
May 28, 2024 — A bad wheel bearing can show up through a variety of symptoms, each hinting at underlying issues that need immediate attention.

If you want to know how to check for a bad wheel bearing, place your car on a jack stand, grip your hands on the 6 and 12 o’clock positions of the tire, and then spin the wheel to see if it wiggles. It’s also a great way to learn how to tell which wheel bearing is bad.


At Precision Spindle & Accessories, we build, replace, service, repair, rebuild, regrind, refurbish, recondition, remanufacture and retrofit machine tool ...

The single row ball roller bearing BXRE from Schaeffler Group. Industrial represents a completely new generation of rolling bearings.


A wheel bearing is a set of steel balls held together in a metal ring called a race. The race is located inside the hub, and each wheel has one. At the center of the wheel is a hollow piece of metal called a hub. The wheel bearings fit tightly inside this hub and ride on a metal axle shaft, helping reduce friction when the wheel spins.

Keep in mind that wheel bearings are not the same as engine bearings, as there is no constant source of lubrication for wheel bearings. This means they must be tight enough to keep water and road dust out. They also support the entire vehicle weight while driving, so they endure abuse from rough roads and potholes, as well as lateral forces when turning.

Jul 9, 2019 — $435 each assembly!!! I'd think changing out the bearing and hub would be cheaper, considering removing the knuckle costs the same in both cases ...

6202 bearingdimensions in inches

Description. KM metric lock nuts retained with a lock washer are used to locate bearings onto a shaft. Additionally, they can be used to mount bearings with a ...

Most people are aware of the need for general car maintenance. It’s essential to take care of the basics, like regular oil changes and checking battery terminals for corrosion. But, getting an alignment is just as important. Many think it’s simply a minor irritation when your alignment starts to get off. The truth […]

Tire balancing is an important component of your routine automotive maintenance schedule. Like changing the oil, balancing the tires is something that vehicle owners are encouraged to do several times throughout the course of the year. This is also something you’ll want to make sure to have done by automotive service professionals. There are […]

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20131031 — Grinding noise determined to be driver rear wheel bearing. 226,000 miles, and just now goes bad. Fine design by Ford engineers! It was only a ...

You already know your car cannot function safely without sturdy and properly fit wheels. A wheel is complex, and several components must be integrated for it to function safely—including the bearings.

While most estimates suggest wheel bearings should last between 75,000 and 150,000 miles, the actual lifespan depends on:


The amount of miles your vehicle can endure will depend on how extensive the damage is and the conditions on the road. If you’re concerned about replacement costs, note that the average estimate for a replacement is about $350 for each bearing.



The best advice is to head to your nearest auto shop that offers wheel repair and replacement services. If you’re on the road, slow down steadily and avoid turning rapidly. If you drive long distances on a bad wheel bearing, you’ll eventually lose control of the vehicle, and the wheel will stop suddenly.

Shop our inventory of wheel hubs and bearings for sale at AutoShack! We have wheel bearing parts from complete assemblies to individual mounts.

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Should you invest the time and money required to have your vehicle’s suspension lowered? It’s a question that many drivers never even think about. Before you make the decision to proceed with lowering your vehicle’s suspension, consider the options and understand the pros and cons that a lowered suspension entails. Why Get a […]

If you notice signs of a bad wheel bearing, visit your nearest Meineke location. Once you bring your vehicle to us, we’ll perform a thorough diagnosis to honestly determine if a replacement is necessary.

6202 bearingDimensions in mm

The average cost to replace the wheel bearings (for 1 wheel) is about $350 (including parts and labor). But KBB.com goes deeper than that.

If you’re driving on the highway and a wheel breaks off, it’s because a wheel bearing failed. What are the signs of a bad wheel bearing, and what can you do about it? Here, we explore wheel bearings, including what they are, how they work, and how to tell if they’re about to fall off.

... by. Most Popular. Pickup & Delivery. Brand. Price. Primary Material. Bearing Product Type. All filters. 10 items in Bearings ...