EVA Air - AirNav Radar Flight Tracker - br 35
(vi) If in the application for approval of reconstruction the owner or operator designates the affected source as a reconstructed source and declares that there are no economic or technical limitations to prevent the source from complying with all relevant standards or other requirements, the owner or operator need not submit the information required in paragraphs (d)(3)(iii) through (d)(3)(v) of this section.
(ii) When notifying the owner or operator that his/her application is not complete, the Administrator will specify the information needed to complete the application and provide notice of opportunity for the applicant to present, in writing, within 30 calendar days after he/she is notified of the incomplete application, additional information or arguments to the Administrator to enable further action on the application.
(1) Preconstruction review procedures that a State utilizes for other purposes may also be utilized for purposes of this section if the procedures are substantially equivalent to those specified in this section. The Administrator will approve an application for construction or reconstruction specified in paragraphs (b)(3) and (d) of this section if the owner or operator of a new affected source or reconstructed affected source, who is subject to such requirement meets the following conditions:
(2) The owner or operator must submit to the Administrator the request for approval of construction or reconstruction under this paragraph (f)(2) no later than the application deadline specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section (see also § 63.9(b)(2)). The owner or operator must include in the request information sufficient for the Administrator's determination. The Administrator will evaluate the owner or operator's request in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraph (e) of this section. The Administrator may request additional relevant information after the submittal of a request for approval of construction or reconstruction under this paragraph (f)(2).
(i) An owner or operator who is subject to the requirements of paragraph (b)(3) of this section must submit to the Administrator an application for approval of the construction or reconstruction. The application must be submitted as soon as practicable before actual construction or reconstruction begins. The application for approval of construction or reconstruction may be used to fulfill the initial notification requirements of § 63.9(b)(5). The owner or operator may submit the application for approval well in advance of the date actual construction or reconstruction begins in order to ensure a timely review by the Administrator and that the planned date to begin will not be delayed.
(iii) Reconstruct a major source such that the source becomes an affected source that is major-emitting and subject to the standard.
(D) Any economic or technical limitations on compliance with relevant standards that are inherent in the proposed replacements.
(ii) Notice of opportunity for the applicant to present, in writing, within 30 calendar days after he/she is notified of the intended denial, additional information or arguments to the Administrator to enable further action on the application.
(i) Relieve an owner or operator of legal responsibility for compliance with any applicable provisions of this part or with any other applicable Federal, State, or local requirement; or
(5) Neither the submission of an application for approval nor the Administrator's approval of construction or reconstruction shall—
(H) The type and quantity of hazardous air pollutants emitted by the source, reported in units and averaging times and in accordance with the test methods specified in the relevant standard, or if actual emissions data are not yet available, an estimate of the type and quantity of hazardous air pollutants expected to be emitted by the source reported in units and averaging times specified in the relevant standard. The owner or operator may submit percent reduction information if a relevant standard is established in terms of percent reduction. However, operating parameters, such as flow rate, shall be included in the submission to the extent that they demonstrate performance and compliance; and
(i) The owner or operator of the new affected source or reconstructed affected source has undergone a preconstruction review and approval process in the State in which the source is (or would be) located and has received a federally enforceable construction permit that contains a finding that the source will meet the relevant promulgated emission standard, if the source is properly built and operated.
(d) Application for approval of construction or reconstruction. The provisions of this paragraph implement section 112(i)(1) of the Act.
(1) A new affected source for which construction commences after proposal of a relevant standard is subject to relevant standards for new affected sources, including compliance dates. An affected source for which reconstruction commences after proposal of a relevant standard is subject to relevant standards for new sources, including compliance dates, irrespective of any change in emissions of hazardous air pollutants from that source.
(4) Additional information. The Administrator may request additional relevant information after the submittal of an application for approval of construction or reconstruction.
(ii) A description of present and proposed emission control systems (i.e., equipment or methods). The description of the equipment to be used for the control of emissions shall include each control device for each hazardous air pollutant and the estimated control efficiency (percent) for each control device. The description of the method to be used for the control of emissions shall include an estimated control efficiency (percent) for that method. Such technical information shall include calculations of emission estimates in sufficient detail to permit assessment of the validity of the calculations;
(A) The fixed capital cost of the replacements in comparison to the fixed capital cost that would be required to construct a comparable entirely new source;
(1) This section implements the preconstruction review requirements of section 112(i)(1). After the effective date of a relevant standard, promulgated pursuant to section 112(d), (f), or (h) of the Act, under this part, the preconstruction review requirements in this section apply to the owner or operator of new affected sources and reconstructed affected sources that are major-emitting as specified in this section. New and reconstructed affected sources that commence construction or reconstruction before the effective date of a relevant standard are not subject to the preconstruction review requirements specified in paragraphs (b)(3), (d), and (e) of this section.
