
We inspire students to practice good global citizenship while strengthening their own communities. You can invest in our future leaders.

Fully synthetic oil specially formulated for the latest generation Ford Diesel engines requiring the Ford 950-A specification.

“Marrying the two technologies together can be really valuable because you can see exactly where a particular group of cells is important,”

The closeness of Dartmouth’s academic community and the proximity of its resources have a way of bringing individual students together with the scholar or researcher who can ignite an unquenchable curiosity.

“If you’re in space for a long time, bone and muscle loss are significant problems. Right now, there’s not a really good way to track that,”

“My research touches multiple fields, including computer vision, computer graphics, optics, signal, and image processing.”

I think it’s long overdue. I was struck by how football is the only sport that didn’t have access to a postseason playoff.

At Dartmouth, we’re strengthening a culture in which community members engage in respectful discussion across differences.



Over 40 departments and programs constitute Dartmouth’s liberal arts core, which promotes critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration among our students. The liberal arts imperative informs every field of study and crosses departments, programs, and schools. Our students learn to ask bigger questions and apply more perspectives to the answers. They gain a deeper understanding of humanity and a broader view of what’s at stake for societies and throughout the world.

“We use AI and data captured through smartphones and wearable sensors to try to predict the severity and course of mental health.”