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Fixed routes provide connections to our community’s multimodal transportation network, as well as system wide connections at our four transfer terminals.​ ​ ​

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To purchase your pass on your smartphone, download the Broward County Transit Mobile App​ (available in the Apple App Store and for Android on Google Play​).​

​Express Coach Service provides free commuter park-and-ride locations​ and travels along the major interstate highways to Miami-Dade County on weekdays during morning and afternoon peak travel hours.​​

95 Express Route 109CB Smith Park/Miramar Park & Ride to Downtown MiamiMiramar Park & Ride MapCB Smith Park Park & Ride Map

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Know when your bus is coming! Download the MyRide Broward App​ (available in the Apple App Store​​ and for Android on Google Play ) to learn when the next three buses will arrive at your location!​

The Breeze service has limited stops along the route at major intersections only, on weekdays during morning and afternoon peak travel hours.​

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595 Express Route 114 Amerant Bank Arena (formerly FLA Live Arena)​ to Miami Civic CenterAmerant Bank Arena Park & Ride MapDavie Park & Ride Map