted with state-of-the-art tooling and machining to ensure supreme quality. Plus, they’ve been pressure and vacuum tested for quality assurance. Take your Cummins N14 back to its glory days! There’s no need to stress about the hassle of installation either, because when you buy a 3166388 Cam Follower Roller Pin for a cylinder block from us, the components come ready to install to save you time while also ensuring that specifications are within proper tolerances. Even better, you’ll get support from our ASE-certified technicians who are available to answer any of your questions from purchase to installation.

CumminsN14 cam followergasket replacement

Highway and Heavy Parts is in no way associated, sponsored, or affiliated with any OEM manufacturer. Products from Highway and Heavy Parts presented on this website are not to be confused with any of the products or trademarks of any OEM company. All parts listed to fit these manufacturers' models are replacement aftermarket parts. In no way is it implied that the products listed to fit these manufacturer’s models are original equipment parts, rather they are replacement aftermarket parts and accessories.

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N14 cam followerremoval

We Will Finance Your Repair. Just select Sezzle at checkout. Flexible payment plans for your budget!

New cylinder head parts will prevent the risk of damage and overheating to your engine. We all know in order to get a million miles out of your N14 you need to keep it cool, well lubricated and perform regular maintenance. Let one of these slip and your rig is going to wind up in the shop with you stuck waiting for the repair. We know additional cylinder head parts for your N14 – like a 3166388 Cam Follower Roller Pin, head valves or other parts of a cylinder block – can cost an arm and a leg. That’s where HHP steps in; we offer premium aftermarket parts for the cylinder head assembly at a much lower price than the OE.