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- The depression of freezing point (ÎTf) is given by the formula: ÎTf=Kfâ m where: - ÎTf = depression of freezing point - Kf = cryoscopic constant - m = molality
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5. Calculating the Units for Kf: - Similarly, substituting the units into the equation for Kf: Unit of Kf=Kmol/kg=K kg molâ1
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6. Conclusion: - Therefore, both the cryoscopic constant (Kf) and the ebullioscopic constant (Kb) have the same units: Units of Kf and Kb=K kg molâ1
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2. Rearranging the Formulas: - From the elevation of boiling point formula, we can express Kb: Kb=ÎTbm - From the depression of freezing point formula, we can express Kf: Kf=ÎTfm
3. Identifying the Units: - The unit of temperature (ÎTb or ÎTf) is Kelvin (K). - The unit of molality (m) is moles per kilogram (mol/kg).
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To determine the units of the cryoscopic constant (Kf) and the ebullioscopic constant (Kb), we can analyze the formulas associated with the colligative properties of solutions: the depression of freezing point and the elevation of boiling point.
1. Understanding the Formulas: - The elevation of boiling point (ÎTb) is given by the formula: ÎTb=Kbâ m where: - ÎTb = elevation of boiling point - Kb = ebullioscopic constant - m = molality (moles of solute per kg of solvent)
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