(3) After the effective date of any relevant standard promulgated by the Administrator under this part, no person may, without obtaining written approval in advance from the Administrator in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, do any of the following:
(ii) A separate application shall be submitted for each construction or reconstruction. Each application for approval of construction or reconstruction shall include at a minimum:
(ii) In addition, in the case of reconstruction, the Administrator's determination under this paragraph will be based on:
(iii) An owner or operator who submits estimates or preliminary information in place of the actual emissions data and analysis required in paragraphs (d)(1)(ii)(H) and (d)(2) of this section shall submit the actual, measured emissions data and other correct information as soon as available but no later than with the notification of compliance status required in § 63.9(h) (see § 63.9(h)(5)).
(v) A discussion of any economic or technical limitations the source may have in complying with relevant standards or other requirements after the proposed replacements. The discussion shall be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate to the Administrator's satisfaction that the technical or economic limitations affect the source's ability to comply with the relevant standard and how they do so.
(B) A notification of intention to construct a new major affected source or make any physical or operational change to a major affected source that may meet or has been determined to meet the criteria for a reconstruction, as defined in § 63.2 or in the relevant standard;
(2) This section includes notification requirements for new affected sources and reconstructed affected sources that are not major-emitting affected sources and that are or become subject to a relevant promulgated emission standard after the effective date of a relevant standard promulgated under this part.
(3) Application for approval of reconstruction. Each application for approval of reconstruction shall include, in addition to the information required in paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section—
(4) After the effective date of any relevant standard promulgated by the Administrator under this part, an owner or operator who constructs a new affected source that is not major-emitting or reconstructs an affected source that is not major-emitting that is subject to such standard, or reconstructs a source such that the source becomes an affected source subject to the standard, must notify the Administrator of the intended construction or reconstruction. The notification must be submitted in accordance with the procedures in § 63.9(b).
(4) A final determination to deny any application for approval will be in writing and will specify the grounds on which the denial is based. The final determination will be made within 60 calendar days of presentation of additional information or arguments (if the application is complete), or within 60 calendar days after the final date specified for presentation if no presentation is made.
(2) Application for approval of construction. Each application for approval of construction must include, in addition to the information required in paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, technical information describing the proposed nature, size, design, operating design capacity, and method of operation of the source, including an identification of each type of emission point for each type of hazardous air pollutant that is emitted (or could reasonably be anticipated to be emitted) and a description of the planned air pollution control system (equipment or method) for each emission point. The description of the equipment to be used for the control of emissions must include each control device for each hazardous air pollutant and the estimated control efficiency (percent) for each control device. The description of the method to be used for the control of emissions must include an estimated control efficiency (percent) for that method. Such technical information must include calculations of emission estimates in sufficient detail to permit assessment of the validity of the calculations.
(6) After the effective date of any relevant standard promulgated by the Administrator under this part, equipment added (or a process change) to an affected source that is within the scope of the definition of affected source under the relevant standard must be considered part of the affected source and subject to all provisions of the relevant standard established for that affected source.
(e) Approval of construction or reconstruction. (1)(i) If the Administrator determines that, if properly constructed, or reconstructed, and operated, a new or existing source for which an application under paragraph (d) of this section was submitted will not cause emissions in violation of the relevant standard(s) and any other federally enforceable requirements, the Administrator will approve the construction or reconstruction.
(i) The Administrator will notify the owner or operator in writing of approval or intention to deny approval of construction or reconstruction within 60 calendar days after receipt of sufficient information to evaluate an application submitted under paragraph (d) of this section. The 60-day approval or denial period will begin after the owner or operator has been notified in writing that his/her application is complete. The Administrator will notify the owner or operator in writing of the status of his/her application, that is, whether the application contains sufficient information to make a determination, within 30 calendar days after receipt of the original application and within 30 calendar days after receipt of any supplementary information that is submitted.
(3) Before denying any application for approval of construction or reconstruction, the Administrator will notify the applicant of the Administrator's intention to issue the denial together with—
(ii) Provide a statement from the State or other evidence (such as State regulations) that it considered the factors specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.