(a) The examination of applicants for a license shall consist of a written examination that evaluates competency in protecting the health and safety of consumers of the services provided by licensees.

(b) The examination shall include written tests to determine the applicant’s skill in, and knowledge of, the practice of the occupation for which a license is sought and shall include written tests in antisepsis, disinfection, and the use of mechanical apparatus and electricity as applicable to the practice for which the applicant has applied for licensure.

The second course of a three-course calculus-based series of introductory college physics for students in science, engineering, and other curricula who plan to transfer credit to a four-year college or university, or for anyone desiring an understanding of physics principles. Covers topics such as universal gravitation, rotational mechanics and dynamics, static equilibrium, fluid mechanics, simple harmonic motion, waves, superposition of waves, sound, and geometric and wave optics. Includes a laboratory component. Lab exercises clarify physical principles and teach measurement and analysis skills. Recommended: MTH 254 Calculus (taken concurrently) for those students who will take PH 213.